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03 April 2020 21:10:36


This is a good point and I noticed it today.  We have  a network of farm tracks   designated  as bridleways and  a lot of sunken lane footpaths.  I've had to "reverse ferret"  a considerable distance  to maintain 2M spacing over the last few days.  I intend to choose less popular times for my perambulations and choose  different routes. 


Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Ive been going out running most nights at 9pm in the village. Not a soul going about the majority of the time. The local service bus is there like clockwork but I haven’t seen anyone get on it for two weeks.

03 April 2020 21:11:32
They're bored in the Highlands. 

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
03 April 2020 21:15:54

The ugliness continues

Coronavirus: US 'wants 3M to end mask exports to Canada and Latin America'

Originally Posted by: RobN 


It's only to be  expected that Nationalism  comes to the fore in such circumstances. 

As a politician  with an eye   to getting re-elected you are never going to be "OK" with a national company   shipping out materials from  your  own country while   your own people are literally dying for the supplies.

I think this will augment the  existing  move towards world wide protectionism.





Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
03 April 2020 21:18:14


Ive been going out running most nights at 9pm in the village. Not a soul going about the majority of the time. The local service bus is there like clockwork but I haven’t seen anyone get on it for two weeks.

Originally Posted by: bowser 


Same here - it's like an odd ghost service - the bus stops , waits and then takes  off without anyone getting on or off.  I guess  its a subsidised service that has been paid for so is duty bound to continue running !

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
03 April 2020 21:20:42



That's a very good point.  It has to be the % of infected that die is a lot, lot lower than the % of hospital admissions  that die.  Those that rock up at hospital are already in serious trouble.  By contrast,  it has probably already ripped through the school age population with very little in the way of serious symptoms -  with the odd heart rending exception !



Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

I remember reading (the BBC i think it was) some expert at one of these places that are always dishing out the stats estimating that up to 5% of the population of London and 3% of UK population will have already been infected. This was over a week ago.

5% is 1/20 people 

3% is roughly 1/33 people :O

Gavin D
03 April 2020 21:25:13
Spain's 24 hour update

7,134 new cases and 850 new deaths

That's better than yesterday's 24hr period

New cases down 813

New deaths down 111

New cases are down 1,061 in 48 hours
Phil G
03 April 2020 21:38:51
Anyone heard anything about Chris Witty as he went down with it the same time as the PM.
David M Porter
03 April 2020 21:44:13


If I remember rightly there  was a  lot of talk about herd immunity doing the rounds at that time i.e they wanted the thing to take off at a certain level to prevent "a second peak".  Haven't heard  herd immunity mentioned in the Govt daily briefings for a while now

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Hi Chris

IIRC, herd immunity was being spoken about by some people in government circles as recently as mid-March, just before the first of the restrictions began to come in. Too little, too late if you ask me.

I know that it is only a few months since we had a general election and the next one won't be due until 2024 or thenabouts. That said, and without in any way trying to be party-political, I wonder whether in the long run, this current health and economic crisis could do for this government what the 2008/09 financial crash and susbsequent recession did for the Gordon Brown government and the ERM fiasco in September 1992 did for the administration led by John Major. The one connection between the present government and the Major administration is that both faced a major crisis only a few months after winning an election, although the one John Major had to deal with was nowhere near as seismic.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Rob K
03 April 2020 21:44:26

I've posted this before on here, elsewhere and even emailed some epidemiologist professors but I am still amazed that it generates little interest. I am talking about the extended dry continuous hacking cough that I had a the end of December that lasted three weeks accompanied by a short fever. Almost everybody round here had it and judging by what I keep reading on social media so did thousands if not millions of others from November onwards. Some even said they were hospitalised. I've never had  bronchitis or any other respiratory disease. People keep enmphasising no cold or flu symptoms. It crops up on every social media thread when Covid -19 Symptoms table is displayed.

Surely this should be subject of some research to eliminate it or otherwise. It was a massive event after all, before we had even heard of Corona virus.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I think it’s probably a social media myth. People get nasty coughs every winter. They’ve just put two and two together and got 19.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
03 April 2020 21:49:19


If I remember rightly there  was a  lot of talk about herd immunity doing the rounds at that time i.e they wanted the thing to take off at a certain level to prevent "a second peak".  Haven't heard  herd immunity mentioned in the Govt daily briefings for a while now

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Havent heard anything about it myself for a while but a government advisor has been briefing The Times about it today.

Idea floated of getting people to catch it in the least lethal way possible sounds good if everyone can catch it and have either very mild, or no, symptoms. The key is in finding such a way though.

Rob K
03 April 2020 22:13:34

If you are relatively young, healthy, live near a supermarket and are not self-isolating then shouldn't you do your bit by going to said supermarket to get your groceries and leave the more vulnerable a better chance of getting a home delivery, at least until the system is able to cope with more people ordering home deliveries? With most supermarkets allowing fewer people in at a time, queues nicely spaced out, etc, i think the chances of catching anything at the supermarket are pretty low.

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Yes, that is exactly what Tesco emailed its Clubcard holders to ask them to do. Go to the shops if they can, leaving delivery slots for those who need them. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Rob K
03 April 2020 22:18:06


I'm with you Mark and with the weather forecast set fair and warmish in the coming week , its going to be tough , a harder lockdown is needed IMO

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

No evidence of that around here. The place is like a ghost town. I am continuing to go out for a spin on my bike in the mornings and I see maybe a dozen people in 45 mins: joggers, dog walkers and the occasional cyclist, all of whom are easy to give a wide berth to. 

And yet still the local FB group is full of moaners saying they went out in the car (for valid reasons of course) and saw lots of other people in their cars (for silly inconsequential reasons, natch). 

This lockdown seems to be a licence for busybodies. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
04 April 2020 05:28:22

I think it’s probably a social media myth. People get nasty coughs every winter. They’ve just put two and two together and got 19.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

I'd agree with this - as others have said, if Covid-19 was widespread around Christmas time the hospitals would have been full weeks ago.

People seem to forget that just because Covid-19 is around, regular flu and colds, chest infections etc haven't disappeared!

Leysdown, north Kent
04 April 2020 05:38:36


It's all academic anyway and the supermarkets probably know best, but adding many more drivers and vans should be feasible in a month or so esp if there is help from the govt.  It's not rocket science as you say. 


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

From where though?

That's baffling 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Whether Idle
04 April 2020 05:39:22


I'd agree with this - as others have said, if Covid-19 was widespread around Christmas time the hospitals would have been full weeks ago.

People seem to forget that just because Covid-19 is around, regular flu and colds, chest infections etc haven't disappeared!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Agreed! Hoping or deducing that you had COVID-19 back in December or January is  a 'virus' we are well versed in as some-time model watchers - wishful thinking.  Common cold and flu viruses have not gone away.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
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