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Gandalf The White
05 April 2020 21:23:10


If it's that serious, he is in no position to take major decisions or impose his will on a squabbling cabinet, despite various idiot Tories saying he's totally on top of things. If Coronavirus  is anything like flu, it knocks you sideways. Time for delegation if ever there was, and no discredit to admit it.

I know the press release says it's not an emergency but I regret I'm suspicious that this is an attempt to play the news down. Will other  governments believe it?

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Continuing to try to work whilst suffering from it will definitely not have helped. You need to be resting and allowing your body to fight the infection.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Justin W
05 April 2020 21:24:59

Really not good news about the PM. I hope for the best but I now fear the worst.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Gandalf The White
05 April 2020 21:25:46

Interesting if that's the word that the virus started in the East, but its probably the more western of countries furthest away that are being worst hit.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I don't trust the data coming from China so I don't think we really know whether 'the West' is being hit harder. It's much too soon to draw any conclusions, IMO.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

David M Porter
05 April 2020 21:27:26


Continuing to try to work whilst suffering from it will definitely not have helped. You need to be resting and allowing your body to fight the infection.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

My own view is that Boris would have been well advised to have stepped aside from his duties as PM as soon as he received confirmation that he had the virus.; I reckon that is what I would have done had I been in that position. I don't think the current cabinet has a designated Deputy Prime Minister but I imagine that they will have someone on standby ready to assume control if the PM is not able to; don't know who that is though.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
05 April 2020 21:28:20


Steady on,  no-one resigns these days, they wait to be sacked and negotiate a good severance package.

Originally Posted by: RobN 

I would normally agree but Calderwood has resigned apparently.


05 April 2020 21:31:31


My own view is that Boris would have been well advised to have stepped aside from his duties as PM as soon as he received confirmation that he had the virus.; I reckon that is what I would have done had I been in that position. I don't think the current cabinet has a designated Deputy Prime Minister but I imagine that they will have someone on standby ready to assume control if the PM is not able to; don't know who that is though.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

There is a designated First Minister of State who will take over if the PM is incapacitated. That's Dominic Raab! 

David M Porter
05 April 2020 21:33:56


There is a designated First Minister of State who will take over if the PM is incapacitated. That's Dominic Raab! 

Originally Posted by: haggishunter 

Thanks HH.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
David M Porter
05 April 2020 21:36:01


I would normally agree but Calderwood has resigned apparently.


Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Not surprised at all tbh. Don't like to see anyone have to leave their job but after twice breaking one of the rules that she herself helped to put in place as CMO for Scotland, her position was untenable. 


Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
05 April 2020 21:45:26


Not surprised at all tbh. Don't like to see anyone have to leave their job but after twice breaking one of the rules that she herself helped to put in place as CMO for Scotland, her position was untenable. 


Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Apparently she tendered her resignation earlier today, it was not accepted at that time and she was pushed out to do the press conference. Imagine she was wanting a trap door to open under her podium! 

Gavin D
05 April 2020 21:53:09

5,478 new cases and 694 new deaths

3rd day in a row new cases and deaths have fallen
05 April 2020 22:02:17
My brother in the States, has had the virus badly, not as badly as those many who have lost the ultimate battle. He had a fever of between 102 - 104 for 14 days...along with a continuing dreadful cough and total loss of smell, taste and nausea. In our various WhatsApp conversations on slightly better days, he tried to put into words how unbelievably awful he has felt... it is hard to see how Boris could effectively be running the country whilst battling this terrible virus...Of course I wish him well...but from what little I have gleaned about the illness, for those who get it badly, there is no quick bouncing back to full health...a long bumpy road to travel...surely Boris should be stepping down even if just of a month or so....and I say that knowing it would mean Raab as our stand in PM!
Phil G
05 April 2020 22:07:05
Bet the papers have had to rush and change their front page headline for tomorrow's editions. We knew he wasn't well, but the timing of his admission to hospital sure took the country by surprise.
David M Porter
05 April 2020 22:21:58

Bet the papers have had to rush and change their front page headline for tomorrow's editions. We knew he wasn't well, but the timing of his admission to hospital sure took the country by surprise.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I can only assume that the PM's condition has got worse since he issued his video update on Friday. As others have said, he sure didn't look that great a couple of days ago and looked to me to be some way from getting over it.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Lionel Hutz
05 April 2020 22:45:00
Apparently there now rumours that Boris is on ventilator support.
Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

05 April 2020 22:47:22

Apparently there now rumours that Boris is on ventilator support.

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

That brings him down to 50:50 odds on not dying.

Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
Gavin D
05 April 2020 22:47:30
Only the USA have reported more new cases than the UK today
John p
05 April 2020 22:47:38

Apparently there now rumours that Boris is on ventilator support.

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

These rumours seem to come from Russia though...

Camberley, Surrey
05 April 2020 22:49:03

Reports from the New York Times that a tiger has tested positive for coronavirus and other lions and tigers are showing signs of respiratory illness.

Edit: BBC now too



Has anyone heard any info about Chris Whitty? He got ill at about the same time as Johnson? Didn't Dominic Cummings also test positive a few days later?

Gavin D
05 April 2020 22:49:21

Apparently there now rumours that Boris is on ventilator support.

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

Would that be the rumours that started in Russia then were picked up by Australian and Slovenian press?

05 April 2020 22:52:27

I wouldn't dismiss reports BJ being on non invasive ventilator support.

At least it will be mild!
Rob K
05 April 2020 23:05:35
An interesting article. I don’t suffer from anxiety or depression, as far as I know, but I do have the same feeling of a great weight having been lifted in recent weeks. The ability to focus on the small bubble around me and my family instead of the constant daily grind. I’ve also stopped following the news and the daily statistics because frankly I can’t do anything about it so why bother? 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Lionel Hutz
05 April 2020 23:11:20


These rumours seem to come from Russia though...

Originally Posted by: John p 

Yes, you're right and there may be absolutely no substance to them. That said, he's had the virus for 10 days and he's been admitted to hospital, so even if untrue or unsubstantiated, they're not implausible. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Phil G
05 April 2020 23:14:30


Yes, you're right and there may be absolutely no substance to them. That said, he's had the virus for 10 days and he's been admitted to hospital, so even if untrue or unsubstantiated, they're not implausible. 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

Being admitted on a Sunday night at 9pm in a hospital where you would not go anywhere near at the moment unless you are in desperate trouble?

Gavin D
05 April 2020 23:23:44


Being admitted on a Sunday night at 9pm in a hospital where you would not go anywhere near at the moment unless you are in desperate trouble?

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Boris was admitted early in the evening it was only announced shortly after 9pm

The BBCs Huw Edwards has also had Covid and was in hospital with pneumonia.

He's made a full recovery and will be back at the beeb this week

Lionel Hutz
05 April 2020 23:24:03


Being admitted on a Sunday night at 9pm in a hospital where you would not go anywhere near at the moment unless you are in desperate trouble.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Yes, I assume that a hospital admission is the last thing that his advisers would have wanted so it must be necessary. I think that Q called it well earlier when he said that Boris was in the category of 20% of people who suffer severe consequences. Q said that he had a 3/4 chance of survival. Unfortunately, I suspect that it's as bad as that for Boris. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

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