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The Beast from the East
08 April 2020 08:16:07

Coronavirus: 'Keep cats indoors', vets recommend


Veterinary scientists have recommended cat owners keep their pets indoors to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

This could be a potentially serious issue as many western cultures would not allow a cull 

I hate Cats and would be happy to see them wiped out as they kill birds in my garden. Yes, they kill mice but the Foxes can do that job

Cats are selfish and nasty creatures


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
08 April 2020 08:17:24


Yes, unless you have access to a (forwards) time machine, I can't see how anyone could be sure that immunity only lasts a few months.


Originally Posted by: Retron 

We don't know. If this can mutate as easily a cold then it could be a problem but any mutation will likely be to a weaker form


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
08 April 2020 08:21:47

The suggestion that immunity is only for a few months is (and I will be polite) premature. The evidence will not be available to support such an assertion, unless I am missing something.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

My understanding, and I might be wrong on this, is that short duration of immunity and the low likelihood of an effective vaccine were due to the mutation rate of the virus? Do we know the mutation rate?

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
The Beast from the East
08 April 2020 08:22:25

More rumours on twitter that King Boris is out of ICU and being released later

Now that he is immune, he will be keen to end the lockdown and get back to doing the things he likes such as fine dining and bonking interns



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gandalf The White
08 April 2020 08:22:41

On the topic of obesity, on the BBC News last night, it was revealed that 73% of those in ICU for this virus have a BMI of 25 or greater.

Also, some of us have criticised the WHO from the outset - I stated months ago that "the WHO has been behind the curve" and I maintain that was the case, despite being shouted down by some. On this topic I agree with Trump:

"During a press conference on Tuesday, Mr Trump said he was reluctant to discuss further but the US might be on track for fewer deaths than projected. 


During the briefing, he also attacked the World Health Organization (WHO), saying it had issued bad advice and had been too focused on China.

"The WHO really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric," he said.

He also said the US would be withholding money meant for the WHO."

The exemplar and example from the outset was Taiwan, but because of China it is shunned and ignored by the WHO.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

You weren't 'shouted down' whilst you pursued your misplaced crusade against the WHO; you were politely told you were wrong. You are still wrong and quoting Donald Trump is the surest way to undermine your position.

Try reading the Guardian piece for which Joe provided a link, or my summary: China was the source of Covid-19 and inevitably and logically the only source of information in January was China. They chose to downplay the virus and painted a misleading picture to the WHO; whether it was wilful or due to incompetence is an open question.

So, to emphasise, I'm not 'shouting you down' but simply reasserting why you are still 100% wrong.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

08 April 2020 08:22:57

And the beautiful weather continues  ... hope you are all still safe.

Some curious contrasts between areas on the south coast for confrimed cases per head of population:in round terms 1/3000  for Dorset, Bournemouth, W Sussex & Brighton, but Hampshire and Southampton, geographically separating these areas, at 1 in 1400. Portsmouth intermediate at 1 in 2000.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

 I thought the high cases in Hampshire were from the Basingstoke area as my daughter a Midwife says they refer to it as a dirty area and is not keen to be deployed there if needed. It is similiar in S. Wilts right on the Hampshire border with so far only a trickle of cases at Salisbury so far although they are ready with Covid wards.

08 April 2020 08:26:11


Yes, unless you have access to a (forwards) time machine, I can't see how anyone could be sure that immunity only lasts a few months.


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Absolutely yet i keep hearing of this lack of immunity after contracting Covid -19 . The timescale is too short and there are 8 strains of this virus to complicate things to draw any realistic conclusion.

08 April 2020 08:30:46

I know we read stories like this one every day from country x, y or z but this seems to have some credibility. Key takeouts:

1) Blood based (rather than saliva) antibody testing has started locally in Italy

2) Immunity is thought to last months rather than years 

Italy puts faith in coronavirus antibody test to get country back to work

Two Italian regions are testing doctors and nurses for coronavirus antibodies in an effort to build up an army of medical staff with immunity to work in the most infected isolation wards.

The plan for “immunity licences” in the regions of Veneto and Emilia-Romagna in the north was announced as the government plans a national roll-out of antibody testing to get people back to work.

“We got up the courage to go first because this is so important,” said Mario Plebani, of the University of Padua, who is managing testing in Veneto

While saliva can be tested to see if a subject has the virus, blood testing can discover if someone has had it and has developed antibodies to stop it returning. Rome sees immunity testing as key to getting workers back to essential industries, possibly on Tuesday.


Rather than using portable kits that are said to lack accuracy, Veneto is taking blood samples to a laboratory for testing. “We are still experimenting,” he said. “Since we know that many doctors have been infected, if this test shows they have no antibodies we will know it’s not accurate.”

The blood test identifies two types of antibody, one which reveals contact with the virus and a second showing if the body has built a defence against it. “Our tests show the second appears 12 days after the first symptoms and remains strong for 35 days. After that we don’t know,” Professor Plebani said.


In Emilia-Romagna, the authorities started testing doctors and nurses and care home staff for antibodies on Monday and plan to check up to 100,000 in 15 days. “We tested it in one town and it works,” a spokesman said.


The government is “within hours” of selecting the kit it wants to use for nationwide testing, but is being more “prudent” than the regional governors who have jumped first, said Walter Ricciardi, a member of the World Health Organisation’s executive board who is advising Italy. “We are studying this carefully so we don’t pick a set-up which gives false results,” he said. “We now think one does acquire immunity after getting the virus, but not permanently. We are probably talking about months rather than years.”



Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

 he blood test identifies two types of antibody, one which reveals contact with the virus and a second showing if the body has built a defence against it. “Our tests show the second appears 12 days after the first symptoms and remains strong for 35 days. After that we don’t know,” Professor Plebani said.

 I think the words "we dont know" are important . 35 days is probably as far as they have got.

Brian Gaze
08 April 2020 08:30:51

This from the science editor of The Times is poor IMO. Classic common cold symptoms include a runny nose and cough which progressively becomes wetter. To the best of my knowledge this is NOT typical of how the corona virus progresses.


Next fortnight is crucial to Boris Johnson’s chances of survival

We understand enough about the virus’s trajectory to know that most people who get over it easily do so in the first week in which their symptoms appear. As Mr Johnson compared notes with Mr Hancock, who was diagnosed on the same day, they would have not, initially, felt that dissimilar. Inside their bodies — most likely confined largely to their noses and throats — the coronavirus was reproducing, multiplying, and recreating the symptoms of a bad cold.

If he can battle that and come out the other side then, on average, we would expect to see Mr Johnson give a wave — albeit a feeble one — from the steps of St Thomas’ about 18 days after symptoms began, the weekend after next.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Northern Sky
08 April 2020 08:33:16


This could be a potentially serious issue as many western cultures would not allow a cull 

I hate Cats and would be happy to see them wiped out as they kill birds in my garden. Yes, they kill mice but the Foxes can do that job

Cats are selfish and nasty creatures


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

We always had dogs when I was growing up and I used to think the same as you about cats - until we got one. They are all different but like most animals their behaviour is very much determined by how they are treated. One of my cats is quite aloof but she is very gentle, the other is a big soppy tom cat who (when not asleep) follows me about all day.

Part of my garden has cat netting up so my cats can't escape. They can go outside but not beyond the garden, which doesn't seem to bother them at all.

David M Porter
08 April 2020 08:40:09


We always had dogs when I was growing up and I used to think the same as you about cats - until we got one. They are all different but like most animals their behaviour is very much determined by how they are treated. One of my cats is quite aloof but she is very gentle, the other is a big soppy tom cat who (when not asleep) follows me about all day.

Part of my garden has cat netting up so my cats can't escape. They can go outside but not beyond the garden, which doesn't seem to bother them at all.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Sounds a good thing to have to keep your cats as safe as possible while outside, NS. It should help to keep them safe from the dangers posed by road traffic as much as anything (I don't know if you live beside a main road or a fairly quiet residential area).

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Justin W
08 April 2020 08:40:29

I loathe cats. Used to like them but once we got a dog, that was it. I was converted and I now see them for what they are: bird murdering, sh1t machines that dig up our vegetable garden to dump their foul excreta.

We have a cat. It whines constantly to be let in, scraping on the french doors in the extension and making them filthy. When you let it in, within five minutes it is whining to be let out.

I would happily shoot the thing but my wife would probably get upset.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Brian Gaze
08 April 2020 08:41:06

According to The Times the government is seriously looking at reopening schools immediately after the Easter Holiday. On the other hand I've just seen the comments from Sadiq Khan. The government will presumably need to make a statement very soon and at the very least say they the lockdown remains in place and unchanged for the whole of next week.  

The UK is nowhere near ready to lift the lockdown measures it put in place to tackle the spread of Covid-19, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan has said.

Prime minister Boris Johnson, who is currently in intensive care after his coronavirus symptoms worsened, imposed the measures on March 23, saying that they would be reviewed after three weeks.

With the date approaching, Khan told the BBC on Wednesday: “I think we are nowhere near lifting the lockdown.

“We think the peak, which is the worst part of the virus, is still probably a week and a half away.”



Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
08 April 2020 08:41:15

Part of my garden has cat netting up so my cats can't escape. They can go outside but not beyond the garden, which doesn't seem to bother them at all.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Thank you for being a responsible cat-owner!

Hopefully cat netting in gardens will become more commonplace; I know a couple of people at work who have cats and also restrict them to their own back garden.


Leysdown, north Kent
08 April 2020 08:45:46

Spain, Greece and the Netherlands will go down the mass testing, contact tracing and isolation route.

The Beast from the East
08 April 2020 08:47:59

Is the strain found in cats the same as the human strain or has it mutated?


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Northern Sky
08 April 2020 08:50:25


Sounds a good thing to have to keep your cats as safe as possible while outside, NS. It should help to keep them safe from the dangers posed by road traffic as much as anything (I don't know if you live beside a main road or a fairly quiet residential area).

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

It's a 20mph zone David but that doesn't stop some idiots and unfortunately our first cat got run over and killed which is why I got the cat netting. Our two are rescue cats and on the rare occasions they've been let out they've panicked and tried to get straight back in!

Anyway not only are they safe from cars, now they are hopefully safe from Covid 19 -  from other cats at least 

The Beast from the East
08 April 2020 08:50:33

According to The Times the government is seriously looking at reopening schools immediately after the Easter Holiday. 



Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Richie Rich, Rabbers, Priti are all libertarians, so is King Boris

Only Handjob wants to keep us locked down forever

Hopefully the libertarians will win the debate and we can open the pubs by the end of the month!

Happy Days!

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
08 April 2020 08:51:05

I loathe cats. Used to like them but once we got a dog, that was it. I was converted and I now see them for what they are: bird murdering, sh1t machines that dig up our vegetable garden to dump their foul excreta.

We have a cat. It whines constantly to be let in, scraping on the french doors in the extension and making them filthy. When you let it in, within five minutes it is whining to be let out.

I would happily shoot the thing but my wife would probably get upset.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I hate to see you on a bad day  

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Justin W
08 April 2020 08:52:49

I hate to see you on a bad day  

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

I merely say what every right-minded individual is thinking

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
John p
08 April 2020 08:53:49

More rumours on twitter that King Boris is out of ICU and being released later



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Do you have a link for that?

Camberley, Surrey
08 April 2020 08:55:46

According to The Times the government is seriously looking at reopening schools immediately after the Easter Holiday. On the other hand I've just seen the comments from Sadiq Khan. The government will presumably need to make a statement very soon and at the very least say they the lockdown remains in place and unchanged for the whole of next week.  

The UK is nowhere near ready to lift the lockdown measures it put in place to tackle the spread of Covid-19, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan has said.

Prime minister Boris Johnson, who is currently in intensive care after his coronavirus symptoms worsened, imposed the measures on March 23, saying that they would be reviewed after three weeks.

With the date approaching, Khan told the BBC on Wednesday: “I think we are nowhere near lifting the lockdown.

“We think the peak, which is the worst part of the virus, is still probably a week and a half away.”



Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Opening schools immediately after Easter would be madness , forget pupils who seem oblivious to the virus , the amount of adults it would expose would be huge - I don't get that at all 


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

08 April 2020 08:56:44

According to The Times the government is seriously looking at reopening schools immediately after the Easter Holiday.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

That won't happen. My school isn't expecting anything to happen before, at the earliest, the May half term.

(And if the government were daft enough to try, they'd find utter chaos would ensue, as there wouldn't be enough staff to run the things properly - and of course everyone would be bricking it, as the likelihood of the kids spreading it would have gone up massively - due to there being more cases around).



Leysdown, north Kent
08 April 2020 08:57:43


I merely say what every right-minded individual is thinking

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I have 2 rescue cats and a rescue GSD and they all co-habit happily. My cats are very well mannered and mostly bury their business in the garden or in the adjoining golf course 

I guess that makes me a wrong-minded individual  

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
08 April 2020 08:58:00

According to The Times the government is seriously looking at reopening schools immediately after the Easter Holiday. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Zero chance.

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