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Phil G
12 April 2020 21:48:34


Which law was that?  Your judgement of essential is different to mine. Maybe you never had a two year old "kid" screaming and crying indoors for hours. That is where the problem lies. We do not want the cure to be worse than the problem. What was the risk?? What if a person who is say a manic depressive and needs to be kept occupied to prevent himself committing suicide  goes to the supermarket to buy a tin of paint to decorate a room - is that wrong? Not if in his mind it is essential.

Now is the time for common sense, tolerance and understanding. Concentrate on the blatant, like your Jewish friends and give people like Rob a break.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Wow, so you are above the law. Not to worry, I know others who are the same, think they are better. In normal times no one would bat an eyelid but these aren't normal times. As regards my jewish friends, they have been very welcome here. But I strongly strongly object as a matter of life and death and condone their behaviour which puts us at a much higher risk. Why should they be allowed to flout the law where we are complying with these life and death rules. Do you have a problem with that?

Joe Bloggs
12 April 2020 21:53:33


Well, obviously not. No major city is lacking in scumbags. But having experience of both, I genuinely feel more uncomfortable in many areas of Manchester (I also think Liverpool 'self-polices' itself better)

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

That genuinely surprises me - I see Manchester as a safe place overall and I never feel uncomfortable (Piccadilly Gardens excepted) . I love Liverpool but find it more threatening on a night out. 

The very rough areas of Greater Manchester and the very rough areas of Merseyside outwith the city centres I’d probably put in a similar category. 

Drifting off topic, but I sincerely hope neither city becomes a virus hot spot. The chances are one, or both, probably will. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

12 April 2020 22:07:43


And your reference above to "backwards religious crap" wasn't offensive? I think you need to look in the mirror more often.

Originally Posted by: RobN 

👍 Well said !!

Phil G
12 April 2020 22:56:12
Very disturbing headlines for tomorrow saying China are taking supplies OFF our planes due to depart to the UK and loading unusable kit which has failed safety standards.
It just gets worse!
Tests also promised by other countries that don't work. Despair!
The Beast from the East
12 April 2020 23:31:25

Watched Bozo on the BBC News.

I'm sort of incredulous - but also totally not - that a right-wing, anti-public services Tory is calling the NHS, which his party has ensured has been underfunded for 10 years so it was criminally underprepared (30 NHS workers dead, largely through a failure to ensure they had sufficient PPE), the 'beating heart of the nation'.

He then, as a key spearhead for a movement that has fostered an aggressive antipathy towards workers from outside of Britain, and seeks to ban workers from the EU having the freedom to move to and work in the UK, praised two immigrant nurses, one of which was from the very EU he has worked to demonise and denigrate with his misanthropic shyster cronies.

Sadly, I'm just a lonely voice, crying "Does nobody else see this? Is it only me????"

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

We can only hope the speech was sincere and not Rasputin's spin

Perhaps he has undergone a Scrooge like damascene conversion into a decent man, but somehow I doubt it

As I said earlier, all we can pray for now is that he has built up enough political capital to firstly extend transition and then push for a soft EEA style Brexit


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
12 April 2020 23:34:51



Manchester and its surrounding towns are riddled with crime. I live between Liverpool & Manchester and work in Manchester, but I find Manchester to have far more scumbags who'd sell their granny for a few quid.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

You have never been to Croydon

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
12 April 2020 23:41:35

Opinium polling shows that 7% of the population think that 5g is reponsible for coronavirus. 


Originally Posted by: JHutch 

The polling company must know they are? 

So we can track them down and euthanise 


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
13 April 2020 00:34:15

Wow, so you are above the law. Not to worry, I know others who are the same, think they are better. In normal times no one would bat an eyelid but these aren't normal times. As regards my jewish friends, they have been very welcome here. But I strongly strongly object as a matter of life and death and condone their behaviour which puts us at a much higher risk. Why should they be allowed to flout the law where we are complying with these life and death rules. Do you have a problem with that?

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

The relevant English legislation is here:

and some legal eagles commentary on it (including some thoughts on reasonable reasons to leave home)

My view would be that driving a screaming toddler around for a short period to get some sleep is reasonable and therefore likely to be legal. I would agree that a gathering of people on a beach is not, assuming they are from different households. I am not a lawyer though so I could be wrong.

(Canada I am having more difficulty working out. As far as I can tell we are "encouraged" to only take essential trips but I don't think it's legally enforceable at this point. It's more complicated to unpick the Federal, provincial and municipal rules).

Personal view based on what I've seen here in Canada and talking to relatives in the UK: compliance with the lockdown has been extremely good. Yes, there are idiots but most people have accepted unprecedented restrictions on their lives with little complaint as they believe it's in the greater good. Libertarian commentators would say that we've been supine and passive - I'd take a different view and say that in the main people have been very civic minded. People have a breaking point of course and I don't think it's realistic to expect this to continue indefinitely.

Finally policing is by consent. If everyone decides to ignore lockdown tomorrow, there is nothing the government in a democracy can do about it. The police are in a tough spot here but IMO if you start stopping frazzled parents from taking a short drive in order to get a night's sleep, you risk losing this consent.

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