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23 April 2020 17:26:53



A version of 'plausible deniability'?

The govt quietly issues edicts to relax enforcement of the lockdown, whilst maintaining a false public facade of upholding it. If/when it goes tits-up and cases/deaths begin to ramp up, they'll deny it's their fault and point to the people disregarding lockdown rules. 

The suckers will believe them.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Wouldn't it only take one or two whistleblowers to bring that house of cards down?

I would say I agree with all comments saying people are out more. I have had to run down the road or stop far more often on my runs to maintain social distancing (for me, 5m+ while running) in the last couple of days

Joe Bloggs
23 April 2020 17:26:55



A version of 'plausible deniability'?

The govt quietly issues edicts to relax enforcement of the lockdown, whilst maintaining a false public facade of upholding it. If/when it goes tits-up and cases/deaths begin to ramp up, they'll deny it's their fault and point to the people disregarding lockdown rules. 

The suckers will believe them.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I have a horrible feeling this could turn out quite accurate. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 17:28:23

You can’t say it’s not true for certain Nick.  You can only say in your opinion it’s not true and you may well be right.  But we can’t possibly know the outcome yet as we’re a long way from the end and we don’t know whether other countries have really beat this.

Originally Posted by: Caz 

What we do know for sure is that at least 41,000 people have died according to the FT analysis posted yesterday.

In NZ, Greece, Vietnam etc - countries that lockdowned very early - have very few deaths and very few cases.

Even if the virus starts to spread when lockdown is eased, far fewer will die in these countries and we are that bit closer to a vaccine or other novel treatments that will reduce deaths like plasma treatment and remdesivir

I know you voted for Boris, and as a result you may feel the need to parrot the official excuses, but the hard reality is that Boris's slow reaction has led to thousands of unnecessary deaths


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
John p
23 April 2020 17:30:25

This is an interesting resource on mobility.

Definitely an uptick on driving and walking.

A quick comparison with other countries reveals a similar pattern. 
I guess people are simply getting “sick of it”. 
That’s about the only thing SAGE were spot on about - that fatigue would set in. 

Camberley, Surrey
The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 17:30:33


Second waves which countries who acted early now will approach in a better economic situation, with more understanding of the virus, better treatments, and a lower number already dead. I've already explained the logic here, and you haven't put forward any argument against it.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
23 April 2020 17:33:06

This is an interesting resource on mobility.

Definitely an uptick on driving and walking.

A quick comparison with other countries reveals a similar pattern. 
I guess people are simply getting “sick of it”. 
That’s about the only thing SAGE were spot on about - that fatigue would set in. 

Originally Posted by: John p 

Very interesting link. Shows the increase is not just a UK phenomenon

23 April 2020 17:34:33


Very interesting link. Shows the increase is not just a UK phenomenon

Originally Posted by: Chidog 

Probably some form of international plausible deniability I would guess?

The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 17:36:59

Interesting that for the Oxford vaccine test to work, there has to be enough cases out in the community for the people vaccinated to encounter. One quote was “we’re racing to catch the end of this wave”.

Could this seemingly organic relaxation of the lockdown be deliberate to give enough cases to allow a decent vaccine test?

Originally Posted by: John p 

Yes, thats what Prof Sarah said to Marr. We need some community spread for these guinea pigs to catch it

But why not just infect them in the lab, like the Monkeys? I assume that's not allowed? The Chinese must be doing it to political prisoners and Urghur Muslims in those camps!


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
23 April 2020 17:42:15

Again this is not a massive surprise IMHO. Finding an existing drug which can be used off label will not be easy unless we get lucky.


Potential coronavirus drug "flops in first trial" - report

An experimental drug that had touted as a potentially effective treatment for coronavirus has flopped in its first comprehensive clinical trial, according to draft results accidentally published online by the World Health Organisation.

According to a report in the Financial Times, which saw the documents, remdesivir failed to improve the condition of patients or reduce the among of the virus in the blood. [source: Guardian]

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
23 April 2020 17:43:42

From New Scientist

Covid-19 latest: Up to half of deaths in Europe were in care homes

Up to half of those who have died from covid-19 in Europe were in care homes, according to Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization (WHO) regional director for Europe. Describing the finding as “deeply concerning”, Kluge said that many care homes may be “providing pathways for the virus to spread” and the problem has been made worse because care home workers are “overstretched, underpaid and unprotected.”

Yesterday, the UK government’s chief medical adviser Chris Witty said it was hard to prevent deaths in care homes “sadly because this is a very vulnerable group.”

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
23 April 2020 17:46:49


Yes in fact I’d go as far as saying it’s BAU here now. We’re *******

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Wouldn't know what things are like here as I have only been out for 2 walks in the last 5 weeks. Not been out for a week.

If reports are true, then what will happen is infections and deaths will start to rocket again, and the lockdown will be brought back even harder, causing even more damage to lives and the economy. As if the last 4 years hadn't shown it clearly enough: we are a country of idiots.

[email protected]
The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 17:46:56


Another day with 4k new cases and its been running between 4-5k since 12th April. It should be going down now. Perhaps this is the level and new infections are due to areas such as supermarkets. If this is the case, it won't be going down unless there are changes here as well. Supermarkets could be the hotspot. In these environments, 2m's may not be enough. Too many not keeping their distance. So many hands on food. So many hands touching payment keypads. All indoors.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Even in Italy and Spain, its still running at around 3K with a much harder and enforced lockdown. As long as people interact with each other there will be some spread. And some interaction is unavoidable such as key workers and food production

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
23 April 2020 17:51:39


Second waves which countries who acted early now will approach in a better economic situation, with more understanding of the virus, better treatments, and a lower number already dead. I've already explained the logic here, and you haven't put forward any argument against it.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

It’s not just about 2nd waves and we have no idea what will/wont happen should any country get one. You may well be right with your opinion but it is just that and it certainly isn’t fact. I also don’t understand why you think those countries who acted earlier in their epidemic would be in a better economic position, have more understanding and have better treatments. All countries are sharing their experiences for all to benefit from.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Polar Low
23 April 2020 17:52:17

Yes same here Wilko has been open from start I was very surprised at that as shop has little food I noted on Monday in Chelmsford many couples were buying for DIY I even heard one guy say I won’t have the opportunity again to get 80% pay and decorate the house.

so my point is left house for that specific reason

Also got the feeling many thought it was handy to be open with one buying rat poison as wholesaler has poison licence.

also paint was nearly completely sold out and bad thing about that was I saw a bloke pick up the tin without thinking and reading it as most naturally  do.

i am also guilty as I bought some unnecessary item which was not essential item to be honest I wish the shop was shut

 I must say shop was very well organised with allowing only a couple in and out procedure and staff cleaning every basket which made me feel a little more comfortable.




I thought DIY shops were allowed to open anyway? 

My local Wickes never closed


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 17:56:03

Again this is not a massive surprise IMHO. Finding an existing drug which can be used off label will not be easy unless we get lucky.


Potential coronavirus drug "flops in first trial" - report

An experimental drug that had touted as a potentially effective treatment for coronavirus has flopped in its first comprehensive clinical trial, according to draft results accidentally published online by the World Health Organisation.

According to a report in the Financial Times, which saw the documents, remdesivir failed to improve the condition of patients or reduce the among of the virus in the blood. [source: Guardian]

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

This is a surprise. I thought other studies had shown it to be helpful


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 17:58:53


Yes it is definitely easing either through design or accident. Whatever the reason it will be very interesting to see what happens to infection rates in a couple of weeks time. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

People are seeing the numbers drop - deaths, infections, hospitalisations

So they think the issue is going away and its safe to go and see Grandma



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Heavy Weather 2013
23 April 2020 18:04:16
The more I sit here and ponder the more worried I become.

Something doesn’t feel right.

I think the obsession with the economy and ‘normal life’ to return to normal is going to bite back hard with worse damage.

It’s funny how we as a planet always take the hard route. The damage in the west was done when we became more interested in celebrity’s and materialist ideals. This will be our downfall.

There is no trust left.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Polar Low
23 April 2020 18:09:27

Also part of Chelmsford open market is open as covered so people then walk to the market within the city the list makes the lockdown quite weak.

  • Market stalls which offer essential retail, such as grocery and food  
    my question is this is wrong what #other# Essential retail it leaves it open to abuse.


Brian Gaze
23 April 2020 18:10:08

My small contribution to the data pot is TWO site traffic and revenue stats.

Comparing Week 16/04/2020 to 23/04/2020 vs Week 02/04/2020 to 09/04/2020

Unique users +18%
Revenue +18%

It suggests people are starting to drift back to a slightly more normal existence. On the other hand it would appear advertisers haven't yet turned on the spending taps. If they had the increase would be significantly greater. However, I would expect there to be a lag for various reasons.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
23 April 2020 18:13:13


Second waves which countries who acted early now will approach in a better economic situation, with more understanding of the virus, better treatments, and a lower number already dead. I've already explained the logic here, and you haven't put forward any argument against it.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I agree but if every country had 'acted early' and prevented all but a a few cases then there wouldn't be much knowledge of the effects of the virus.  In a way we need some countries to suffer outbreaks of Covid-19 to build a meaningful amount of data from which to learn. I say this on the basis that simply relying on China isn't ideal for a number of reasons.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Polar Low
23 April 2020 18:17:41

What is car rentals on list for surly if no car find alternative travel or go without most should if possible be working at home another business open


Gandalf The White
23 April 2020 18:19:32



A version of 'plausible deniability'?

The govt quietly issues edicts to relax enforcement of the lockdown, whilst maintaining a false public facade of upholding it. If/when it goes tits-up and cases/deaths begin to ramp up, they'll deny it's their fault and point to the people disregarding lockdown rules. 

The suckers will believe them.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

The opinion polls suggest the opposite, don't they? People have expressed a quite understandable fear of the virus and an associated reluctance to return to normal.

I understand your desire to put a Machiavellian spin on the government's motives but I'm not sure that, under the intense glare of public and media scrutiny, they could get away with making announcements and claiming to have said something else. 

I think we will just keep returning to the same key judgment, i.e. balancing economic harm with a range of negative impacts, such as too much pressure on the NHS.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Polar Low
23 April 2020 18:20:44

The more I sit here and ponder the more worried I become.

Something doesn’t feel right.

I think the obsession with the economy and ‘normal life’ to return to normal is going to bite back hard with worse damage.

It’s funny how we as a planet always take the hard route. The damage in the west was done when we became more interested in celebrity’s and materialist ideals. This will be our downfall.

There is no trust left.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Joe Bloggs
23 April 2020 18:25:02

I think there seems to be an assumption that the Government’s furlough scheme will not be extended beyond June.  On this basis, it feels like there is some inevitably that the lockdown will be eased towards the end of May, in order for the country to avoid mass unemployment and unprecedented hardship. 

This is an incredibly difficult issue. Many on here would be willing for the lockdown to continue for many months. I get that, as it would save as many lives as possible. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to see the results in this country of the scenario whereby the lockdown is maintained, without the Government support continuing. 

This really is a nightmare situation and I cannot foresee an outcome which avoids a significant element of hardship, whether it’s the route of widespread loss of life, or mass unemployment and poverty. 

If the lockdown continues beyond June, I will lose my job. I feel horribly conflicted about this and it really is getting me down. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

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