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26 April 2020 12:55:23


Come on Nick. You in particular called me thick etc. I am waiting for your stats.

As Delia the Norwich owner said, WHERE ARE YOU?


Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I didn't call you thick. I gave a range of possibilities as to what might explain your posting.

I've given you information. You clearly don't want to see what most people can see clearly. I'm not wasting my Sunday researching statistics for you, not least because you'll just find a way to denounce them. Have a good day.

P.S. any more trolling (as in this post or the reference to remainers above will be met with a ban).

[email protected]
26 April 2020 12:59:19


Yep. It's really not hard to grasp.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Have you seen the Randy Rainbow "A spoonful of chlorax" parody on Youtube - hilarious. Whatever your political stance you'd have had to have a serious sense of humour bypass not to laugh. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
26 April 2020 12:59:51


26k deaths over an entire winter with no distancing let alone lockdown. Compared to 50k deaths in, what, 5 weeks, with distancing and lockdown, without which the NHS would have collapsed and 100s of 1000s would have died from a virus that also causes damage to lungs, kidneys, and the heart, as well as causing strokes in healthy people in their 30s.

I can't believe anyone is still seriously comparing this with flu.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

 You have missed the point completely. 26K deaths with a vaccine and hardly a mention  I am not comparing it to Flu i am just putting things in a different perspective. Do you not realise that if you get Flu , then Pneumonia complications there is also permanent damage to lungs in some patients? Do you not realise that Flu kills children? Do you realise Flu is much less infectious than covid -19 so mass social distancing is not an applicable technique? Do you know the figure for Care Home deaths put down to Flu?

 Covid -19 is totally different and we know little about how it is going to behave  but i just would wonder at the media hype if a bad year for Flu was reported in the same fashion


26 April 2020 13:01:45


The usual reminder though that we are looking in the past. New cases announced today would have been infected ~ 2 weeks ago.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

So three weeks into the lockdown then?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
John p
26 April 2020 13:02:19


Was hoping next 2 weeks!

If its months then many businesses, especially those that rely on tourism like hotels in Cornwall will go bust

Many people will also start dying of other things. 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I can’t see a normal summer season happening in Cornwall, or anywhere for that matter. 

Camberley, Surrey
Gavin D
26 April 2020 13:04:23

Wales has reported 178 new cases and 14 new deaths

Scotland has reported 273 new cases and 18 new deaths

26 April 2020 13:04:36

So three weeks into the lockdown then?

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Yeah, 2.5 weeks since we 'locked down'. 

Gavin D
26 April 2020 13:07:10
Breaking: NHS England have reported 336 new deaths down from 711 yesterday
The Beast from the East
26 April 2020 13:07:49


As Delia the Norwich owner said, WHERE ARE YOU?


Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I thought she said "Lets be havin' you"?

I think Keegan said "Where are you?" to Ferguson in Dec 1996 when Newcastle were 10 points clear. They totally imploded in the new year and manure won easily



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
John p
26 April 2020 13:08:12

Breaking: NHS England have reported 336 new deaths down from 711 yesterday

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Sunday figures, but nevertheless will get the anti lockdown press excited. 

Camberley, Surrey
The Beast from the East
26 April 2020 13:09:27

Breaking: NHS England have reported 336 new deaths down from 711 yesterday

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Clearly weekend effect but also perhaps a genuine drop too. Tomorrow should also be 300

Pressure on Boris to relax lockdown will grow


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
26 April 2020 13:11:12


We don't know if Cummings took part in the discussions in SAGE, but that's less important. Just his presence there could bias the discussion and advice. He has absolutely no place being there.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

 You are over estimating cumming,s influence . 

26 April 2020 13:11:37

Sunday figures, but nevertheless will get the anti lockdown press excited. 

Originally Posted by: John p 

Most of the press is doing a rather poor job again. Instead of putting pressure on testing , tracing, PPE etc. they focus on exiting the lockdown. It's probably not a coincidence that the public has low confidence in them (a recent poll was devastating).

The Beast from the East
26 April 2020 13:11:43


I can’t see a normal summer season happening in Cornwall, or anywhere for that matter. 

Originally Posted by: John p 

It wont be normal, but without assistance from the Govt, many will close and long term economic devastation will lead to many more related deaths as we saw in the early 80s


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
26 April 2020 13:14:22

26 April 2020 13:14:33


Clearly weekend effect but also perhaps a genuine drop too. Tomorrow should also be 300

Pressure on Boris to relax lockdown will grow


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

 Yes but let,s hope he stands firm for a couple more weeks. Whatever you say about him they have definetly looked rudderless without him.

The Beast from the East
26 April 2020 13:16:22


What about  Covid-19 asymptomatics who are also suffering from hay fever?


Originally Posted by: RobN 

Theoretically, they could sneeze out the virus I suppose, but I assume most will not be going out anyway

Incidentally, in the queue outside Tesco this morning, some arsehole chav with tattoos was coughing non stop (might have been hayfever!) - everyone else in the queue was looking at each other, but all were too embarrassed to say something to him. He looked like a thug so perhaps people were frightened to say something


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gandalf The White
26 April 2020 13:16:59

The carry on as normal brigade are starting to really ** me off now. But it seems it's happening everywhere.

Check out some of the excuses given to police in Wales for breaking lockdown rules:

Winner must be 'I don't watch the news; what's going on?'

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

From that piece: "Dyfed-Powys Police has issued 368 FPNs for breaching Covid-19 regulations between 27 March and 14 April. "


That's around 20 per day, just from one police force. Given that they don't just hand out penalties each time that's a lot of people flouting the rules.  It's also an indicator of how much the police are trying to enforce the law.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gavin D
26 April 2020 13:17:25

Like for like on the last 3 Sunday's

  • 336 - 26th 

  • 482 - 19th

  • 657 - 12th 

26 April 2020 13:18:31


Come on Nick. You in particular called me thick etc. I am waiting for your stats.

As Delia the Norwich owner said, WHERE ARE YOU?


Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Actually, it was “Let’s be ‘aving you’. 

The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
Gavin D
26 April 2020 13:19:20

The 336 patients who died in England were aged between 28 and 100

22 of the 336 patients aged between 41 and 94 years old had no known underlying health conditions when they tested positive for Covid-19

26 April 2020 13:19:55


Clearly weekend effect but also perhaps a genuine drop too. Tomorrow should also be 300

Pressure on Boris to relax lockdown will grow


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

And Tuesday back to 600 +( England )

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

26 April 2020 13:20:23


Most of the press is doing a rather poor job again. Instead of putting pressure on testing , tracing, PPE etc. they focus on exiting the lockdown. It's probably not a coincidence that the public has low confidence in them (a recent poll was devastating).

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

 Regarding PPE there has been little mention in the main press in the last 2 days so perhaps there is more available. Public Health England are well paid by the Government to procure supplies for the NHS but have been shown to be useless in managing this.

26 April 2020 13:23:53


 Regarding PPE there has been little mention in the main press in the last 2 days so perhaps there is more available. Public Health England are well paid by the Government to procure supplies for the NHS but have been shown to be useless in managing this.

Originally Posted by: bledur 

Public Health England is a government agency setup in 2013.

Gavin D
26 April 2020 13:24:51

Breakdown of the 336 new deaths in England by date

  • 63 on April 25th

  • 167 on April 24th

  • 38 on April 23rd

  • 62 between April 1st and April 22nd

  • 6 in March with one on March 15th

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