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Gavin D
28 April 2020 11:47:05
Nicola Sturgeon⁩ has recommended wearing face masks in shops and on public transport it is not mandatory though
28 April 2020 11:48:57

Nicola Sturgeon⁩ has recommended wearing face masks in shops and on public transport it is not mandatory though

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

I think if we are to go down that route, then it should be mandatory for crowded places and with clear instructions on how to make them and then disinfect them daily.


Brian Gaze
28 April 2020 11:50:25

Sadly an ambulance has just turned up at the house on our street where the young family who reported having COVID-19 live. On our WhatsApp group they (man, women and child) said symptoms were mild. People on the street have been doing their shopping so I know they have been eating good quality and nutritious food. It was thought they had all got over it. 

When you see this at first hand it makes you think who the hell will want to go to a pub or restaurant even if restrictions are eased. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gavin D
28 April 2020 11:55:37

Sadly an ambulance has just turned up at the house on our street where the young family who reported having COVID-19 live. On our WhatsApp group they (man, women and child) said symptoms were mild. People on the street have been doing their shopping so I know they have been eating good quality and nutritious food. It was thought they had all got over it. 

When you see this at first hand it makes you think who the hell will want to go to a pub or restaurant even if restrictions are eased. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


I suppose the ambulance call could also be unrelated to Covid?

Brian Gaze
28 April 2020 11:59:46

I suppose the ambulance call could also be unrelated to Covid?

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Yes of course it could be unrelated. The ambulance driver could have got lost and decided to park and turn the vehicle around on that particular drive. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
28 April 2020 12:01:38


Yes of course it could be unrelated. The ambulance driver could have got lost and decided to park and turn the vehicle around on that particular drive. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

But why do you assume it couldn't possibly be unrelated to CV?

At least it will be mild!
28 April 2020 12:05:09

Mods have a word. I am trying to contribute to the forum but already have been called stupid this morning and now have another poster who thinks he is being clever and trying to goad me very very childlishly in some way. Very immature!

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

"As Delia the Norwich owner said, WHERE ARE YOU?"

[email protected]
Polar Low
28 April 2020 12:14:05


Yes of course it could be unrelated. The ambulance driver could have got lost and decided to park and turn the vehicle around on that particular drive. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Northern Sky
28 April 2020 12:15:29

If people are stupid or blinkered enough not to see that the govt has made a very difficult situation even worse, then that's their problem. Relatively to stage of the epidemic, the UK has one of the slowest and most inadequate responses in the world and we are paying the price. People can keep making excuses for this and keep deluding themselves, but the numbers are getting more and more damning. 

While no 2 countries are the same, it's also laughable to keep saying that every country which has so far dealt with this successfully is somehow a special case:

Singapore? Special case - small densely populated island city

South Korea? Their outbreak was concentrated

Tawain? Hong Kong? New Zealand? Greece? Australia? Denmark? Norway? Slovenia? Slovakia? Serbia? Poland? Croatia? Finland? Czechia?  Hungary? Estonia? 

Ludicrous stuff.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Is there a variety of approaches from those countries and how did they balance the economic impact? Did (do) those countries all have lockdowns and if not, how have they managed to keep cases so low?

Maunder Minimum
28 April 2020 12:16:52

Sadly an ambulance has just turned up at the house on our street where the young family who reported having COVID-19 live. On our WhatsApp group they (man, women and child) said symptoms were mild. People on the street have been doing their shopping so I know they have been eating good quality and nutritious food. It was thought they had all got over it. 

When you see this at first hand it makes you think who the hell will want to go to a pub or restaurant even if restrictions are eased. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Assuming that the ambulance has arrived because of COVID-19, this is indicative of the pathology of this novel virus - people are sick for about a week to ten days and then they either recover or get worse. This is very unlike influenza when you are seriously sick for about five days and then recover. There is a report in The Times today about a 51 year old woman who was sick with the virus at home for about ten days before her condition worsened and she was finding it hard to breath - her husband called for an ambulance, but it was too late to save her.

Meanwhile from the BBC website:

More than 2,200 Indonesians who were not recorded as having died with Covid-19 had acute symptoms of the disease, an investigation by Reuters news agency has found. Indonesia has recorded 765 deaths so far, but medical experts believe the figure is much higher

- as we have long suspected, massive under-reporting is occurring in some countries, particularly highly populated poorer nations.

New world order coming.
Polar Low
28 April 2020 12:18:30

Yes I felt the same Brian when the contract cleaning manager died at such a young age it has definitely made me feel much more nervous   about my family safety.

i guess it’s a form of ignorance on my behalf.


Sadly an ambulance has just turned up at the house on our street where the young family who reported having COVID-19 live. On our WhatsApp group they (man, women and child) said symptoms were mild. People on the street have been doing their shopping so I know they have been eating good quality and nutritious food. It was thought they had all got over it. 

When you see this at first hand it makes you think who the hell will want to go to a pub or restaurant even if restrictions are eased. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

28 April 2020 12:18:45
Austria have announced that they are reopening hotels on 29/05 - can’t imagine they’ll have too many foreign guests.
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
noodle doodle
28 April 2020 12:18:50

But why do you assume it couldn't possibly be unrelated to CV?

Originally Posted by: westv 


Because the possibility is vanishingly low compared to the possibility it's directly related to the known presence of a widespread and dangerous virus?

Phil G
28 April 2020 12:19:38
I have just started constructing some graphs using data for seven countries and will do a comparison at some point.
Russia was one of those countries and already the observations from the graph were not stacking up to the rate per cases to deaths.
This from the BBC ticker does not surprise me at all:
New record for Russian infections
Officially the total of new coronavirus infections in Russia has overtaken the totals for China and Iran.
On Tuesday the Russian government reported a record daily rise in new cases – 6,411 – bringing the total to 93,558. Moscow has the most cases, compared with other Russian regions.
The number of deaths rose to 867.
Deaths are still far below those for the worst-hit countries, such as the US and Italy, but Russia’s numbers are rising daily.
Some medics do not believe the official data and are naming fellow medics they say have died from Covid-19. The list – 72 names so far – is posted on Facebook by Dr Vladimir Budiansky.
And an opposition website, Open Media, reports that dozens of nurses have quit a Moscow hospital – Kommunarka – where allegedly they were underpaid and lacking necessary protective kit. The management disputes their claims.

If 'better' numbers ever come out regarding deaths, I am sure there is a lot going on here we don't know about. Just recently images of those ambulances queuing for the hospital did not look good at all.
Brian Gaze
28 April 2020 12:21:14

Wow! Even the BPC is now starting to ring the alarm bells:

Why UK's death toll could soon be the worst in Europe - in charts

UK has recorded Europe's highest average daily deaths for four days in a row - pushing it towards becoming Europe's worst affected country

The UK’s five-day average for coronavirus deaths is now the highest of any major European economy at this point in the pandemic’s curve, new analysis has revealed.

At this point in the pandemic, some 42 days since the tenth death, the five-day average for deaths in the UK stands at 598, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University. This is far higher than Italy (559), France (509) and Spain (423).


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Phil G
28 April 2020 12:28:29

Wow! Even the BPC is now starting to ring the alarm bells:

Why UK's death toll could soon be the worst in Europe - in charts

UK has recorded Europe's highest average daily deaths for four days in a row - pushing it towards becoming Europe's worst affected country

The UK’s five-day average for coronavirus deaths is now the highest of any major European economy at this point in the pandemic’s curve, new analysis has revealed.

At this point in the pandemic, some 42 days since the tenth death, the five-day average for deaths in the UK stands at 598, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University. This is far higher than Italy (559), France (509) and Spain (423).


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

39 far higher? All still early days yet. All eyes are on Russia if the data ever comes out!

Polar Low
28 April 2020 12:54:08

Coronavirus: Scottish government suggests covering face in shops

Gavin D
28 April 2020 13:01:30
Wales has reported 232 new cases and 17 new deaths
Gavin D
28 April 2020 13:02:24
Scotland has reported 200 new cases and 70 new deaths
28 April 2020 13:04:53


So you say my comment about people ganging up like bullies is completely out of order, then in your next post you call me or other people if they agree "stupid". Beggars belief! Seems there is one law for one and one for the other.

If you also read I did say the govt had been caught with their pants down as well. But whatever they do they are in a no win situation. I expect our numbers will be similar to a few other european countries, but not the worst.

Our unpreparedness is a legacy thing if you read Roger's great post from earlier. Truth is even with a Labour govt in, we would still be having these same type of conversations now. Even with the benefit of hindsight and seeing how this nightmare is playing out, it's so early doors we don't know what the final outcomes will be yet.


Originally Posted by: Phil G 

This is true and is what causes the disagreements. The experts don't really know yet how it is going to pan out and us armchair experts certainly don't. So at the moment I think people are entitled and likely to post completely different views. For example you are perpetually highly critical of China, I am, but much less so. Xioni2 is critical of the Government. But we shouldn't be made to feel that a criticism of a government policy should be withheld. I'm sure China would say that about their people and we don't want to go down that road!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Maunder Minimum
28 April 2020 13:05:06


39 far higher? All still early days yet. All eyes are on Russia if the data ever comes out!

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Journalists don't do themselves any favours when they sensationalise things - I don't count a 7% difference as "far higher".

New world order coming.
Gavin D
28 April 2020 13:05:11
NHS England has reported 546 new deaths up from 329 yesterday

Last Tuesday. NHS England announced 778 new deaths
28 April 2020 13:06:11

Prof Hugh Pennington in front of a Scottish Parliament Committee this morning has painted a fairly bleak picture in some regards,  he's not putting any money on vaccines as they are generally not effective against coronaviruses.

"Probably the best thing we can hope for is a vaccine or a set of vaccines which are partially protective," he says.

Adding that these may not work for the elderly because generally vaccines have not been as effective among this demographic, ie the people most vulnerable to full blown life threatening COVID-19 are least likely to be protected by any suite of vaccines. 

Also estimates that R0 value in care homes has been as high as 14, and by their very nature even the best run care homes taking all the precautions would struggle to lower the R0 number below 10 once the virus is in a home. He described care homes as 'super spreaders'

Roger Parsons
28 April 2020 13:08:03

Yes hence my mention of getting caught with their pants down, but even now equipment, tests are arriving faulty.

Won? Even if they had achieved better PPE, earlier restrictions etc mark my words those who have the chance to have a pop at a govt will so, Conservative or Labour, that side of things seems to be human nature for some.

Any govt in charge wouldn't win in certain people's eyes.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

This is a long standing issue, Phil, and I'll be interested when someone unpicks the history so the lessons can be learned. Although there were voices warning of problems, many, myself included, assumed that preparedness and surveillance at the time were adequate. We did not challenge the available information. There was no single coherent message. I suspect that the end of the Cold War affected public and political thinking and less effort was made to transform spending for preparedness in war into preparedness for civil emergencies. A lost opportunity. Armchair critics can speculate all they please, and may even sometimes prove right, but as I said: "If they are smart.....


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
28 April 2020 13:08:10

 Is there a variety of approaches from those countries and how did they balance the economic impact? Did (do) those countries all have lockdowns and if not, how have they managed to keep cases so low?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Almost all the European countries from that list plus Australia and New Zealand closed their borders, had some form of lockdown and they are using the WHO recommended test, trace and isolate strategy.

Singapore and South Korea are champions of that strategy and they even avoided having strict lockdowns.

The European countries which rely on tourism (e.g. Greece) will have a big economic hit, but they rely on the money tree in Fraknfurt. They have also started talking of allowing tourism between safe countries only.


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