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Brian Gaze
02 May 2020 05:53:25

Tele leading with the possible change to the 2m social distancing rule.

Two-metre rule could be be reviewed, raising hope of relaxed restrictions

Changes to social distancing could also pave the way for businesses to restart trading as the issue becomes a "live discussion" in Whitehall

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Heavy Weather 2013
02 May 2020 06:10:39
I find that telegraph headline astonishing.
It really does undermine the core messaging. It sounds like a headline to test the water and I cannot for one second see SAGE changing their advice.

Every paper this morning seems to have their own version of what’s going to lofted after lockdown. It’s so confusing to know what’s real or made up.

But that headline suggests that everything we have been doing for 6-8 weeks was for nothing. I certainly don’t think that was the case
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Brian Gaze
02 May 2020 06:18:37

The messaging in the UK is very mixed. Singapore seems to be handling things a lot more decisively. Cases are falling again and they have announced clear plans to ease restrictions. 

Singapore to ease restrictions as cases subside again – minister

Singapore’s health minister says the city-state will relax some anti-coronavirus measures after a fall in the number of cases in the broader community.

Some businesses will be allowed to open again after 12 May while some schools will reopen from 19 May.

[source: Guardian]


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Brian Gaze
02 May 2020 06:40:52
Commuters will be asked to take their temperature according to The Times. I'm sure a couple of months ago the view was taking temperatures of passengers at airports was of very little value. Also, many home thermometers are inaccurate or difficult to use. Sounds farcical to me.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
02 May 2020 06:45:22

Commuters will be asked to take their temperature according to The Times. I'm sure a couple of months ago the view was taking temperatures of passengers at airports was of very little value. Also, many home thermometers are inaccurate or difficult to use. Sounds farcical to me.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yes and at the same time the government were says face masks had very little protection from the virus. They make it up as they go along...

Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
02 May 2020 07:06:14

My strategy is to take everything in the media with a pinch of salt until it’s actually proven!  Whatever happened to respectable investigative journalism?  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
02 May 2020 07:10:43

The message in the press is mixed and somehow this gets conflated with official guidance the more rumours and insinuations the media publish.

As for making it up as they go along. They follow the strongest body of evidence (or at least should) and if that body evidence changes or strengthens so will/should their advice. Sticking to one clear line and ignoring an ongoing ever-changing situation may give more clarity but is an awful approach.

02 May 2020 07:13:00

The Telegraph's like a terrier with a bone this morning - it's really being tenacious with its reporting of scrapping the 2m rule. I've highlighted a few key bits in bold.

Earlier in the week they had a lovely animation showing that sneezes and coughs spread germs far beyond 2m, but that wearing masks squashes it to below 1m.

My own view? 2m is the bare minimum needed. In the few times I've been out to the shops I've seen plenty of coughing and spluttering and I know full well in the past I've picked up a cold after being coughed or sneezed on in a supermarket - I'm sure most of us have!

It is believed that the Government is considering reopening schools before the summer holidays – probably in June – so that there will be a natural point when they could be closed again if infections start to rise, without disrupting parents for a second time.

Unions met ministers on Friday and discussed plans for schools to be given three weeks’ notice to reopen, adding to speculation that pupils may start to return after the May half-term holiday.


The World Health Organisation only recommends staying one metre apart, and following the less rigid approach would allow Britons to travel and work more freely when restrictions are eventually lifted.


Officials from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy are also understood this week to have raised the issue of whether the two-metre rule could be relaxed in talks with the hospitality sector this week.

Last Tuesday, Sage said the two-metre rule “remains appropriate” but ministers have asked the committee to look again at the measures.


Next week, Sage will publish a paper looking in detail at transmission in the environment which is expected to say that people are far more likely to pick up coronavirus from surfaces than through droplets in the air.

A senior source in No  10 confirmed that the two-metre rule had been looked at by Sage. However, the source said amending it was a “non-starter”.


“Standing in line two metres apart outside supermarkets does not make a lot of sense,” Prof Dingwall said.

“The two-metre rule does not have validity and has never had much of an evidence base. I’ve tried to trace it myself.

"There is a fairly solid evidence base for a transmission rate if indoors and within one metre of someone with a respiratory infection for 15 minutes, but that time detail has been lost somewhere along the way.

“It is extraordinarily unlikely that any transmission will occur in the few seconds you are standing next to someone as you both reach for the instant coffee.

“It means that people are worrying unnecessarily when a jogger brushes past them in the park, for example, when transient contact is not an issue.”


Some experts believe there is no airborne transmission outdoors at all, as larger droplets carrying the infection get caught on clothes or fall to the ground before they can be inhaled.

Leysdown, north Kent
John p
02 May 2020 07:35:06

Commuters will be asked to take their temperature according to The Times. I'm sure a couple of months ago the view was taking temperatures of passengers at airports was of very little value. Also, many home thermometers are inaccurate or difficult to use. Sounds farcical to me.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Everything stated on the Times front page is 'advice' only, meaning few will actually do it. 

Camberley, Surrey
Gandalf The White
02 May 2020 07:36:04

My strategy is to take everything in the media with a pinch of salt until it’s actually proven!  Whatever happened to respectable investigative journalism?  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

I couldn’t agree more.

Based on coverage in media and social media I’m surprised that there hasn’t been panic buying of salt.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

02 May 2020 07:38:03


I couldn’t agree more.

Based on coverage in media and social media I’m surprised that there hasn’t been panic buying of salt.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

John p
02 May 2020 07:38:28
Actually Darren, I think this is also worth highlighting from your quoted text
A senior source in No  10 confirmed that the two-metre rule had been looked at by Sage. However, the source said amending it was a “non-starter”.
Camberley, Surrey
02 May 2020 07:40:41

An interesting overview of the current situation


At least it will be mild!
02 May 2020 07:44:00

The Telegraph's like a terrier with a bone this morning - it's really being tenacious with its reporting of scrapping the 2m rule. I've highlighted a few key bits in bold.

Earlier in the week they had a lovely animation showing that sneezes and coughs spread germs far beyond 2m, but that wearing masks squashes it to below 1m.

My own view? 2m is the bare minimum needed. In the few times I've been out to the shops I've seen plenty of coughing and spluttering and I know full well in the past I've picked up a cold after being coughed or sneezed on in a supermarket - I'm sure most of us have!

It is believed that the Government is considering reopening schools before the summer holidays – probably in June – so that there will be a natural point when they could be closed again if infections start to rise, without disrupting parents for a second time.

Unions met ministers on Friday and discussed plans for schools to be given three weeks’ notice to reopen, adding to speculation that pupils may start to return after the May half-term holiday.


The World Health Organisation only recommends staying one metre apart, and following the less rigid approach would allow Britons to travel and work more freely when restrictions are eventually lifted.


Officials from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy are also understood this week to have raised the issue of whether the two-metre rule could be relaxed in talks with the hospitality sector this week.

Last Tuesday, Sage said the two-metre rule “remains appropriate” but ministers have asked the committee to look again at the measures.


Next week, Sage will publish a paper looking in detail at transmission in the environment which is expected to say that people are far more likely to pick up coronavirus from surfaces than through droplets in the air.

A senior source in No  10 confirmed that the two-metre rule had been looked at by Sage. However, the source said amending it was a “non-starter”.


“Standing in line two metres apart outside supermarkets does not make a lot of sense,” Prof Dingwall said.

“The two-metre rule does not have validity and has never had much of an evidence base. I’ve tried to trace it myself.

"There is a fairly solid evidence base for a transmission rate if indoors and within one metre of someone with a respiratory infection for 15 minutes, but that time detail has been lost somewhere along the way.

“It is extraordinarily unlikely that any transmission will occur in the few seconds you are standing next to someone as you both reach for the instant coffee.

“It means that people are worrying unnecessarily when a jogger brushes past them in the park, for example, when transient contact is not an issue.”


Some experts believe there is no airborne transmission outdoors at all, as larger droplets carrying the infection get caught on clothes or fall to the ground before they can be inhaled.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

What a bunch of muppet s. Surely if the evidence suggests (15minutes within one metre) that the virus can Be transmitted at distances within one metre it makes perfect sense to have th social distancing guidelines recommend more than one metre (i.e. 2 metres). Many people will underestimate one metre, of ind red 2, increasing risk. For example if someone thinks 1.6 metres is actually 2 metres that is still “safe” but if they think 0.8 metres is one metre then, based on the 15 minute evidence, that is not. 

Roger Parsons
02 May 2020 07:45:48

 I couldn’t agree more.

Based on coverage in media and social media I’m surprised that there hasn’t been panic buying of salt.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Morning Gandalf. Very much agree. It is so easy to be a critic or sledger, as you need deliver nothing more than argument, opinion or noise and few will recall your mistakes or deceptions. You may even prove to be right on retrospect, but in the end it is just an exchange of words and views. This is not to say the process is unimportant, because those in power need to be challenged and held to account, but they need to be held to account well, with good counter argument based on reputable information. The media/social media are falling a bit short in this respect.


Time for a walk!

West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
Gandalf The White
02 May 2020 07:48:40


What a bunch of muppet s. Surely if the evidence suggests (15minutes within one metre) that the virus can Be transmitted at distances within one metre it makes perfect sense to have th social distancing guidelines recommend more than one metre (i.e. 2 metres). Many people will underestimate one metre, of ind red 2, increasing risk. For example if someone thinks 1.6 metres is actually 2 metres that is still “safe” but if they think 0.8 metres is one metre then, based on the 15 minute evidence, that is not. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

There’s an easy visualisation: if you stretched your arms over  head and fell flat on your face would you still comfortably miss everyone around you?

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

02 May 2020 07:51:55


There’s an easy visualisation: if you stretched your arms over  head and fell flat on your face would you still comfortably miss everyone around you?

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Just off to try it now. 








02 May 2020 07:51:59

Any relaxing of the 2m rule would just lead to a huge spike in infections and hope this is just `noise` from the press. I personally view everyone as contagious and apart from my immediate family stay well away from people and will continue to do so indefinatly. Also agree that contaminated surfaces along with supermarkets are the main source of recent and new infections.Frequent Handwashing with soap imo is the single most effective prevention measure people can do,more attention to hygiene is crucial by everyone!

Heavy Weather 2013
02 May 2020 08:03:58

Actually Darren, I think this is also worth highlighting from your quoted text
A senior source in No  10 confirmed that the two-metre rule had been looked at by Sage. However, the source said amending it was a “non-starter”.

Originally Posted by: John p 

It actually beggars believe John.

They have a whole headline dedicated to relaxation of the 2m rule, yet the source also says it’s a non starter.

What a disgrace this paper is.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
02 May 2020 08:17:29

The messaging in the UK is very mixed. Singapore seems to be handling things a lot more decisively. Cases are falling again and they have announced clear plans to ease restrictions. 

Singapore to ease restrictions as cases subside again – minister

Singapore’s health minister says the city-state will relax some anti-coronavirus measures after a fall in the number of cases in the broader community.

Some businesses will be allowed to open again after 12 May while some schools will reopen from 19 May.

[source: Guardian]


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

That's the media for you, making it up. At least the government has been clear and we will hear more next week.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Gavin D
02 May 2020 08:18:34

Ireland unlocking process which begins on May 18th each stage will last 3-weeks running through to early August


02 May 2020 08:19:10

What a bunch of muppet s. Surely if the evidence suggests (15minutes within one metre) that the virus can Be transmitted at distances within one metre it makes perfect sense to have th social distancing guidelines recommend more than one metre (i.e. 2 metres). Many people will underestimate one metre, of ind red 2, increasing risk. For example if someone thinks 1.6 metres is actually 2 metres that is still “safe” but if they think 0.8 metres is one metre then, based on the 15 minute evidence, that is not. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


And furthermore, standing in a queue is one of those occasions where being 2m apart does make sense, since you may otherwise be in close proximity to someone for several minutes, increasing the risk that during that time they may cough, or sneeze.

I agree that worrying about being 2m apart from someone you pass in the street, or even in a shop, is probably unnecessary.  

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Brian Gaze
02 May 2020 08:21:17

British workers slammed by farmer: 

The farmer, who asked to remain anonymous as he feared losing his pickers, said: “It’s a complete nightmare, to be honest. If I had to rely on British workers I would be out of business next year.

“It’s an uncertain time at the moment but I think the government is somewhat deluded in thinking the ‘great British workforce’ is capable of doing this.”

“They find it too physical. I’m ashamed of the British workers. It’s a joke. The English workers have been picking about 60, 65 per cent of what my returnees do.

“Out of 50-odd workers, I’ve got about four good ones. Our season will be over in six weeks, then the soft fruit growers are really in trouble.”


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
02 May 2020 08:26:28
I assume the farmer is also a British worker?
Northern Sky
02 May 2020 08:27:29

The problem is there is so much confusion and conflicting evidence. No one seems to know for sure how this virus is transmitted most effectively. I've read completely different ideas on surface transmission for example. The only definite seems to be that if people cough on you, you are very likely to catch it. 

If the virus is so easily transmitted in the air then it's difficult to see how anyone can avoid it without shutting themselves away until a vaccine appears. 

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