I don't know the politics of this Dr Munro, nor his motives for making such an intervention.
But the article smacks of following the playbook of the right-wing populism espoused by figures like Cummings.
It attempts to weave a narrative of 'leftism' and 'socialism' and their linked organisations like unions, as a preserve of the 'liberal middle classes', who the narrative seeks to portray as an enemy of the [lower] working classes and similar demographic groups, with their onerous regulations, love of the 'corporate, nation-destroying EU', and unquestioning support for immigrants who take their jobs, and lazy, feckless benefits scroungers pocketing more money than them. Not to mention making them pay more for everything with their climate change lies designed to control us all.
It's all just crocodile tears. Manipulation by a right-wing who view regulations that protect consumers, workers and the environment as blocking the financial elite hoovering up an even greater proportion of productive income - and being able to keep more of it through low taxation levels and inadequate anti-tax avoidance laws.
This right wing has sought to replace what had been the pillars of working class society - communities and unions - with nationalist tribalism and sneering hate towards 'liberal middle classes'.
Originally Posted by: Saint Snow