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21 January 2021 11:13:47

Is this the moomin thread or model output ? There is a hide user posts option if people feel any particular poster is not bringing value to the thread.

Originally Posted by: backtobasics 



Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
Crepuscular Ray
21 January 2021 11:23:12
06Z GFS looks better for prolonging the cold over northern Britain right into February. Some lows do move east across northern parts and back edge colder air does filter south at times. Much better for cold than the 00Z (for me) All change for the 12Z no doubt
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
21 January 2021 11:24:42

Take your pick:

GEM 00z @ 240Z gives us an easterly:


ECM 00Z @ 240Z gives us a westerly:

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

21 January 2021 11:30:15


To offer myself as a mediator - I think what people are saying is if you reference the models you are using to support your position we can debate and analyse and agree or disagree.

Without data you’re resorting to, in your words, ‘gut instinct’ and this thread isn’t really the place for that.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Agreed and I am always amazed at the number of posters who have a "gut instinct" for an upcoming Easterly that isn't shown !

S.Essex, 42m ASL
21 January 2021 11:38:13

Hopeless spread on the 06z ensembles (London) after the mild spell from Feb 1st on but I think it is reasonable to say that the temperature trend is generally downwards.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 January 2021 11:43:55

Have just waded through the moomin "wiff waff" debates, and that's 10 wasted minutes of my life I won't get back.

As others have suggested this is not the thread for that type of discussion.......let's stay on topic please.

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
21 January 2021 11:52:58

Have just waded through the moomin "wiff waff" debates, and that's 10 wasted minutes of my life I won't get back.

As others have suggested this is not the thread for that type of discussion.......let's stay on topic please.

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Yes there are at least a dozen posts replying to one user here and little discussion on the models. I suppose we are all missing Marcus (aka Gooner's) JFF's?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Brian Gaze
21 January 2021 12:04:15

What's the latest news on the SSW? Or more to the point how many have we had and how many more are on the way? Have the effects started filtering down to the 500hPa level in the models or not? 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Heavy Weather 2013
21 January 2021 12:10:59

What's the latest news on the SSW? Or more to the point how many have we had and how many more are on the way? Have the effects started filtering down to the 500hPa level in the models or not? 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Maybe they will arrive in time for next winter. 

This happened last year. We waited, waited and waited and then it was spring.

The METO had to eventually drop then line ‘getting colder during this period’ that kept on getting pushed back.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
21 January 2021 12:11:25

What's the latest news on the SSW? Or more to the point how many have we had and how many more are on the way? Have the effects started filtering down to the 500hPa level in the models or not? 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

it was mentioned in the winterwatch programme last night, explaining it was going on, but very non committal as to if it was going to cause any changes in the current weather. From what I have read on here, so far 2 have occurred , is that correct?

Location Whisky 🥃 country, Cragganmore ,Moray, 440 AMSL
Maunder Minimum
21 January 2021 12:17:46

Take your pick:

GEM 00z @ 240Z gives us an easterly:

ECM 00Z @ 240Z gives us a westerly:

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Difficult one that.

But clearly, GEM is the best model ever in the history of NWP and its 10 day chart will knock ECM into a cocked hat when it verifies.

New world order coming.
21 January 2021 12:20:21
Para on Meteociel and Wetter is stuck at +102z is anyone else having issues with GFS para?
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Maunder Minimum
21 January 2021 12:28:53

Para on Meteociel and Wetter is stuck at +102z is anyone else having issues with GFS para?

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

If it gives us a February Beasterly, I will have no issues with it at all.

New world order coming.
21 January 2021 12:40:15
Take a look at the 06z NAVGEM, as well as some colder 'breakout' options filtering in to the GEFS. I wouldn't want to put any money on the eventual outcome though! Fascinating if you love model watching however!
D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
Rob K
21 January 2021 12:45:50

The coldest GEFS run "on the ground" at least in the south isn't very impressive in terms of 850s (around -7C lowest) but it does have a perfect textbook example of a Channel low which results in a run of ice days down here, so I will post it purely for the sake of cherry picking and because it looks nice.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Snow Hoper
21 January 2021 12:57:20

What's the latest news on the SSW? Or more to the point how many have we had and how many more are on the way? Have the effects started filtering down to the 500hPa level in the models or not? 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

A Meto forecast I've seen recently had indicated that an effect had already taken place and pushed the Jet Stream further south than normal. Maybe that is all we'll get.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
21 January 2021 12:57:20

The coldest GEFS run "on the ground" at least in the south isn't very impressive in terms of 850s (around -7C lowest) but it does have a perfect textbook example of a Channel low which results in a run of ice days down here, so I will post it purely for the sake of cherry picking and because it looks nice.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Looks like some very 'penetrating' cold into northern scandi there 😂😂 you have to look closely lol


21 January 2021 13:24:05

The coldest GEFS run "on the ground" at least in the south isn't very impressive in terms of 850s (around -7C lowest) but it does have a perfect textbook example of a Channel low which results in a run of ice days down here, so I will post it purely for the sake of cherry picking and because it looks nice.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Well we've got -7C 850's SUnday and a low pressure moving along just south of the channel as currently programmed ....... so get ready for some more ermm, rain.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
21 January 2021 13:36:26

Its still a very exciting of period of weather / model watching with the cold period having commenced today lasting until Tues/Weds.

In that time there is the prospect of short notice troughs, secondary lows and other organised areas of precipitation moving across in cold air. Thicknesses are often between 519-524dam with 850's below -5c and low pressure on the scene.

I think I will be unlucky if I don't get to observe another high ground brief snow event this weekend. As a result the camera is charged in readiness and on standby.

As you know I don't follow specific model analysis after 144 hours as its an inefficient use of my time but I do look at ensembles. There is enough interest for me after the 27-30th milder blip to hope for more exciting synoptics as we move into early February.

One final point and without being controversial. I believe way too many members on this forum focus on charts at over 168 hours and actually miss what is going on before then. Only last night heavy snowfall fell briefly across vast swathes of the country briefly, something that will repeated in the next few days. I see the words 'surprise' being mentioned when it actual fact if you spent more time looking at the close range high resolution models that wouldn't have been the case.

Focus on the here and now and not the future and your love for the 'actual weather' will soon return. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

21 January 2021 13:54:49

Its still a very exciting of period of weather / model watching with the cold period having commenced today lasting until Tues/Weds.

In that time there is the prospect of short notice troughs, secondary lows and other organised areas of precipitation moving across in cold air. Thicknesses are often between 519-524dam with 850's below -5c and low pressure on the scene.

I think I will be unlucky if I don't get to observe another high ground brief snow event this weekend. As a result the camera is charged in readiness and on standby.

As you know I don't follow specific model analysis after 144 hours as its an inefficient use of my time but I do look at ensembles. There is enough interest for me after the 27-30th milder blip to hope for more exciting synoptics as we move into early February.

One final point and without being controversial. I believe way too many members on this forum focus on charts at over 168 hours and actually miss what is going on before then. Only last night heavy snowfall fell briefly across vast swathes of the country briefly, something that will repeated in the next few days. I see the words 'surprise' being mentioned when it actual fact if you spent more time looking at the close range high resolution models that wouldn't have been the case.

Focus on the here and now and not the future and your love for the 'actual weather' will soon return. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 


some of the footage of Manchester City centre getting plastered with a good few inches of snow were incredible to see, considering the rain they must have had before the onset of the “wintry hazards” 

21 January 2021 13:55:51

Have just waded through the moomin "wiff waff" debates, and that's 10 wasted minutes of my life I won't get back.

As others have suggested this is not the thread for that type of discussion.......let's stay on topic please.

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Until now, I have done what most adults do, if you dont like what you read, ignore it.  I for one do find the guys post rather daft at times and rarely come with any evidence to support his claims.  Then on the other hand, the same can be said with those posting charts ten days out with JFF comments in the hope that they just might verify.

To be honest, the likelihood, is that he may well will be correct with his current observations, with a little license to elaborate without a JFF comment (maybe he should add one).

This guy clearly looks at winter from a perspective that most using this facility dont agree with, doesnt make him any different to the majority of those posting wishful charts from LaLa land that never verify.

If you dont like his observations, move on.  Whatever happened to tolerance, particularly of those with an opposing view to your own. 

21 January 2021 14:10:40

Its still a very exciting of period of weather / model watching with the cold period having commenced today lasting until Tues/Weds.

In that time there is the prospect of short notice troughs, secondary lows and other organised areas of precipitation moving across in cold air. Thicknesses are often between 519-524dam with 850's below -5c and low pressure on the scene.

I think I will be unlucky if I don't get to observe another high ground brief snow event this weekend. As a result the camera is charged in readiness and on standby.

As you know I don't follow specific model analysis after 144 hours as its an inefficient use of my time but I do look at ensembles. There is enough interest for me after the 27-30th milder blip to hope for more exciting synoptics as we move into early February.

One final point and without being controversial. I believe way too many members on this forum focus on charts at over 168 hours and actually miss what is going on before then. Only last night heavy snowfall fell briefly across vast swathes of the country briefly, something that will repeated in the next few days. I see the words 'surprise' being mentioned when it actual fact if you spent more time looking at the close range high resolution models that wouldn't have been the case.

Focus on the here and now and not the future and your love for the 'actual weather' will soon return. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

I suppose, the term Model Output thread means exactly that, but I agree with you 100% 72 to 96 hours is about it for me for the real information, anything beyond, currently what with the state of uncertainty with SSW effects, PV splits is a little difficult.  One thing that does seem to have established is the promise, quickly nullified by the Atlantic followed by another promise, but with an overall cooling trend.  It certainly isnt mild anywhere in the UK for this time of year with temperatures at or slightly below average to the south, with a slightly below to cold in the north.  

21 January 2021 16:01:30


I suppose, the term Model Output thread means exactly that, but I agree with you 100% 72 to 96 hours is about it for me for the real information, anything beyond, currently what with the state of uncertainty with SSW effects, PV splits is a little difficult.  One thing that does seem to have established is the promise, quickly nullified by the Atlantic followed by another promise, but with an overall cooling trend.  It certainly isnt mild anywhere in the UK for this time of year with temperatures at or slightly below average to the south, with a slightly below to cold in the north.  

Originally Posted by: Phil24 

The daffodils have buds on them. Three out of the last 5 day's have been in double figures, and going forward high single or low double figures look set to return after the upcoming cooler couple day's pass - i must stress cooler as 5/6 degrees in January is hardly cold.

Thankfully it hasn't been that wet down here this month with rainfall totals being just shy of 50% the average.

21 January 2021 16:14:37
Almost a hint at a potential easterly on GFS at 156 - wouldn’t take much for rapid inflation over Scandi
21 January 2021 16:23:09


Until now, I have done what most adults do, if you dont like what you read, ignore it.  I for one do find the guys post rather daft at times and rarely come with any evidence to support his claims.  Then on the other hand, the same can be said with those posting charts ten days out with JFF comments in the hope that they just might verify.

To be honest, the likelihood, is that he may well will be correct with his current observations, with a little license to elaborate without a JFF comment (maybe he should add one).

This guy clearly looks at winter from a perspective that most using this facility dont agree with, doesnt make him any different to the majority of those posting wishful charts from LaLa land that never verify.

If you dont like his observations, move on.  Whatever happened to tolerance, particularly of those with an opposing view to your own. 

Originally Posted by: Phil24 


S.Essex, 42m ASL
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