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31 January 2022 14:29:45

Yes, I've noticed that of late that the same 850's are bring higher temperatures. Must be just mixing or something because one thing climate change doesn't change is the physics which are absolute. -8C 850's will always be -8C but they might not be as frequent!

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Warmer SST's? 

31 January 2022 14:58:02


Quite. Surely from a coldies point of view this must rank as one of the most disastrous winters of all time? At least in 88 we could convince ourselves that it was an anomaly. However, the reality now is that the chance of snow in the south is significantly lower than it was back then. On the plus side we can at least be confident that 30C will be reached in the summer.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

In addition to all of that, I would also go as far as to say that the chances of somewhere in the south of England seeing a temperature of over 40°C at some point in time during the summer must be growing all the time.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
31 January 2022 15:19:53

Surely nobody can seriously believe that climate change isn't real and occuring right now given all the overwhelming evidence.

Location: Uxbridge
Chunky Pea
31 January 2022 15:48:07

Warmer SST's? 

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Yep, which in turn lead to greater cloud amounts. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Northern Sky
31 January 2022 15:57:33


Quite. Surely from a coldies point of view this must rank as one of the most disastrous winters of all time? At least in 88 we could convince ourselves that it was an anomaly. However, the reality now is that the chance of snow in the south is significantly lower than it was back then. On the plus side we can at least be confident that 30C will be reached in the summer.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

All depends on location of course but Winter 19/20 was a fair bit worse than this here. I think the only snow I saw was on top of Chevin which is a 10 min drive. In contrast we've had laying snow end of Nov, Boxing day and early Jan. Also a fair few frosts and since Christmas some sunny crisp days. 

Rubbish compared to last Winter but still better than a fair few I remember. 

I'd comment on the models but there's not a lot to say is there? 

31 January 2022 16:15:22


Hi Neil, would you be able to free up a bit of space in your in-box so I can send you a message? 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Sorted 😉👍

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
31 January 2022 16:41:59
It feels like we are reaching the maximum point of frustration for this Winter as this forum is awash with moaning about global warming.

Yet the funny thing is, is that if we were having a freezing cold Winter it's more than likely that the situation with global warming would be absolutely no different than it is now, just that there would be far less people moaning about it on here. i.e. the global temperature anomaly would be basically the same whether we were having a freezing winter or a very mild one, just that the distribution of heat would be different.

Too many people confuse weather with climate and that is what I think is happening here, our perceptions of climate change are influenced by the weather we see out of the window, when in fact on the global scale we are just a drop in the ocean. Just because we are having a warm or cold season doesn't mean anything is dramatically changing on a global scale (hopefully the point I am getting at is making sense).

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
David M Porter
31 January 2022 16:58:05

It feels like we are reaching the maximum point of frustration for this Winter as this forum is awash with moaning about global warming.

Yet the funny thing is, is that if we were having a freezing cold Winter it's more than likely that the situation with global warming would be absolutely no different than it is now, just that there would be far less people moaning about it on here. i.e. the global temperature anomaly would be basically the same whether we were having a freezing winter or a very mild one, just that the distribution of heat would be different.

Too many people confuse weather with climate and that is what I think is happening here, our perceptions of climate change are influenced by the weather we see out of the window, when in fact on the global scale we are just a drop in the ocean. Just because we are having a warm or cold season doesn't mean anything is dramatically changing on a global scale (hopefully the point I am getting at is making sense).

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Good post.

Wrt the weather/climate debate, my understanding is that while there is a distinction to be made between them, they are not unconnected. That is if my dictionary's definition of 'climate' is correct. Climate, according to the definiton of it I have seen, is the average weather conditions of a particular area. If I were to say the west of Scotland has a wet climate, that would obviously mean that the west of Scotland receives a high amount of rainfall. I have never understood why some people in the past have talked about climate as though it is totally independent of weather, and vice-versa.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
31 January 2022 17:12:55

Yet Greece is having all the white stuff, I'm sure they would have a different view to some posters here.


Severe sub-zero weather brings huge snowfall to Athens | Metro News


31 January 2022 17:25:34
GFS op showing signs of a change in 12 days time, would all be forgiven if we got a 1 week cold spell?!
Chunky Pea
31 January 2022 18:06:34

It feels like we are reaching the maximum point of frustration for this Winter as this forum is awash with moaning about global warming.

Yet the funny thing is, is that if we were having a freezing cold Winter it's more than likely that the situation with global warming would be absolutely no different than it is now, just that there would be far less people moaning about it on here. i.e. the global temperature anomaly would be basically the same whether we were having a freezing winter or a very mild one, just that the distribution of heat would be different.

Too many people confuse weather with climate and that is what I think is happening here, our perceptions of climate change are influenced by the weather we see out of the window, when in fact on the global scale we are just a drop in the ocean. Just because we are having a warm or cold season doesn't mean anything is dramatically changing on a global scale (hopefully the point I am getting at is making sense).

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Interestingly, the global temp anomaly is just currently just a small bit above average (+0.1c). 

gfs_nh-sat1_t2anom_1-day.png (800×846) (

Global temps were warmer this time last year, yet it was a cooler winter generally speaking in this part of the world. Pure luck is the bigger driving force I think. 


Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Brian Gaze
31 January 2022 18:12:57

It feels like we are reaching the maximum point of frustration for this Winter as this forum is awash with moaning about global warming.

Yet the funny thing is, is that if we were having a freezing cold Winter it's more than likely that the situation with global warming would be absolutely no different than it is now, just that there would be far less people moaning about it on here. i.e. the global temperature anomaly would be basically the same whether we were having a freezing winter or a very mild one, just that the distribution of heat would be different.

Too many people confuse weather with climate and that is what I think is happening here, our perceptions of climate change are influenced by the weather we see out of the window, when in fact on the global scale we are just a drop in the ocean. Just because we are having a warm or cold season doesn't mean anything is dramatically changing on a global scale (hopefully the point I am getting at is making sense).

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Did you see the graphs I posted the other days which showed months vs CET averages?

Here you go.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Ally Pally Snowman
31 January 2022 18:23:41

GFS op showing signs of a change in 12 days time, would all be forgiven if we got a 1 week cold spell?!

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

I admire your optimism but looks very unconvincing. Roll on Spring 


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
31 January 2022 18:23:45

Yes, I've noticed that of late that the same 850's are bring higher temperatures. Must be just mixing or something because one thing climate change doesn't change is the physics which are absolute. -8C 850's will always be -8C but they might not be as frequent!

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Used to be 2 to 3C max and 0C to 1C at -10C  set up but no longer the case and in summer when it max average 11C peak summer mean 24-25C but now 19-20C while min peak of -3 give 4-5C now 8-9C. That the main reason most of the time models has been very wrong in surface results.

31 January 2022 18:26:47


I admire your optimism but looks very unconvincing. Roll on Spring 


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

last throws of optimism before spring convection watch

31 January 2022 19:43:32


Interestingly, the global temp anomaly is just currently just a small bit above average (+0.1c). 

gfs_nh-sat1_t2anom_1-day.png (800×846) (

Global temps were warmer this time last year, yet it was a cooler winter generally speaking in this part of the world. Pure luck is the bigger driving force I think. 


Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Yes thanks for posting that. This is the exact point I am getting at, the global temp anomaly is only (+0.1c) compared to the 79-00 base and yet last Winter was colder and I think the global temperature anomaly was slightly higher. 

As another example say in December 2010 which of course was freezing I would imagine the overall global temperature anomaly was similar to now, maybe a little higher, yet some people probably thought GW was finished and we were heading to an ice age but it was just that the warm air was going up to Greenland and all the polar air was being directed to us.


NW Leeds - 150m amsl
31 January 2022 20:00:55

Interesting ensembles for 12z - I wonder if it's displayed like this so that the GFS Op and Control can be displayed seen more clearly!?


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Chunky Pea
31 January 2022 20:03:27


Yes thanks for posting that. This is the exact point I am getting at, the global temp anomaly is only (+0.1c) compared to the 79-00 base and yet last Winter was colder and I think the global temperature anomaly was slightly higher. 

As another example say in December 2010 which of course was freezing I would imagine the overall global temperature anomaly was similar to now, maybe a little higher, yet some people probably thought GW was finished and we were heading to an ice age but it was just that the warm air was going up to Greenland and all the polar air was being directed to us.


Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Yep, very similar NH and global temps in December 2010, and this is the chart for the day after that big Arctic airmass moved down which was to help secure that month as one on of the coldest on record:

t2anom_world-ced_2010_d351.png (1100×827) (

Similar global scale temps, just different distribution. 




Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
31 January 2022 21:47:54


Yes thanks for posting that. This is the exact point I am getting at, the global temp anomaly is only (+0.1c) compared to the 79-00 base and yet last Winter was colder and I think the global temperature anomaly was slightly higher. 

As another example say in December 2010 which of course was freezing I would imagine the overall global temperature anomaly was similar to now, maybe a little higher, yet some people probably thought GW was finished and we were heading to an ice age but it was just that the warm air was going up to Greenland and all the polar air was being directed to us.


Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Not sure it washes to moan about too many others moaning about global warming, when you post such a lot about it. I appreciate that you don’t think that either Climate Change is happening or that it has no effect on UK weather. Both would be wrong and not backed up by the science, despite the odd cold anomaly.

I wish denial would make it go away,  but it wont. I’m sure Boris wishes denial would make his dozen Covid parties disappear, or denial that Brexit would make the UK poorer, when the real reason was because the EU was planning sweeping tax powers for off-shore investment / hedge funds, or that the attack on the UKs world leading climate change scientist at UEA that he was falsifying data was anything but a lie for the sole purpose of delaying action to curb greenhouse gases, from those that sold fossil fuels. Had they not done so, we would be 10 years ahead with tackling it. 

The evidence is irrefutable - in temperatures (effect greatest - the closer to the poles you get), wildlife, precipitation, plants and forest health, number and intensity of wild fires, reduced incidents of snowfall and in terms of diarised personal experience of the weather in the UK. The number, intensity and duration of cold spells in the UK was greater in my father’s childhood than my childhood. Now in my old age - it is considerably less than my childhood. 

Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
31 January 2022 22:25:01


Used to be 2 to 3C max and 0C to 1C at -10C  set up but no longer the case and in summer when it max average 11C peak summer mean 24-25C but now 19-20C while min peak of -3 give 4-5C now 8-9C. That the main reason most of the time models has been very wrong in surface results.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Sorry that's poppy cock. lapse rates in winter ( December to end of January generally around 10c be it cloudy or sunny ). lapse rates rising slowly as we go through February but little to no change on cloudy days.  Even by mid to late March on cloudy days lapse rates only about 11c. For example  cold spell last February with 850's of -12c I only saw max of 0c and that is around the 10-12th with plenty of sunny weather by day. 

31 January 2022 23:03:36

Not sure it washes to moan about too many others moaning about global warming, when you post such a lot about it. I appreciate that you don’t think that either Climate Change is happening or that it has no effect on UK weather. Both would be wrong and not backed up by the science, despite the odd cold anomaly.

I wish denial would make it go away,  but it wont. I’m sure Boris wishes denial would make his dozen Covid parties disappear, or denial that Brexit would make the UK poorer, when the real reason was because the EU was planning sweeping tax powers for off-shore investment / hedge funds, or that the attack on the UKs world leading climate change scientist at UEA that he was falsifying data was anything but a lie for the sole purpose of delaying action to curb greenhouse gases, from those that sold fossil fuels. Had they not done so, we would be 10 years ahead with tackling it. 

The evidence is irrefutable - in temperatures (effect greatest - the closer to the poles you get), wildlife, precipitation, plants and forest health, number and intensity of wild fires, reduced incidents of snowfall and in terms of diarised personal experience of the weather in the UK. The number, intensity and duration of cold spells in the UK was greater in my father’s childhood than my childhood. Now in my old age - it is considerably less than my childhood. 

Originally Posted by: BJBlake 

Hang on at no point did I say that I didn't think climate change was happening or that it had no effect on UK weather.

What I was saying was that the weather in the UK at the moment and the global temperature anomaly are two very different things as shown by the climate reanalysis charts that Chunky Pea posted. As shown in December 2010 we had a global temperature anomaly of +0.2c and of course it was a historical and severe cold month in the UK, whereas now we have a slightly cooler global temperature at +0.1c and we are having a fairly mild Winter, yet it seems like some posters are suggesting that this mild winter is due to global warming.

As for bringing Boris, Brexit and COVID into it I feel you are going wildly off topic 😂😂 Even just talking of climate change is kind of off topic for this thread as it is meant to be the 'Model output discussion' 

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
Gandalf The White
01 February 2022 01:05:26


Hang on at no point did I say that I didn't think climate change was happening or that it had no effect on UK weather.

What I was saying was that the weather in the UK at the moment and the global temperature anomaly are two very different things as shown by the climate reanalysis charts that Chunky Pea posted. As shown in December 2010 we had a global temperature anomaly of +0.2c and of course it was a historical and severe cold month in the UK, whereas now we have a slightly cooler global temperature at +0.1c and we are having a fairly mild Winter, yet it seems like some posters are suggesting that this mild winter is due to global warming.

As for bringing Boris, Brexit and COVID into it I feel you are going wildly off topic 😂😂 Even just talking of climate change is kind of off topic for this thread as it is meant to be the 'Model output discussion' 

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Inaccurate. December 2010 was 0.37c above the 20th century average; December 2021 was 0.32c above. Not that taking a single month is of much value in isolation.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

01 February 2022 06:42:10


Hang on at no point did I say that I didn't think climate change was happening or that it had no effect on UK weather.

What I was saying was that the weather in the UK at the moment and the global temperature anomaly are two very different things as shown by the climate reanalysis charts that Chunky Pea posted. As shown in December 2010 we had a global temperature anomaly of +0.2c and of course it was a historical and severe cold month in the UK, whereas now we have a slightly cooler global temperature at +0.1c and we are having a fairly mild Winter, yet it seems like some posters are suggesting that this mild winter is due to global warming.

As for bringing Boris, Brexit and COVID into it I feel you are going wildly off topic 😂😂 Even just talking of climate change is kind of off topic for this thread as it is meant to be the 'Model output discussion' 

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Clearly whilst the climate change reduces the chances of a cold interlude embedding over the Uk - I agree weather Synoptics can still deliver it if all the ducks align. What is a little disturbing, is that the cold snaps have been very few and brief despite the background Synoptic context. If a Eastern Pacific based La Niña and easterly QBO produce this years results, what will it be like with a moderate El Niño and a westerly QBO?

The Atlantic conveyor is modelled for the next 2 weeks by the GFS Op - again after flirting with a brief easterly at deep FI - (note this morning GFS run relegates this scenario to the control).

Clearly there is still a lot we don't know about how the weather context interplay’s with the Synoptics, but the moaning about how this winter is panning out is reasonable - since it had some promise. GW may be influencing the way the surface weather is behaving in response to the context. Who knows, but the incidence of cold snaps is reducing. Cold spells in winter also tend to cluster: (very well illustrated in the “the Weather of East Anglia” book, and I was expecting that cluster at this end of the sun-spot cycle, which is another contextual factor. Alas it appears to not have made any impact on weather this year. 

Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
01 February 2022 07:25:00

Meanwhile the actual weather rolls on ...

WX summary shows cold continuing to retreat to the NE with temps in teens taking over in S Spain (admittedly there is a patch of ultra-cold but it's also ultra-far to the NE) Rain still very much in the N Atlantic, spreading S to include all Uk in week 2.

Jet quite active near the UK in various ways throughout, originally mostly in the N but in 10 days or so moving to the S

GFS op: HP to the S of UK and LP to the N maintain a period of strong westerlies t. One hiccup as a small LP breaks off and visits NI Sat 12th 995mb marks a change from mostly SW-ly to mostly NW-ly.

GEFS: dip in temp Sat 5th but otherwise in the S majority of ens members irregularly above the seasonal norm throughout (op and control have a dip Sat 12th). Rain from Tue 8th, significant amounts from Tue 15th. However temp forecasts even more uncertain in Scotland but closer to norm, and rain at any time, significant from Sat 5th.

ECM : like GFS but the LP mentioned is already well developed on Fri 11th deeper and out near Rockall

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
01 February 2022 07:29:04


Inaccurate. December 2010 was 0.37c above the 20th century average; December 2021 was 0.32c above. Not that taking a single month is of much value in isolation.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Incorrect - the +0.1 and +0.2 reanalysis charts are against the 79-00 temperature base not the entire 20th century.

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
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