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The Beast from the East
27 August 2022 10:59:00

06z control also a horror show.

Looks like those boilers will need to come on sooner than we hoped

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
27 August 2022 11:20:46

06z control also a horror show.

Looks like those boilers will need to come on sooner than we hoped

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Or thermal undies and woolly sweaters to save on heating bills. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
27 August 2022 11:47:43

Or thermal undies and woolly sweaters to save on heating bills. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 


I wear the thermals now at night when star gazing.......

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
27 August 2022 12:22:27

I have had solar panels for since 2011, The solar panels for August have now produced the 3rd most power in that time span and will easily beat the prevous August record. I live in somerset.

Originally Posted by: NCross 

I have hot water panels, and have not had to use any gas for heating since the end of April, also a record - in previous years there have always been a cloudy spell here or there when the hot water needed topping up from the boiler.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
27 August 2022 20:42:04

06z control also a horror show.

Looks like those boilers will need to come on sooner than we hoped

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

yeah but you say that every other day between the heat wave is coming back posts. All very uncertain 

27 August 2022 20:43:44

I have had solar panels for since 2011, The solar panels for August have now produced the 3rd most power in that time span and will easily beat the prevous August record. I live in somerset.

Originally Posted by: NCross 

same here in Newquay. Got mine in 2011. Never ever thought they would be the best investment I ever made. 

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
28 August 2022 07:06:46

WX temp charts much as yesterday - pleasantly warm and somewhat above norm for W Europe (though no longer hot) while cold air definitely below norm menaces from W Russia. Rain in patches in week 1 - Atlantic SW of Britain, Alps, W Russia - linking up to form a larger area across Britain down across the Alps and into the Balkans. This rainfall pattern supported by BBC forecast this morning.

GFS Op - consistent with yesterday, current HP drifting N to Scotland (best in the west with NE-lies down E coast) to Thu 1st when breaking down with Atlantic LP linking to LP over France and settling 1000mb SW England Sun 4th (BBC suggesting heavy rain with flooding in places) Eventually moves E to N Sea by Thu 8th and pressure rises for a while only for another LP to establish Wales 1005mb Tue 13th

GEFS - mean temp not far from norm, a little above in week 1, a little below in week 2, but ever more rain in most ens members from Sat 3rd for several days, and not entirely dry thereafter.

ECM - similar to GFS but as yesterday, the LP around Sun 4th standing somewhat further W, so minimising chances of rainfall and importing some warmth from the Continent, at least for the east of Britain.


War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
28 August 2022 18:55:03
From the look of the 12z Op and ensembles the 3rd to 7th should give us some good rain before going back dry-ish again. Might even need to cut the lawn for the 1st time in well over a month
West Berkshire Downs AONB
135m ASL

VP2 with daytime FARS
Rainfall collector separated at ground level
Anemometer separated above roof level
WeatherLink Live (Byles Green Weather)
The Beast from the East
28 August 2022 22:17:57
The weather gods look determined to make sure it pisses down for Mad Liz’s inauguration
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
29 August 2022 07:00:22

WX temps continue the theme of reasonable warmth over W Europe gradually being eroded by significantly colder air from the NE, just about working its way into Poland and Sweden by week 2. Rain in week 1 concentrated in patches - off SW Ireland, the Alps and W Russia - and in week 2 these patches joining up into a more or less continuous band (including S England!)

Jet - not much until Sat 3rd when loop develops W of Ireland, and then continues from Thu 8th to run as twin streams/streaks N and S of UK, the S stream getting entangled with an ex-hurricane from Sun 11th

GFS Op - a well forecast outcome for this week; Hp over Scotland to start with, declining Fri 2nd as trough establishes from Iceland to Brittany, developing a definite centre 995 mb off SW Ireland Sun 4th. This slowly fills and pressure over Uk rises for a while before the ex-hurricane which has been on-off threatened for a while appears in mid-Atlantic Fri 9th and heads for Biscay Tue 13th.

GEFS - mean temps near norm, a little  above at first and a little below later, rain in nearly all ens members frequently from Fri 2nd, most concentrated around Mon 6th (S), Sat 4th (N), maybe a little drier around Sun 11th.

ECM - very much like GFS; if anything the trough on Fri 2nd slower to develop but in the end it does so; and the ex-hurricane appears a day earlier

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
29 August 2022 10:21:00

Bye bye Summer. Was nice knowing you, RIP. (If a bit hot at times - 40c arrghh!)

Location: Uxbridge
29 August 2022 10:30:39

Bye bye Summer. Was nice knowing you, RIP. (If a bit hot at times - 40c arrghh!)

Originally Posted by: briggsy6 

When did it leave?

Looks reasonable going forward. Some rain in a few days but still rather warm

29 August 2022 11:31:37

1st. September we shall have a sunny warm day.


Weather Lore Calendar     Fair on September 1st, fair for the month. 


Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Matty H
29 August 2022 11:40:44


When did it leave?

Looks reasonable going forward. Some rain in a few days but still rather warm

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

It hasn’t. Mid 20s here again today and looks great for the realistically foreseeable  

29 August 2022 12:20:29

Bye bye Summer. Was nice knowing you, RIP. (If a bit hot at times - 40c arrghh!)

Originally Posted by: briggsy6 

Good riddance and glad to see the back of it. September might deliver more sunny days in between the rain times. Today really cold 18C and cloudy for no reason when it meant to be nice BH with low to mid 20's.

Matty H
29 August 2022 14:17:10


Good riddance and glad to see the back of it. September might deliver more sunny days in between the rain times. Today really cold 18C and cloudy for no reason when it meant to be nice BH with low to mid 20's.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

It has been here. Upper 20s on Saturday as well 

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
30 August 2022 07:13:27

WX temp charts show seasonal cooling down for Europe, the west holding on to the last of the summer warmth for week 1, but definitely cooler to the NE; and by week 2 any hot weather is only for the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Rain in week 1 in discrete areas - W Britain, Alps, W Russia - becoming more widespread and further S and E week 2.

GFS Op consistent with previous forecasts for this week; current HP declines and by Fri there is a shallow Trough down the W of Britain resolving into complex LP over Ireland 995mb by Mon 5th, slowly filling and moving to SE England Sat 10th. Then a general rise of pressure from the SW, pumped up by hurricane in mid-Atlantic (more intense than shown yesterday so maybe not 'ex') which however looks as if it will run N to Greenland Mon 12th, not W to Brittany.

GEFS mean temp near norm generally (a little above in S at first), rain from Sat 3rd at its most intense Mon 5th and in the S a secondary peak Mon 12th but not much of a let-up in the N. 

ECM similar to GFS (LP Mon 5th just W of Ireland rather than over it)


War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
30 August 2022 10:00:35
Imagine this time next week, flood warnings for the prone western areas will be order of the day. Charts look a bit soggy
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
31 August 2022 06:44:36

WX temps after toying with a cooling for W Europe are today showing warmth resurgent from the S for France and Britain in week 2 (what was that about a zombie summer - you just can't kill it). Cold air knocking on the door of Poland, cooler into Germany too. Rain fro Brtain across to the Alps in week 1 also shifted in week 2 to Baltic and Ukraine.

GFS Op - trough developing down W side of Uk on Fri turning into LP over SW Ireland Mon 5th 990 mb filling and moving E slowly over that week, as before; on Sat 10th not one but two hurricanes on Atlantic one heading for Spain and the other for Greenland with Britain enjoying weak HP by default, still there on Wed 14th but giving way to a repeat version of the trough down the W of Britain Fri 16th. But with hurricanes appearing on the Atlantic I wouldn't regard any forecast outcome as stable, they 'make their own weather'.

GEFS - on the warm side now (or delayed a day or two in Scotland), near norm to Wed 14th, hints of an uptick after that; rain plentiful from about Sat 3rd throughout (a little drier at end of forecast period for Scotland). 

ECM - 0z available to Wed 7th and fairly similar to GFS that far, though one of the hurricanes referred to has put in an early appearance, not sure where it's going. [have to go out now, may come back and edit later when 0z fully downloaded] EDIT The 'early' appearance hurricane appears to be one which develops mid-Atlantic, presumably the one shown on NHC with a 50% chance of development in 5 days, and it heads first for  Biscay and then swings NE 985mb C England Sat 10th. The second hurricane rather loses its way in mid-Atlantic but looks to be drifting N-wards as it fills.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
31 August 2022 07:30:07


ECM - 0z available to Wed 7th and fairly similar to GFS that far, though one of the hurricanes referred to has put in an early appearance, not sure where it's going. [have to go out now, may come back and edit later when 0z fully downloaded]

Originally Posted by: DEW 

To the UK via Spain/Portugal according to the 10 day chart!

Obviously at that fun time of the year where the FI swings are even more dramatic than usual as the models toy with where the energy ends up.

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
31 August 2022 07:52:27


To the UK via Spain/Portugal according to the 10 day chart!

Obviously at that fun time of the year where the FI swings are even more dramatic than usual as the models toy with where the energy ends up.

Originally Posted by: Hippydave 

Very quiet here due to very boring weather now only weirdo Mark smithy and KTtom posting very boring weather set up while rest are gone. Most people like heat to snow events set up. Still warm this week and mild nights so keep warm indoors. Hope we get a regular heatwave in September at some point.

Lionel Hutz
31 August 2022 08:58:04


Very quiet here due to very boring weather now only weirdo Mark smithy and KTtom posting very boring weather set up while rest are gone. Most people like heat to snow events set up. Still warm this week and mild nights so keep warm indoors. Hope we get a regular heatwave in September at some point.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Not sure who the "weirdos" that you mention are. However, I think that this weekend could be interesting in so far as it may bring a definitive end to the drought in Western areas at least. A lot of rain here, I expect and in the West and North of the UK. I'm not certain that the South East will see all that much however.



Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

31 August 2022 09:09:37

Yeah, I'll bank the latest GFS run, the ECM can **** right off.  But we are coming up to the time of year where models and then the reality becomes much more volatile. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
31 August 2022 09:14:45

Yeah, I'll bank the latest GFS run, the ECM can **** right off.  But we are coming up to the time of year where models and then the reality becomes much more volatile. 

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Arguably if it's the frontal kind of rain, it seems easier to predict the paths it will take. This summer where the rain will fall has been a nightmare to predict. 

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
31 August 2022 09:42:19


Arguably if it's the frontal kind of rain, it seems easier to predict the paths it will take. This summer where the rain will fall has been a nightmare to predict. 

Originally Posted by: NMA 

Not so much the rain as we really need it big time at my neck of the wood, it's ECM's idea of 75 mph gusts along the Channel coast in the early hours that can sod off, way too soon for that.  Of course it's 10 days away and nowhere deterministic, etc. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
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