Quite a few contradictions today ...
WX summary with no surprises in week 1 - Europe above/well above norm with a patch of colder weather to the NE. But a dramatic change from yesterday in week 2, instead of the cold weather fading away there's a massive incursion of cold from Siberia down to Romania. W Europe unaffected for now, but little sign of the warmth from the south predicted for next weekend for UK in MetO, GFS Op etc. Rain continuing on the Atlantic including Britain for both weeks (again not seen in the GFS Op for week 2), plus a couple of smaller areas in the Med and the Black Sea
GFS Op - current LP off Ireland moving NE and filling but not before it has projected a few troughs across Britain. A much deeper LP (947mb - FAX) close to Iceland Thu 10th but only affecting the far NW as pressure rises from the S, by Saturday 12th 1035mb Germany and moving N bringing a warm S-ly flow until Wed 16th when it links to another HP cell in the Atlantic and winds swing round to the SW. This lasts until Sun 20th when deep LP 960mb develops in mid Atlantic with trough to the S, the whole of this then moving closer to Britain. A brief spell of NE-lies over Russia around Mon 14th but not as extensive or as persistent as implied in the WX charts.
ECM - like GFS until Sun 13th. After that there's no HP cell on the Atlantic to offer a link; instead the HP retreats E-wards, LP moves in and is centred over E Scotland 970mb Tue 15th with disturbed weather for all of Britain.
GEFS - as yesterday, cool and wet to Thu 10th, dry and very mild, even warm, to Sun 13th, after which rain sets in and temps decline to seasonal norm by Fri 18th. Similar temp pattern for all, but the rain never really clears from the far NW
Originally Posted by: DEW