That part of the reason I stopped doing the weather data due to weather not adhere to a season. I am strong season follower and now it March I expect some warm spring like weather to come at some point.
Originally Posted by: Jiries
What a ridiculous comment.
To expect weather to adhere to a season that was devised by humans in a calendar devised by humans is the modern day equivalent of expecting King Canute to turn back the tide. Nature will do what it does and to stop doing weather data doing because of this is.......🙄
Originally Posted by: Irlamite
I agree with Kev's comment here (which I have quoted above). For me, I would be much happier if the weather did fully conform with the seasons as going by the actual calendar, but I fully accept that this is generally not going to be the case.
There are two extreme events which point out very well, just how far the weather can stray from what we would expect at any time of the year. First of all, it has to be remember that snow was actually recorded in the UK back in June 1975 in what was actually the start of that year's meteorological summer then, we had the temperatures climb to more than 20°C in the south of England towards the end of the winter of 2018-2019.
If that doesn't tell you how far our weather can stray from what we would expect at any time of the year, nothing will. Although that isn't exactly what I would want to be seeing, that has nothing to do with the weather types which I find "interesting" or boring, so unseasonal weather isn't going to stop me from recording that because in my books, weather which I find to be "interesting" isn't necessarily the same weather which I actually want to be seeing.
If anything, I would probably say that unseasonal weather is actually more interesting that the type of weather which I would expect due to its unseasonal aspect of it, so I would still be more than happy to record that. What would drive me away from recording the weather is if the weather becomes more uninteresting and boring over long periods of time. By that, I'm talking about long periods of time when it virtually never rains with daily rainfall totals are constantly either 0.0 mm or a very small fraction of 1 mm.
In addition to that, there are also hardly any diurnal temperature variations from day to day during such a spell of weather with our weather being driven more or less solely by how much cloud or sunshine that there is. Such spells of weather just become more boring and monotonous over time, the longer that they drag on to the point where I then get fed up with reporting the same type of stuff all the time.
That is true, regardless of the time of year and February along with most of the winter was very much, in that sort of scenario to the point when I actually came very close to quitting from this forum as a result, simply because my overall interest in weather was waning quite a lot because of that.
Luckily, our most recent weather though unseasonal, hasn't been as boring or uninteresting. However, I am noticing that there is an overall trend which is taking place over time for the weather to become more boring and uninteresting and this is also partly shown by this season's complete absence of storms named under our current joint UK/Ireland/Netherlands system for only the first time since that system first started back in 2015.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.