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17 July 2024 15:12:33

Just brought a mobile air con unit from Amazon, its brilliant!
My bedroom is on 2nd floor of new build house and the heat builds quickly, this air con unit lowers the temperature from 27c to 22c in half an hour while lowering the humidity as well. Its a bit noisy so I turn it off before going to sleep and the room doesn't really heat up again as the temperature outside falls.
For £200 it's worth every penny.

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

Welcome to the a/c club! 😁I started off with one like yours, but it really struggled in my west-facing bedroom (the flat roof of course making it worse - a loft at least traps the heat up there).

My current one is a more powerful affair with two long hoses... meaning the machine sits in the back bedroom, one hose dangles out the window and the other runs across the hallway and is suspended by some twine at the top of my bedroom door, blowing cool air in at a high level (more effective than the usual floor-standing a/c units). I then block the gap with an old shower screen, but of course as soon as it's turned off the heat soon returns. I'll be leaving it going all night starting tomorrow night, I think, and thankfully now it's in a different room entirely the noise isn't as bad... that drrr, drrr, drrr noise portables have does make sleeping a problem, especially if you're a very light sleeper like me!

(As a bonus, that background thrumming drowns out some of the noise from outside, because as we know - nothing like warm weather to encourage people to make a racket.)
Leysdown, north Kent
17 July 2024 19:27:04
The dross continues with day 23 of the relentless cloud infested horror show. Only another four days of crud to beat 2012's record of 26 consecutive mostly cloudy days. Should be easily achieved as can't manage more than an hour or two of sunshine before a vile wall of ugly grey garbage invades.

I have never recorded a summer month that didn't manage at least one day with 10 hours of sun but this ghastly pile of festering filth can't get anywhere close to that. If you looked at the daily totals without knowing which month it is you would guess January. A beyond pitiful 7.0 hours sun on the sunniest day which is less than was managed by four of the past five Januaries.

Barely 2 hours sun a day, less than 40% of average. At this rate a real chance of it ending with less than the 71.9 hours recorded in January 2024 which was the lowest total for that month since 2016. Once again it's the stuff of nightmares that only an extremely warped mind could ever dream of making up.

Headed for the dullest summer month ever seen in over 140 years  as well as one of the dullest spring/summer combination. 1944 was the only year that both seasons recorded fewer than 400 hours. Seems a very real possibility that 2024 will join it. A torturous endurance test that just keeps on getting more and more unbearable and intolerable.
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
18 July 2024 16:20:13
Well, the heatwave's off to as crappy a start as I could have hoped for - the temperature refuses to drop (to quote someone else on here in winter), and it's now a gnat's whisker off 29C... It's actually fractionally cooler indoors, and of course I've had to wheel out the portable a/c. It's going to be a crap night, what with that growling away, and doubtless the stank of someone's rancid barbecue...

It sucks that this time around we won't have the saviour of a sea breeze... I can even see the sea from the back bedroom windows of the house, but the wind's from just the wrong direction. It's also just my luck that this time round Sheppey will be within a degree or two of being the hottest place in the UK today, tomorrow and Saturday. Pah.

Leysdown, north Kent
19 July 2024 08:29:15
So, here we are in day two of the heatwave. As expected, it's utter dross - not even a breath of wind, clouds that magically avoid going anywhere near the sun, and a dewpoint in the low 20s, which feels as disgusting as it sounds like. It's 24C at half nine in the morning and will remain above the July average max until nearly midnight tonight.

My electricty bill will be going through the roof today (the portable a/c will be working overtime) and yet I know it's still going to suck trying to sleep tonight. I'm half-zombiefied already and expect to be fully zombiefied tomorrow.

Leysdown, north Kent
19 July 2024 09:31:46

So, here we are in day two of the heatwave. As expected, it's utter dross - not even a breath of wind, clouds that magically avoid going anywhere near the sun, and a dewpoint in the low 20s, which feels as disgusting as it sounds like. It's 24C at half nine in the morning and will remain above the July average max until nearly midnight tonight.

My electricty bill will be going through the roof today (the portable a/c will be working overtime) and yet I know it's still going to suck trying to sleep tonight. I'm half-zombiefied already and expect to be fully zombiefied tomorrow.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Here is super blue skies a rare sight and not humid more like dry heat type and today 2 years anniversary to see 40C here on that same dry heat but 10C hotter than today forecast.  
Saint Snow
19 July 2024 09:36:46
Lovely day here, with temps forecast to max at 27c (just right!)

But it all gets swept away tomorrow. Thundery showers by lunch and temps to 21c. Sunday should at least be dry - but just 17c.

Further west, they don't even get that. Was looking at Anglesey and their max today is just 20 under cloud. Sunday and 16c.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 July 2024 09:40:09

Lovely day here, with temps forecast to max at 27c (just right!)

But it all gets swept away tomorrow. Thundery showers by lunch and temps to 21c. Sunday should at least be dry - but just 17c.

Further west, they don't even get that. Was looking at Anglesey and their max today is just 20 under cloud. Sunday and 16c.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

The same here as well, a beautiful morning. It's just a shame it isn't going to last.

To be honest, I'm perfectly happy with Sunday's weather. Whilst I do prefer a pleasant warmth in high summer, I'm not really bothered about the temperature as long as it's dry and sunny. That's what frustrates me with cool weather in summer - if it didn't always come with cloud, rain and wind, I wouldn't mind it.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Saint Snow
19 July 2024 09:48:54

The same here as well, a beautiful morning. It's just a shame it isn't going to last.

To be honest, I'm perfectly happy with Sunday's weather. Whilst I do prefer a pleasant warmth in high summer, I'm not really bothered about the temperature as long as it's dry and sunny. That's what frustrates me with cool weather in summer - if it didn't always come with cloud, rain and wind, I wouldn't mind it.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

We were looking at a trip to Anglesey on Sunday for some paddleboarding. If we do go, it'll be wetsuits 😟

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 July 2024 10:07:18
Day 25 of the horrific dystopian nightmare for which no rational explantion can account for.

It doesn't matter what synoptic set-up it's just the same poisonous, ugly, revolting and beyond depressing grey mess covering the entirety of the sky. The current set-up would have brought plenty of sunshine in the 20th Century but now nothing but disgusting grey gloom that can barely break to allow the sun to shine for even five minutes at a time.

Yet another 21st Century horror summer month so horrifically bad you just can't believe it's happening. I've never been more depressed in my life being subjected to this demoralising poison day after day.


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
19 July 2024 12:42:53
Vile. 21C dewpoints should be illegal in the UK! 
Leysdown, north Kent
Saint Snow
19 July 2024 12:45:31

Vile. 21C dewpoints should be illegal in the UK!

OK, Jiries, please give Retron his account back 

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Crepuscular Ray
19 July 2024 17:17:40
I feel the same as Richard this year, so cloudy, hardly seen the sun for 10 days (apart from Wednesday)
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
19 July 2024 18:01:00
What a putrid day - far too warm to do anything productive outside, of course, and increasingly unpleasant indoors (it's now 25 downstairs, and 32 upstairs). Still 29 outside at 7PM, and I'm not looking forward to bedtime... it's gonna suck big time tonight.
At least the lucky Scots don't have the experience of waking up several times in the night, drenched in sweat... be careful what you wish for, folks! 
Leysdown, north Kent
19 July 2024 18:01:14

Vile. 21C dewpoints should be illegal in the UK! 

Originally Posted by: Retron 

It's good fun seeing you suffer Darren. Seeing as you take great pleasure in relishing miserable cold weather in summer 😉 😅😅
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
19 July 2024 18:06:33

It's good fun seeing you suffer Darren. Seeing as you take great pleasure in relishing miserable cold weather in summer 😉 😅😅

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

It will go back down but this time no silly low 10 to mid teen temps here mostly just tad below average to average temps.  Today warm spell didn't bring wall to wall sunshine yet but not sure why we cannot get sunny days in any temperatures, not always have to be reserved to the heatwave or very warm spell but on average temps or a bit below.  
19 July 2024 18:48:44

At least the lucky Scots don't have the experience of waking up several times in the night, drenched in sweat... be careful what you wish for, folks!

It does have its benefits - last night I'd have missed a great dispaly of noctilucent clouds had it not been so silly warm and I'd been unable to ge back to sleep 
Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
20 July 2024 05:00:59

It's good fun seeing you suffer Darren. Seeing as you take great pleasure in relishing miserable cold weather in summer 😉 😅😅

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Good fun, eh? I'll remember that next time you're whinging in the MO thread, or writing off entire seasons in the first week! 😁

The difference with "miserable cold weather", of course, is that you can still get out and do things and more importantly get a good night's sleep. I defy you, Moomin, to get a good night's sleep when it's 33C in your bedroom. Just try it! (Or you can have a portable a/c running loudly, and 25C instead if you prefer - that's what I had last night). And it means the roads are populated by zombies in the morning - not much fun either.

I would be one of them if I were out and about, but thankfully I'm not.

...and of course today will be day three of the heatwave, 27C is the forecast max and that's right on the threshold. Sod's law, isn't it, that those who despise heatwaves end up with one, while those gagging for them miss out!

Leysdown, north Kent
21 July 2024 07:36:18
The dreary summer continues 
Was meant to be sunny spells for London today now The  Met Office showing constant cloud and subdued temperatures till late afternoon 
21 July 2024 10:10:46

Good fun, eh? I'll remember that next time you're whinging in the MO thread, or writing off entire seasons in the first week! 😁

The difference with "miserable cold weather", of course, is that you can still get out and do things and more importantly get a good night's sleep. I defy you, Moomin, to get a good night's sleep when it's 33C in your bedroom. Just try it! (Or you can have a portable a/c running loudly, and 25C instead if you prefer - that's what I had last night). And it means the roads are populated by zombies in the morning - not much fun either.

I would be one of them if I were out and about, but thankfully I'm not.

...and of course today will be day three of the heatwave, 27C is the forecast max and that's right on the threshold. Sod's law, isn't it, that those who despise heatwaves end up with one, while those gagging for them miss out!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Must be honest, I never really struggle to sleep no matter how hot the room is.
It was a bit challenging on that 40c day 2 years ago, but generally, just a fan will suffice for me, but then I have always been a good sleeper.
I do, of course, jest with you, but we don't really get enough warm to hot days to ever make it unbearable for me.
Each to their own of course, and in truth, an ideal summer would be daytime temperatures around 20-23c and nighttime comfortable around 12-14c.
But I will take the heat when it comes too! 
And I'm a changed man anyway, you will never see me writing off a season too early any more.
As such, I'm definitely not writing off summer yet, and I hope that August will give us some decent weather.
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Roger Parsons
21 July 2024 10:40:54

So, here we are in day two of the heatwave. As expected, it's utter dross - not even a breath of wind, clouds that magically avoid going anywhere near the sun, and a dewpoint in the low 20s, which feels as disgusting as it sounds like. It's 24C at half nine in the morning and will remain above the July average max until nearly midnight tonight.

My electricty bill will be going through the roof today (the portable a/c will be working overtime) and yet I know it's still going to suck trying to sleep tonight. I'm half-zombiefied already and expect to be fully zombiefied tomorrow.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I find it a paradox that our efforts to address energy use/loss by better building materials and insulation could in some cases force us to go for air conditioning to cool our homes in summer - putting up our energy use back to where we started. Is this a fair take on the present situation? I've not looked at the "energetics" seriously. I wonder if Q has? 🤨
West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
21 July 2024 10:54:12

I find it a paradox that our efforts to address energy use/loss by better building materials and insulation could in some cases force us to go for air conditioning to cool our homes in summer - putting up our energy use back to where we started. Is this a fair take on the present situation? I've not looked at the "energetics" seriously. I wonder if Q has? 🤨

Originally Posted by: Roger Parsons 

Well, the insulation in my house is the same as it was 40 years ago, aside from the new windows... thanks to the warming climate, it's crossed the threshold from "bugger me, that was a warm night" to "I need a/c to even think of sleeping" when we have our hottest summer days.

Judging by the number of a/c (as opposed to heat pump) condensers appearing locally, it seems that people in much newer (and thus much better insulated) houses than mine are succumbing too.

Give it another 20 years and I reckon you'll see a/c units everywhere down here... a bit like if you go on holiday to warmer countries now. Technically you need planning permission for a/c units, FWIW, but nobody bothers and the council here at least couldn't care less - they have more pressing matters to attend to with their limited resources. Oddly the a/c companies themselves either ignore the planning issue entirely, or outright lie about it! (Sample link here , it was the first Google match when I searched).

The actual rules are here - the a/c companies saying they're legal without planning conveniently ignore the "must be used solely for heating purposes" bit! 
Leysdown, north Kent
22 July 2024 04:44:05

Well, the insulation in my house is the same as it was 40 years ago, aside from the new windows... thanks to the warming climate, it's crossed the threshold from "bugger me, that was a warm night" to "I need a/c to even think of sleeping" when we have our hottest summer days.

Judging by the number of a/c (as opposed to heat pump) condensers appearing locally, it seems that people in much newer (and thus much better insulated) houses than mine are succumbing too.

Give it another 20 years and I reckon you'll see a/c units everywhere down here... a bit like if you go on holiday to warmer countries now. Technically you need planning permission for a/c units, FWIW, but nobody bothers and the council here at least couldn't care less - they have more pressing matters to attend to with their limited resources. Oddly the a/c companies themselves either ignore the planning issue entirely, or outright lie about it! (Sample link here , it was the first Google match when I searched).

The actual rules are here - the a/c companies saying they're legal without planning conveniently ignore the "must be used solely for heating purposes" bit! 

Originally Posted by: Retron 

That really stupid for a permission just to install a unit? Other countries don’t and do what you want.
23 July 2024 17:18:38
Was in London for the weekend enduring more of the same crap as has been suffered here for an eternity. Sun couldn't stay out longer than about 10 minutes at a time. Only difference was it was warmer.

Flight home on Sunday night was cancelled so I ended up being subjected to a 7 hour train journey on Monday from which I was able to enjoy astoundingly varied, interesting and beautiful skies for the entirety of the journey. This is just a taste of what I was treated to. It will have weather enthusiasts all around the world salivating in awe:

Retford, Nottinghamshire

Tadcaster, North Yorkshire

Newton Aycliffe, County Durham

Alnwick, Northumberland

Dunbar, East Lothian

Back home and It's a case of having to endure a life not worth living in what is resembling a plot from a dystopian horror movie in which a cloud seeding experiment has gone disastrously wrong.

Even days that are forecast to be sunnier, like today, see cloud just sitting there the entire time for no apparent reason while even the likes of Peterhead and Fraserburgh manage to enjoy sun. In fact everywhere else does because it is only here that is subjected to hellish grey skies every single day. 29 on the trot now, smashing the ludicrous 26 in a row in 2012 that was thought to be so bad for summer it would have no chance of ever being equalled never mind beaten.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Crepuscular Ray
24 July 2024 09:00:00

Was in London for the weekend enduring more of the same crap as has been suffered here for an eternity. Sun couldn't stay out longer than about 10 minutes at a time. Only difference was it was warmer.

Flight home on Sunday night was cancelled so I ended up being subjected to a 7 hour train journey on Monday from which I was able to enjoy astoundingly varied, interesting and beautiful skies for the entirety of the journey. This is just a taste of what I was treated to. It will have weather enthusiasts all around the world salivating in awe:

Retford, Nottinghamshire

Tadcaster, North Yorkshire

Newton Aycliffe, County Durham

Alnwick, Northumberland

Dunbar, East Lothian

Back home and It's a case of having to endure a life not worth living in what is resembling a plot from a dystopian horror movie in which a cloud seeding experiment has gone disastrously wrong.

Even days that are forecast to be sunnier, like today, see cloud just sitting there the entire time for no apparent reason while even the likes of Peterhead and Fraserburgh manage to enjoy sun. In fact everywhere else does because it is only here that is subjected to hellish grey skies every single day. 29 on the trot now, smashing the ludicrous 26 in a row in 2012 that was thought to be so bad for summer it would have no chance of ever being equalled never mind beaten.

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

It's awful Richard. Edinburgh has had 40% of average sunshine and it's the 24th!!
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
24 July 2024 10:18:27
A lovely day yesterday and a nice start to today. It's also encouraging to see that the models are trending towards a general improvement in the weather, so hopefully this will be a classic case of a backloaded summer with hopefully a very respectable August and a warm September to come. It would be great to get a decent period of good and useable weather before the descent into rubbish begins.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
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