The latest rainfall data for Edinburgh Gogarbank is as follows:
Data For Recent Days24 hour total up to 10 am BST (09:00 UTC) yesterday morning: 3.4 mm
Total since 10 am BST (09:00 UTC) yesterday morning: 17.0 mm (as at 9:00 am BST (08:00 UTC) this morning on Friday 23 August 2024)
This makes yesterday our wettest day of this summer so far with only just over a week left of this summer.
Monthly DataTotal for this month so far: 56.4 mm (75.5% of 1991-2020 August average)
Number of rain days during this month: 11 (98.5% of 1991-2020 August average)
Number of dry days during this month: 6
This means that at least another 18.4 mm of rain still needs to fall between now and the end of this month in order for this month to go
down as being wetter than average in terms of the actual rainfall amounts.
However, this month will go down as being wetter than average in terms of the number of rain days if any more official rain days are
recorded between now and the end of this month.
Seasonal DataTotal for this summer so far: 145.6 mm (67.6% of 1991-2020 summer average)
Number of rain days during this summer: 30 (89.0% of 1991-2020 summer average)
Number of dry days during this summer: 33
This means that at least another 4 official rain days now need to be recorded between now and the end of this month in order for this
summer to go down as being wetter than average in terms of the number of rain days.
Annual DataTotal for this year so far: 657.2 mm (83.8% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of rain days during this year: 99 (72.0% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of dry days during this year: 85
NoteThis data has been obtained from in raw BUFR format, and then converted into a more readable form
by my own python script.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.