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  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
16 August 2024 15:05:02
Nearly wall to wall sunshine brought indoor temps to 30.2c and conservatory 37.1C after minimum was 12.5C and 22C respectively.  
16 August 2024 15:09:48
23 down, 25 up this afternoon... 23 outside and the sun's returned, so it'll warm up a bit more before the day is done.
I did, briefly, get the living room temperature down to 19C by the "fan on the patio" trick first thing, but boy... as soon as I turned it off and closed the French window, bam! Up shot the temperature. There's still a heck of a lot of stored heat in this old house, it seems.
Leysdown, north Kent
17 August 2024 08:57:29
23.9c In bungalow lounge.

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Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 August 2024 21:08:31
Today the coolest living room temps at 23.7C and 21C over ngiht after between 25-33C for over a month.  Had a carpenter fitted the slate gray laminate flooring in the conversatory so with the doors opened for him to cut boards from 8am to 1pm that prevent it from warming up only up to 26.7C and 10.1C this morning.  It the first time i had those doors opened for 5 hours non-stop, only rarely opened for few seconds as I still go out from the kitchen side.  Notice when it opened lot of warmth easily lost in the house very fast. so using the kitchen one had no impact and doesn't suck out the warmth.  Tomororw should return to normal warmer indoor temps.
26 August 2024 05:47:07
21 up and 20 down this morning, so much more comfortable than of late. That's with the windows open all day and all night as well.

Leysdown, north Kent
28 August 2024 15:18:39
30 up and 25 down... in excess of 28 outside for over 3 hours (and still is), so it's not going to fall very quickly either.

Back to having crap sleep with the portable a/c thrumming away. 🥵

EDIT: Ended up as a low of 25 upstairs last night, it's then risen again through the day today... it's still 27 up there even with a breeze picking up this afternoon. It's 24 down and still feels stuffy.

Leysdown, north Kent
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
30 August 2024 20:54:15
Back to pleasant 27.8C and 27C upstairs to 24C bedroom and 35.2C after 10.9C this morning in the conservatory.  2nd day warmer outside since the failed warmth that end up overcast and rather cool than forecast.
Tim A
31 August 2024 07:11:24
Rather cool in the house since I got back off holiday despite the sunshine.  Currently 19c, the weaker sun means the house is not heating up as well. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 August 2024 07:23:44

Rather cool in the house since I got back off holiday despite the sunshine.  Currently 19c, the weaker sun means the house is not heating up as well. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Had those horrible 19C day and night before the conservatory was built, now not reached 19C inside since early June.  22.5C inside and 14.1C after over night low os 11.8c will rise very fast once the sun come out from the nearby big trees.  tomorrow 27-28C outside under 14C 850's uppers so should give 40C and over 30C living room.  
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
31 August 2024 07:34:21

Had those horrible 19C day and night before the conservatory was built, now not reached 19C inside since early June.  22.5C inside and 14.1C after over night low os 11.8c will rise very fast once the sun come out from the nearby big trees.  tomorrow 27-28C outside under 14C 850's uppers so should give 40C and over 30C living room.  

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

While I'm not as sensitive to heat as Darren, 30C (let alone 40C) sounds like hellish living conditions😟
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 August 2024 07:50:00

While I'm not as sensitive to heat as Darren, 30C (let alone 40C) sounds like hellish living conditions😟

It need wrote:

Yes as it help to free warm the house up and store warmth overnight lows so no more 19Cs day and night anymore here.  If hit 40C tomorrow that might be the last time to see this while doors still open, still can hit 40 any time in September if doors closed but i rather warm the house up than not.   Nice to get up in the morning no chill feeling last time was early June.
31 August 2024 08:59:15
19°C is a very pleasant indoor temperature. In fact 19°C to 22°C with the windows open strikes me as quite a healthy temperature range, perhaps closer to the 22°C value if you are older or have certain health conditions.
I think the WHO cites the healthy range as 18 to 24°C with values above (and indeed below) this range as having adverse health effects for sedentary people.
Tim A
31 August 2024 19:32:11

Think you will be disappointed if you are expecting 27-28c outside in the Midlands tomorrow.

Had those horrible 19C day and night before the conservatory was built, now not reached 19C inside since early June.  22.5C inside and 14.1C after over night low os 11.8c will rise very fast once the sun come out from the nearby big trees.  tomorrow 27-28C outside under 14C 850's uppers so should give 40C and over 30C living room.  

Jiries wrote:

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 August 2024 21:49:19

Think you will be disappointed if you are expecting 27-28c outside in the Midlands tomorrow.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Yes v sign to the poor forecast and wrong graph 850s temps but more interested with 7th which hope a full sunny one.   Tomorrow still have this cancerous cloud infection from this horrible summer just exiting out to tonight.
01 September 2024 06:04:38
23 up, 22 down, with the windows open all day and all night. Yesterday's outdoor high was only 19C, the coolest for some time, but the house seems to retain warmth quite well! A bit warm for sleeping (I prefer 21 or less), but not unpleasantly warm.

The humidity is the main thing at the moment, the dewpoint rose from 16 to 18 overnight and it feels stuffy.

As for Jiries' 27C, as ever - come to Kent, it'll be roasting down here, as per the MetO text forecast for today:

"Hot, humid for some, mainly eastern parts. Maximum temperature 29 °C."
Leysdown, north Kent
02 September 2024 15:44:03
28 up and 25 down, humid as hell (18C dewpoint both inside and out). The season may have changed, but the humidity and warmth goes on!

Leysdown, north Kent
02 September 2024 18:17:00
Incredible what decent aluminium double glazed windows, plus a mostly older (150yr+) brick house will keep things cool.

4 days away including yesterday's 28c outdoors, with the windows shut but not the curtains, and arrived home last night to 21.5c downstairs...
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135m ASL

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03 September 2024 17:06:40
Another crud night's sleep to come.

28C upstairs, 25C downstairs, a high of 25.8 outside (and yesterday's max was 25.9).

Cooler weather can't come soon enough, I'm dreaming of having a night where the bed isn't damp from sweat by morning!

FWIW, I've 2-year old plastic windows, A rated, and downstairs is brick and block construction, around 70 years old. You can generally get away with one hot day, but when the warmth is persistent, the humidity is high, the heat seeps in and stays. What's really needed is some lower-dewpoint air and a breeze!

We'll get the former tomorrow (but no breeze), then the wind will pick up on Thursday but the dewpoint will rise again... either/or, but not both, as it's been for most of the past 7 weeks!
Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
04 September 2024 13:58:20
House is perfect at the moment, 20-21c, though in a week or so it might get rather cold looking at the models.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
04 September 2024 15:03:14

House is perfect at the moment, 20-21c, though in a week or so it might get rather cold looking at the models.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Cold... I remember that. Give it two and a half months and even here the heating will be on - but that seems ages away at the moment.

Even though it's been mostly cloudy today, there's been no breeze to speak of, so it's still 25C upstairs, and that's with the windows open since yesterday! 22C downstairs and that's fine by me.
Leysdown, north Kent
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 September 2024 18:39:42
Today was the coldest max temperatures for the conservatory to only 20.7c and 22c inside.  For indoors it getting lower each day putting in danger of putting heating on if this overcast cold weather persist as not see the sun lasting more than 5mins since last Friday.
Hope next week sunny northerly will bring much warmer indoors as it will rise to low 30's and free warm up the house back to low to mid 20's.  Not had reached 30C plus since last Friday.
05 September 2024 19:04:23
Still a very pleasant 19°C to 22°C indoors here despite the cool weather and cloudy conditions. I hope we might get through the vast majority of this month without any heating, but time will tell.
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
06 September 2024 19:55:19
24C after max of 28.1C from 20.8 this morning with help from the conservatory which i closed the doors for 2 hours to get to 40.5c and re-open with aid of stand fan to speed up the warm indoors to spread upstairs as it was getting colder from a week of over cast weather now pleasant 23-24C.  Was not planning to close the doors but due to stupid clouds not supposed to be here today refused to clear off until after 11am so lost 4 hours of warming up,   This time of the year it would be around 34-35C with doors opened to the living room which last recorded last Friday near sunny day.
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
08 September 2024 19:02:20
After the heavy rain cleared away with super blue skies from the east which was striking to see that allow very strong sun to warm up indoors far much better than last Friday crap hazy dirty blue skies that rendering the sun strength to nothing just like cool sunlight.  was 28.5C living room, 26 Kitchen, 26C hallway upstairs, 26.9C 2nd bedroom and 24.5 my bedroom while conservatory 34.9C.  Now pleasantly warm 24C in all rooms.
10 September 2024 05:52:20
The first time in several weeks where a "natural" 19C was achieved in the evening upstairs! I had a super night's sleep as a result.
Currently 19 upstairs and 18 downstairs - it definitely makes a change!
Leysdown, north Kent
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