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09 July 2013 21:01:30


Certainly no signs of an imminent deluge....

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Deluge?   If I get another 0.5mm in the next fortnight I'd be amazed - unless we catch a thunderstorm

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
09 July 2013 21:10:02

i hope the pendulum swings back again tomorrow. the ecm ens mean is not good in fi. however, i think naefs may look a bit better (though i cant see gem 12z ens so have no idea how much they may dilute the decent looking gefs).

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

The ECM ensemble mean is not GREAT in FI, but it's not bad either, certainly in the south.

It shows warm weather persisting, with possible showers around, but certainly nothing terrible.

Originally Posted by: nickl 

ok moomin - not terrible i grant you but we've gone from a mean upper ridge to a mean upper trough. mean slp has dropped from 1020/1025 to 1015/1020.  fortunately, we have raised the latitude of the lw pattern so the troughing is shallower in depth. maybe i should have said that i hope the pendulum swings no further tomorrow.

09 July 2013 21:15:03

There's now a strong signal for the 8-10 day period to see a ridge to SW with troughing to our NE and upper air temps dropping below average for two or three days.

It looks like a bit of a no mans land between those two driving features, so just a few showers around, more to the NE with next to nothing in the SW, and near average temperatures. A return to comfortable nights which some will welcome with open arms.

Then what? Well interestingly enough there is some suggestion of the trough upstream from the Azores High becoming a bit more amplified, which in turn leads to a larger downstream ridge, that then promoting a strong Azores High ridging NE through the UK. It's a lot like how our current setup came about, except that the pattern starts off further east. I reckon anyone looking for a strong ridge of high pressure dominating more to our east should keep an eye on the developments in 9-12 days time.

You can even see a hint of the amplifying U.S. trough on the ECM 12z mean.

I agree with Nick regarding the pendulum not swinging any further - that would take us back to square one i.e. late June. We could then in theory do it all again with this UK high and all that, but it's a long old road.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
White Meadows
09 July 2013 21:35:44
Remember this warm/ very warm spell is still only 5 days old so who knows what pleasant surprises are around the corner. Temps have been higher than expected this time last week and I wouldn't be surprised if maxed continue a couple of degrees higher this weekend & next week.

Looking like breaking the 30c barrier this coming Saturday too.
Rob K
09 July 2013 23:13:17

A return to comfortable nights which some will welcome with open arms.

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Are you really suggesting the nights have been uncomfortably warm? As far as I can see there hasn't even been a minimum above 16C this month which surely not even the most ardent heat-hater could find "uncomfortable"!

Edit: I tell a lie, it only got down to 16.5c at Mumbles last night. But the vast majority of stations have been seeing overnight lows in the 12-14c range which is hardly warm! It even got down to 10c here after a high of 28!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
10 July 2013 00:44:09

A return to comfortable nights which some will welcome with open arms.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Are you really suggesting the nights have been uncomfortably warm? As far as I can see there hasn't even been a minimum above 16C this month which surely not even the most ardent heat-hater could find "uncomfortable"!

Edit: I tell a lie, it only got down to 16.5c at Mumbles last night. But the vast majority of stations have been seeing overnight lows in the 12-14c range which is hardly warm! It even got down to 10c here after a high of 28!

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 


I would agree that outside night temperatures are hardly uncomfortable, but with the residual heat indoors, bedroom values could be mid to upper 20's, and that is uncomfortable for the majority. Its currently 25.7°c here.

Ha'way the lads
Steam Fog
10 July 2013 04:45:22
00Z GFS has a brief cooler spell mid month (in relative terms) before high pressure and warm temperatures quickly return in FI.
10 July 2013 07:02:54
So st swithens day... Dry & settled or dull & damp??
10 July 2013 07:38:05

Good morning people. Here is the report from the midnight outputs of GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Wednesday July 10th 2013.

All models are maintaining their stance on the course of events over the next 4-5 days. High pressure close to NW Britain will move slowly SE over the UK in the next few days following a weak cold front South over the UK today. It then moves west out into the Atlantic maintaining a ridge over the South of the UK with a moist Westerly flow over the far North at the end of the week. Another weak cold front crosses the UK over Saturday and Sunday sparking off a few thundery showers for a few as it goes. Somewhat fresher air will follow the front reaching most areas by Monday as a NW flow slowly develops with sunny spells and partly cloudy conditions.

GFS then shows a NE/SW split next week with a slack NW flow bringing cloudier weather at times with a few showers over Northern Britain and down the North Sea coasts while the best of the weather remains for areas the further SW you go where dry weather with some warm sunshine continues though not as hot as this week. Here too a few cloudier days can be expected. In it's latter stages the fine and warm weather in the SW is shown to extend back across all areas as the High intensifies and moves in to cover the UK at the end of the run. It would become hot and sunny for all once more in light winds.

The GFS Ensembles show cooler air is on the way later in the weekend and next week. The weather will remain largely quite dry in the South with very little in the way of rain in association with the change while Northern areas could be prone to a little more. The very hot weather of the operational described above looks very isolated this morning with the more preferred option of average July conditions looking far more likely later in the run.

The Jet Stream shows the flow slipping South towards the UK for a time next week most likely to be blowing East across Scotland.

UKMO today concludes it's run on Tuesday with a cold front clearing Eastern Britain from Monday taking cloud and any rain away East and more importantly leaving behind a cooler and fresher NW flow with sunny spells and largely dry weather with just a few showers likely in the North and NE.

GEM today also shows a very weak front crossing East on Monday with High pressure building back across Southern britain by midweek with any cooler and fresher air behind the front being replaced by renewed heat and sunny weather affecting all but the far NW . Late in the week the weather turns more humid and thundery as a trough moving East off the Atlantic engages with a small thundery plume moving North from the South with the likelihood of some big storms in the SE should it evolve.

NAVGEM today keeps High pressure in control of the weather throughout it's run this morning with High pressure still parked over the UK at it's conclusion. So dry, fine and sunny weather for all on this run with just days with slightly more cloud and daily variations in height of temperature the only changes shown.

ECM finally shows the SW the place to be next week for maintaining fine and sunny conditions with just occasional cloudier interludes here. Elsewhere and more especially towards Scotland and NE England the light NW flow will carry weak troughs through from time to time increasing cloud cover and bringing at least the risk of a little rain at times in consequently slightly cooler conditions than in the SW. The fine and warm conditions in the SW looks like extending back across more of Britain later in the run as the High responsible edges somewhat further NE again.

In Summary despite incursions of cloud and a little rain in the North and East at times the overall pattern remains quite good. There will be no doubt that the SW will see the best conditions throughout the period  with virtually no chance of rainfall here for the foreseeable future and even in the North and East amounts will be small and transitory. There looks a growing trend for the chance of High pressure to build back in later in the month and though the GFS operational was an outlier the chances of that happening in my opinion remain quite good. It seems the UK has entered yet another locked pattern of weather, this time a more favourable one for our shores with at long last the Azores High becoming a major factor in the course of the UK weather thus far this Summer, fending off any major attack from both the Atlantic and, any chance of major thundery hot plumes from Southern Europe all of which is aided by a Jet Stream that is at last where it is supposed to be in Summer.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Frost Hollow
10 July 2013 07:40:51

Good morning people. Here is the report from the midnight outputs of GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Wednesday July 10th 2013.

All models are maintaining their stance on the course of events over the next 4-5 days. High pressure close to NW Britain will move slowly SE over the UK in the next few days following a weak cold front South over the UK today. It then moves west out into the Atlantic maintaining a ridge over the South of the UK with a moist Westerly flow over the far North at the end of the week. Another weak cold front crosses the UK over Saturday and Sunday sparking off a few thundery showers for a few as it goes. Somewhat fresher air will follwo the front reaching most areas by Monday as aNW flow slowly develops with sunny spells and partly cloudy conditions.

GFS then shows a NE/SW split next week with a slack NW flow bringing cloudier weather at times with a few showers over Northern Britain and down the North Sea coasts while the best of the weather remains for areas the further SW you go where dry weather with some warm sunshine continues though not as hot as this week. Here too a few cloudier days can be expected. In it's latter stages the fine and warm weather in the SW is shown to extend back across all areas as the High intensifies and moves in to cover the UK at the end of the run. It would become hot and sunny for all once more in light winds.

The GFS Ensembles show cooler air is on the way later in the weekend and next week. The weather will remain largely quite dry in the South with very little in the way of rain in association with the change while Northern areas could be prone to a little more. The very hot weather of the operational described above looks very isolated this morning with the more preferred option of average July conditions looking far more likely later in the run.

The Jet Stream shows the flow slipping South towards the UK for a time next week most likely to be blowing East across Scotland.

UKMO today concludes it's run on Tuesday with a cold front clearing Eastern Britain from Monday taking cloud and any rain away East and more importantly leaving behind a cooler and fresher NW flow with sunny spells and largely dry weather with just a few showers likely in the North and NE.

GEM today also shows a very weak front crossing East on Monday with High pressure building back across Southern britain by midweek with any cooler and fresher air behind the front being replaced by renewed heat and sunny weather affecting all but the far NW . Late in the week the weather turns more humid and thundery as a trough moving East off the Atlantic engages with a small thundery plume moving North from the South with the likelihood of some big storms in the SE should it evolve.

NAVGEM today keeps High pressure in control of the weather throughout it's run this morning with High pressure still parked over the UK at it's conclusion. So dry, fine and sunny weather for all on this run with just days with slightly more cloud and daily variations in height of temperature the only changes shown.

ECM finally shows the SW the place to be next week for maintaining fine and sunny conditions with just occasional cloudier interludes here. Elsewhere and more especially towards Scotland and NE England the light NW flow will carry weak troughs through from time to time increasing cloud cover and bringing at least the risk of a little rain at times in consequently slightly cooler conditions than in the SW. The fine and warm conditions in the SW looks like extending back across more of Britain later in the run as the High responsible edges somewhat further NE again.

In Summary despite incursions of cloud and a little rain in the North and East at times the overall pattern remains quite good. There will be no doubt that the SW will see the best conditions throughout the period  with virtually no chance of rainfall here for the foreseeable future and even in the North and East amounts will be small and transitory. There looks a growing trend for the chance of High pressure to build back in later in the month and though the GFS operational was an outlier the chances of that happening in my opinion remain quite good. It seems the UK has entered yet another locked pattern of weather, this time a more favourable one for our shores with at long last the Azores High becoming a major factor in the course of the UK weather thus far this Summer fending off any major attack from both the Atlantic and any chance of major thundery hot plumes from Southern Europe aided by a Jet Stream that is at last where it is supposed to be in Summer.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Cheers Martin, great read as ever, it just goes to prove LRF's are just not worth the read... so much for a southerly jet being forecast for July by some organisations..

10 July 2013 07:50:13

Thanks Martin..

Good  model output to enjoy.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Ally Pally Snowman
10 July 2013 07:53:32

Fantastic GFS this morning no real breakdown and ends up very hot. Prob not far off a record CET if it verified.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
10 July 2013 08:32:14

Fantastic GFS this morning no real breakdown and ends up very hot. Prob not far off a record CET if it verified.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Will be hot this weekend with 30C days from Fri-Sun before cooling off to mid 20's by early next week.  Very dry run and this will help to parch te landscape even more and allow higher temps. 

10 July 2013 09:07:01

My comments last night regarding similarities to how our current spell of weather manifested have really shown themselves in the model output this morning - I'm very pleased to say the least

A real sense of de ja vu here, with the weak trough to the NE and the Atlantic troughs travelling increasingly far to the NW, promoting the build of a strong ridge of high pressure from the SW. This time, we even get to start off in a much better position, with a less vigorous jet that never gets quite as far south as we had to end June.

I have wondered whether the jet would be corrected a little further south nearer the period Mon-Wed next week, giving us a slightly longer road to a reload, but as it's moved into the 5-7 day range the models have actually corrected slightly north - or in ECM's case, weakened the trough with no real shift in the jet latitude.

The troublesome UKMO model has shifted towards GFS and ECM, in fact it looks like a more progressive version of the ECM 00z op run.

Clearly the models have struggled with the breakaway ridge early next week, and there's still room for adjustments there.

Now to end with the best chart-related de ja vu of the morning:

There are some notable differences around the UK and in fact they're largely positive if you like it hot

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
10 July 2013 09:47:41

Fantastic output this morning with no discernible breakdown at any pont. The signals are growing for an Azores re load that will have the effect of prolonging the dry, very warm, locally hot conditions right up until the end of the month.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

10 July 2013 10:19:19
What a year! Loads of snow and now loads of heat.

Where do I sign up for this as the new norm?
[email protected]
Super Cell
10 July 2013 10:26:34

Now to end with the best chart-related de ja vu of the morning:

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Given that I will be in Bristol on that date all I can say is...


Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
Rob K
10 July 2013 10:29:00

Now to end with the best chart-related de ja vu of the morning:

There are some notable differences around the UK and in fact they're largely positive if you like it hot

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

I think Paul Weller said it best...

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Ally Pally Snowman
10 July 2013 10:34:45

Fantastic GFS this morning no real breakdown and ends up very hot. Prob not far off a record CET if it verified.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Will be hot this weekend with 30C days from Fri-Sun before cooling off to mid 20's by early next week.  Very dry run and this will help to parch te landscape even more and allow higher temps. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Looking very parched already around here most parched looking since 2006. Heath fires have started in Dorset probably the first of many if weather holds.



Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
10 July 2013 10:36:29

Fantastic output this morning with no discernible breakdown at any pont. The signals are growing for an Azores re load that will have the effect of prolonging the dry, very warm, locally hot conditions right up until the end of the month.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Steve, the outlook for a week's time looks significantly less summery (albeit not bad). IT still looks very warm in the south but unlike currently, rather average elsewhere.


Day 7:

Fine in the south perhaps but nothing notable at all for many by this stage.

That aside, even with thwe cooler and less settled conditions for many it will still be decent enough and much better than previous years.

Ally Pally Snowman
10 July 2013 10:46:42

Fantastic output this morning with no discernible breakdown at any pont. The signals are growing for an Azores re load that will have the effect of prolonging the dry, very warm, locally hot conditions right up until the end of the month.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Steve, the outlook for a week's time looks significantly less summery (albeit not bad). IT still looks very warm in the south but unlike currently, rather average elsewhere.


Day 7:

Fine in the south perhaps but nothing notable at all for many by this stage.

That aside, even with thwe cooler and less settled conditions for many it will still be decent enough and much better than previous years.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 


GFS ensembles soon bring back the settled weather for all.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
10 July 2013 10:49:38

Fantastic output this morning with no discernible breakdown at any pont. The signals are growing for an Azores re load that will have the effect of prolonging the dry, very warm, locally hot conditions right up until the end of the month.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Steve, the outlook for a week's time looks significantly less summery (albeit not bad). IT still looks very warm in the south but unlike currently, rather average elsewhere.


Day 7:

Fine in the south perhaps but nothing notable at all for many by this stage.

That aside, even with thwe cooler and less settled conditions for many it will still be decent enough and much better than previous years.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Hi Michael.

That is why I made very careful use of the word 'discernible'. The overall pattern, although not as settled as currently, will still feel very pleasant indeed even for grim coastal locations in the NE of Scotland.

The normal rules of model watching apply and too much emphasis should never be made on patterns post 144. As has been seen this morning next weeks trough is a weaker affair for next week once we reach relaible territory.


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

10 July 2013 10:51:29

That's not dissimilar to the ECM mean charts I posted: a bit less settled than currently and a good deal cooler, albeit still above average (in the south at least).

Don't get me wrong, the outlook could be so so much worse, it's just not as good as the conditions have been and will be this week. It still looks scorchio in France for my holidays so I'm not too bothered!

Edit: Steve, I guess it depends on what you call a breakdown. Towards the end of the hi-res GFS charts the temperatures are below average across swathes of the north with quite a bit of precipitation about at times. (Temperatures where I will be should be in the low 30s with a slight risk of thunderstorms )

I will also have the pleasure of experiencing Folkestone's weather for a while later this weekend.

10 July 2013 11:35:53

GFS 06z show 31C on Saturday and 30C on Sunday so another stunning hot weekend again and staying very warm next week with high 20's, settled and very dry. 

10 July 2013 12:35:41

Beyond the very warm weekend it looks like temperatures will slip back to the mid 20s next week but still above average for mid July. The 6z mean has pressure quickly rebuilding through next week to be quite dominant by next Friday.

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