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17 July 2013 08:42:11

All models show a fine and very warm or hot period still to come with at least 5-6 days more of fine weather still to come before some changes begin to take place

and that takes us to the 23rd when i did mention some forecasts speaking of a change. so if it does they got to be at least half right.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

No offence Bledur but the outlook remains very warm till at least the 25th. You've been pushing for a breakdown since mid month. That's not half right. It's whole wrong.

Originally Posted by: bledur 

Not having this, i am  a farmer and use this forum as an incredible source of information and opinion from which i take what i want and use it in my business. I don't pretend to have the knowledge most display on here  but it is a great place so why the bulling when  people post different opinions to the majority? there has definatly been cabin fever/competion on here lately to show the most outragious heat chart but that shouldn't be allowed to solely dominate the thread which is all about debate after all. Bledur has quoted the 23rd as the begining of a potential change ,well i have been watching the charts for the 24th as its my birthday and the the GFS has been showing quite consistantly the potential for change/showers over my region (SW)   for that day god knows we need it. So Steam Fog et el  please let the debate role before the loyal lurkers `amongst find a more fair minded home

Hungry Tiger
17 July 2013 08:44:34

All models show a fine and very warm or hot period still to come with at least 5-6 days more of fine weather still to come before some changes begin to take place

and that takes us to the 23rd when i did mention some forecasts speaking of a change. so if it does they got to be at least half right.

Originally Posted by: chrisb 

No offence Bledur but the outlook remains very warm till at least the 25th. You've been pushing for a breakdown since mid month. That's not half right. It's whole wrong.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Not having this, i am  a farmer and use this forum as an incredible source of information and opinion from which i take what i want and use it in my business. I don't pretend to have the knowledge most display on here  but it is a great place so why the bulling when  people post different opinions to the majority? there has definatly been cabin fever/competion on here lately to show the most outragious heat chart but that shouldn't be allowed to solely dominate the thread which is all about debate after all. Bledur has quoted the 23rd as the begining of a potential change ,well i have been watching the charts for the 24th as its my birthday and the the GFS has been showing quite consistantly the potential for change/showers over my region (SW)   for that day god knows we need it. So Steam Fog et el  please let the debate role before the loyal lurkers to this site find a more fair minded home.

Originally Posted by: bledur 

OK chaps fair enough - please keep on topic.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Polar Low
17 July 2013 08:49:52

Still looks very good on 500 in 10 days

slight shift n/e and rise over europe.

Steam Fog
17 July 2013 08:51:49
GFS has shown various breakdowns in FI since the start of this warm period. It's the nature of low res output and indeed the difficulty models have handling blocked weather. Those breakdowns have consistently been pushed back. This just underlines the risk of being over confident or definite about anything much beyond seven days.

I'd add that this doesn't mean the warm weather won't breakdown. It will. Quite possibly in the last week of July. Or maybe not. But it seems premature to claim that this is certain and risky to congratulate yourself before the event has even happened (particularly if that confident prediction has been rather mobile).
Polar Low
17 July 2013 08:58:30

indeed SF

most of us have all been caught out of the years with model watching espo me over the years wanting cold snowy weather.


GFS has shown various breakdowns in FI since the start of this warm period. It's the nature of low res output and indeed the difficulty models have handling blocked weather. Those breakdowns have consistently been pushed back. This just underlines the risk of being over confident or definite about anything much beyond seven days.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

17 July 2013 09:02:57

All models show a fine and very warm or hot period still to come with at least 5-6 days more of fine weather still to come before some changes begin to take place

and that takes us to the 23rd when i did mention some forecasts speaking of a change. so if it does they got to be at least half right.

ECM has stepped back from the inferno this morning but GEM has stepped up,

certainly shows the very high temps talked about yesterday are not "nailed on"

Originally Posted by: bledur 


yea and they are not nailed off either , Gosh i was moaning about the cool and wet spell creating a poor harvest(to which 1 member  noted leedslad?) , now 6 weeks later we could get a harvest ravaged by heat and dry . just shows the nature of the UK's weather. still i know what i would prefer weatherwise

17 July 2013 09:07:09

Beat me to it HT. That's what I get for reading in-depth

It's true that a range of opinions have their place in this forum and thread, but I also don't see anything wrong with pointing out erroneous statements, provided it's done in a respectful manner and keeps to the model discussion.

Looking at those models, they seem rather confused this morning regarding how the energy near the Azores and Iberia behaves. GFS is the most consistent from yesterday's 12z runs, while ECM has produced a run that diverges markedly due to the high pressure fizzling away much more from around halfway through the run. The reason for that is unclear... it makes for a strange run has a shallow 1016mb trough drifts up across the UK from the south but never develops further. Then the equally shallow trough near the Azores suddenly starts to be steered towards the UK, also without developing further.

UKMO handles the energy very differently at the 72-96 hour timeframe, taking it NE instead of SE, with very different results to ECM and GFS. Not sure what to make of that as it's unusual to see such disagreement at that range.

Overall, what seemed like a fairly clear trend yesterday has been shattered this morning by a wide spread of solutions from the models. We can't even be entirely sure about the setup in 5 days time, let alone 7-10. All we can do is wait until the evening to see if it all pulls back together again.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
Polar Low
17 July 2013 09:09:50

Thanks James

Beat me to it HT. That's what I get for reading in-depth

It's true that a range of opinions have their place in this forum and thread, but I also don't see anything wrong with pointing out erroneous statements, provided it's done in a respectful manner and keeps to the model discussion.

Looking at those models, they seem rather confused this morning regarding how the energy near the Azores and Iberia behaves. GFS is the most consistent from yesterday's 12z runs, while ECM has produced a run that diverges markedly due to the high pressure fizzling away much more from around halfway through the run. The reason for that is unclear... it makes for a strange run has a shallow 1016mb trough drifts up across the UK from the south but never develops further. Then the equally shallow trough near the Azores suddenly starts to be steered towards the UK, also without developing further.

UKMO handles the energy very differently at the 72-96 hour timeframe, taking it NE instead of SE, with very different results to ECM and GFS. Not sure what to make of that as it's unusual to see such disagreement at that range.

Overall, what seemed like a fairly clear trend yesterday has been shattered this morning by a wide spread of solutions from the models. We can't even be entirely sure about the setup in 5 days time, let alone 7-10. All we can do is wait until the evening to see if it all pulls back together again.

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

David M Porter
17 July 2013 09:11:35

GFS has shown various breakdowns in FI since the start of this warm period. It's the nature of low res output and indeed the difficulty models have handling blocked weather. Those breakdowns have consistently been pushed back. This just underlines the risk of being over confident or definite about anything much beyond seven days.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Agree there SF. Last weekend the GFS and ECM as well to some extent seemed to be toying with the idea of a breakdown from the NW, which both seemed to have dropped over the last couple of days. Now they seem to be considering the idea of a breakdown of sorts from the SW. Who knows? Like you though, I do think and have thought for a while that the models always struggle with blocked set-ups, regardless of what time of year it is.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Polar Low
17 July 2013 09:13:18



ecm starts to pick things up again at that time we will have to wait and c


The ECM ensemble Mean is warmer for longer and slightly more more settled at days 9 and 10 than the Op.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

17 July 2013 09:14:18

No major changes today in projected synoptics for the next 7 days, other than a tendancy for more of a southerly vector early next week with associated more humid air and, dare I say, thundery plumes or heat lows.
Otherwise it's mainly hot, dry with the odd local storm late afternoon.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Polar Low
17 July 2013 09:18:14

Was also thinking the only sort of rain source in the next maybe 10 days will only come from possable stroms so generally very dry and very hit and miss unless widespread stroms breakout later on

No major changes today in projected synoptics for the next 7 days, other than a tendancy for more of a southerly vector early next week with associated more humid air and, dare I say, thundery plumes or heat lows.
Otherwise it's mainly hot, dry with the odd local storm late afternoon.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

17 July 2013 09:33:22

Met Office 30 Days  has isolated showers for this Sunday in Bath area.. Weds 31 -August 14 Northern UK Unsettled with some possibility of showers spreading south..

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Scandy 1050 MB
17 July 2013 10:08:10

Beat me to it HT. That's what I get for reading in-depth

It's true that a range of opinions have their place in this forum and thread, but I also don't see anything wrong with pointing out erroneous statements, provided it's done in a respectful manner and keeps to the model discussion.

Looking at those models, they seem rather confused this morning regarding how the energy near the Azores and Iberia behaves. GFS is the most consistent from yesterday's 12z runs, while ECM has produced a run that diverges markedly due to the high pressure fizzling away much more from around halfway through the run. The reason for that is unclear... it makes for a strange run has a shallow 1016mb trough drifts up across the UK from the south but never develops further. Then the equally shallow trough near the Azores suddenly starts to be steered towards the UK, also without developing further.

UKMO handles the energy very differently at the 72-96 hour timeframe, taking it NE instead of SE, with very different results to ECM and GFS. Not sure what to make of that as it's unusual to see such disagreement at that range.

Overall, what seemed like a fairly clear trend yesterday has been shattered this morning by a wide spread of solutions from the models. We can't even be entirely sure about the setup in 5 days time, let alone 7-10. All we can do is wait until the evening to see if it all pulls back together again.  

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Great post - do enjoy the low level analysis you post and always makes an interesting read, please keep it up.  Certainly does seem different this morning in the longer term but we need to see tonight's runs to see how that energy is handled.

We had something not as distinct in the output a few days ago only for it to reverse on the next run,I think a thundery breakdown would be a great way to end this current hot spell and is something that has been lacking from the past few summers. Tonight's runs will be very interesting.

17 July 2013 10:11:24

GFS has shown various breakdowns in FI since the start of this warm period. It's the nature of low res output and indeed the difficulty models have handling blocked weather. Those breakdowns have consistently been pushed back. This just underlines the risk of being over confident or definite about anything much beyond seven days.

I'd add that this doesn't mean the warm weather won't breakdown. It will. Quite possibly in the last week of July. Or maybe not. But it seems premature to claim that this is certain and risky to congratulate yourself before the event has even happened (particularly if that confident prediction has been rather mobile).

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 


Indeed. And I wouldn't mind this so much did those who are looking (and wish-casting?) a breakdown concede that point. It's not AS bad on here but I am close to giving up on the other forum because of the sheer amount of kitten-drowners on there who forever post breakdowns in FI and deny they have been doing so. 

The headlines remain: The high is the form horse. The Atlantic is sleeping. No breakdown in the reliable. 

London E4
17 July 2013 10:13:50

The GFS 6z upgrades the temperatures for Monday. 31-32 widespread across central areas of England

17 July 2013 10:20:04

GFS has shown various breakdowns in FI since the start of this warm period. It's the nature of low res output and indeed the difficulty models have handling blocked weather. Those breakdowns have consistently been pushed back. This just underlines the risk of being over confident or definite about anything much beyond seven days.

I'd add that this doesn't mean the warm weather won't breakdown. It will. Quite possibly in the last week of July. Or maybe not. But it seems premature to claim that this is certain and risky to congratulate yourself before the event has even happened (particularly if that confident prediction has been rather mobile).

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Leaving aside recent agendas and squabbling, that is an excellent post.

Also, Neils comments are spot on regarding developments. Introducing phrases like "southerly vector" are nothing more than convection hunters porn and will have some members reaching for the rubber pants,which in itself could be a tad unpleasant given the heat

17 July 2013 10:58:47

GFS has shown various breakdowns in FI since the start of this warm period. It's the nature of low res output and indeed the difficulty models have handling blocked weather. Those breakdowns have consistently been pushed back. This just underlines the risk of being over confident or definite about anything much beyond seven days.

I'd add that this doesn't mean the warm weather won't breakdown. It will. Quite possibly in the last week of July. Or maybe not. But it seems premature to claim that this is certain and risky to congratulate yourself before the event has even happened (particularly if that confident prediction has been rather mobile).

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Leaving aside recent agendas and squabbling, that is an excellent post.

Also, Neils comments are spot on regarding developments. Introducing phrases like "southerly vector" are nothing more than convection hunters porn and will have some members reaching for the rubber pants,which in itself could be a tad unpleasant given the heat

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Ha! Back to models - and quick - please! 🙂
London E4
17 July 2013 11:16:42

The GFS 6z upgrades the temperatures for Monday. 31-32 widespread across central areas of England

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Yes and then it carry on in the high res frames with night time temps also warmer even warmer over the English channel so that help to raise the current remaining pockets of 15C which should be gone very soon.

Rob K
17 July 2013 11:17:50
06Z is pretty hot with Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week all showing 32C: 

But HP never really loses control of the south.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
17 July 2013 11:18:26

The GFS 6z upgrades the temperatures for Monday. 31-32 widespread across central areas of England

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Yes and then it carry on in the high res frames with night time temps also warmer even warmer over the English channel so that help to raise the current remaining pockets of 15C which should be gone very soon.

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Not to mention some great thundery activity!

17 July 2013 12:16:19

Hot one and would be interested to see if the next few runs bring more support for extension of the hot spell as now is an outlier but not fully outlier as there few members nearby.

17 July 2013 12:40:38 

But HP never really loses control of the south.

That is blistering hot.

Your right HP never that far away and stays top dog for the South

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Hungry Tiger
17 July 2013 12:55:26

You can see the reload of high pressure as we move into August.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

17 July 2013 12:59:59

looking at this mornings GFS, interestingly GFS showing possible scenarios in FI post the discussed possible breakdowns.  - What does it go for?  a return of the Azores HP to drift up again.


Really wouldnt surprise me, as it was the flavour of the winter, where we were locked in a pattern of stuborn HPs which gave us excellent extended wintry conditions.   Wouldnt mind a few days of thunderstorms for dry weather and subsequent heat building.


Similar to how we had been locked in a pattern of stubborn warm winters over the past few years - I wonder if this is the new flavour of the day for our weather for the next few years?


This has the potential to be the summer we tell the kids about, similar for the winter.  Exceptional.


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