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13 December 2013 22:21:56

Low pressure far further south than the 12z, and extremely intense!   Notable weather event if that verified!


Originally Posted by: Chiltern Blizzard 

With the amount of energy wandering about in the Atlantic at the mo that has to be a realistic possibility.

Would be surprised if somewhere in the UK didn't get hit by something fairly active at some point in the next week or so.

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
13 December 2013 22:36:02

The spectre of a significant system is rearing it's ugly head again for Thursday.

Needs a close watch.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
13 December 2013 22:38:21

The spectre of a significant system is rearing it's ugly head again for Thursday.

Needs a close watch.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins

Could be awful if verified

Should imagine it would feel quite cold

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

13 December 2013 22:40:55

The lowering of temps towards the festive period continue


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

some faraway beach
13 December 2013 23:03:35

The lowering of temps towards the festive period continue


Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Even here inTaunton we would be north of the 528 dam line on that chart. All courtesy of the, er, Murmansk high somehow disrupting the vortex.

An odd sort of set-up to my eyes. Do more experienced observers think that looks plausible?

2 miles west of Taunton, 32 m asl, where "milder air moving in from the west" becomes SNOWMAGEDDON.
Well, two or three times a decade it does, anyway.
13 December 2013 23:12:34



The Jet Stream shows the flow powering across the Atlantic and the UK for the reliable future. In the latter part of the forecast in the less reliable time frames it shows the flow slipping South of the UK and possibly meaning at least a chance of rather colder conditions developing.

In Summary tonight the Jet Stream spawns some major storm systems out to the NW of the UK over the whole output period. How far South the influence of these storm systems come is unclear and it maybe away from the far NW that it will be just windy and wet rather than stormy and wet with some colder spells developing when snowfall could turn up abruptly. ECM shows Low pressure much further NW tonight with High pressure solidly holding firm over Europe steering the worst of the weather out to the NW. The rest of the output is much more determined to bring stormy conditions to all areas at times with some colder polar maritime air capable of delivering some snowfall at times, especially through the Christmas period. Which 1s right is yet to be determined in this very volatile unstable situation synoptically and time alone will tell.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 


Going with Gibby's post  and  wanting Some of the white stuff..

Local weather forecast tonight gave a hint of things that may happen..



Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
13 December 2013 23:15:20
What does the Daily express know that we dont?

That super storm for xmas day looks increasingly plausable... blizzards on hills and lower type grounds the further north youare.

Get the travelling out of the way as early as possible
13 December 2013 23:16:52
We'll I am not an expert on the weather but constantly keep learning from all of these expert people on here , but from my untrained eye there has been a pattern constantly emerging recently to come from the north west and then something else delivers on the other side .
Being a coldie I really hope something comes of this but hay tomorrow it could be all gone here's hoping.
13 December 2013 23:32:33

What does the Daily express know that we dont?

That super storm for xmas day looks increasingly plausable... blizzards on hills and lower type grounds the further north youare.

Get the travelling out of the way as early as possible

Originally Posted by: Russwirral 

They know that if you keep smearing s**t on the walls you might eventually create some art.

Seriously I don't think they care about whether they are proved right or wrong. They just want big headlines for gullible people to eat up one day and forget the next.

And now to be slightly on topic... Xmas day certainly holds some interest as it slowly comes into view but in the meantime Thursday indeed needs watching closely especially if something like the 18z has suggested comes to fruition.
13 December 2013 23:42:17

The control has it a bit further North , gales in places , severe the further North you are but not as bad as the Op

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gandalf The White
14 December 2013 00:03:17

The spectre of a significant system is rearing it's ugly head again for Thursday.

Needs a close watch.

Originally Posted by: Gooner

Could be awful if verified

Should imagine it would feel quite cold

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Indeed, awful is correct.  Here are the predicted maximum wind gusts as that system moves through:

Midday Wed 18th:

6pm Wed:

Gusts of 50 mph for the SE of England during the evening rush-hour.


Even worse overnight Friday into Saturday morning:



Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Arbroath 1320
14 December 2013 01:03:27

The control has it a bit further North , gales in places , severe the further North you are but not as bad as the Op

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I've been looking at the GFS ensemble suite for Aberdeen this week and there's been a definite downward trend in 850 temps from Christmas Eve. The 18z ensembles tonight for the first time has several members down to the -10 line beyond Christmas Day. Miles away in meteorological terms but an interesting trend none the less.
14 December 2013 08:00:42

Still signs of a cooling in the ensembles as wemove past christmas - looks to be cool zonal flow.


Greasby, Wirral.
14 December 2013 08:03:48

Good morning. Here is the latest report on the 12 midnight outputs of GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Saturday December 14th 2013.

All models show troughs of low pressure crossing East across the UK later today and tonight in a strong SW flow. The rain will be heaviest in the NW and here will be coupled with severe gale force winds for a time. Clearer air behind the fronts will bring a quieter spell overnight before tomorrow sees a re-run of today as another swipe from Atlantic fronts affect all areas in a mild weekend and a stormy one over the NW. Early next week sees somewhat less mild conditions for a ttimes as pressure builds near the South with later Monday and tuesday becoming dry and bright. By Wednesday the next powerful Atlantic storm will of wound itself up to the NW with troughs swinging East with wind and rain for all by the end of the day.

GFS then shows a sustained period of Atlantic dominated weather with very deep low pressure to the North pushing active troughs and secondary Lows NE across all areas with spells of rain followed by sunshine and squally showers, wintry at times over the hills in the North. there sheems little chance of sustained cold weather with a white Christmas unlikely away from higher Northern elevations. The end of the run leading out of christmas and towards the New Year looks unlikely at this stage to see any major pattern change from the generally wet and windy conditions in SW or west winds though it might turn rather colder from the NW.

UKMO shows a blustery west wind behind a cold front next friday with a mix of sunshine and showers, wintry on Northern hills briefly before it looks like milder weather will return over the weekend as a new Atlantic syatem bears down on the UK from the West.

GEM shows a mild and windy spell of weather following a briefly chillier showery period late next week. Winds will be gale force and with fronts straddling the UK there would be rain at times for all, always heaviest across the North with some drier and very mild periods in the SE.

NAVGEM also shows a milder period next weekend as the cool and showery weather late next week becomes replaced by gale SW winds and warm frontal activity bringing rain NE across all areas next weekend.

ECM maintains very unsettled weather with the potential for a viscious storm system crossing the UK next weekend with storm force winds for a time and heavy rain followed by a mild SW flow with rain at times in the north and West and still windy weather everywhere.

The GFS Ensembles show a very unsettled and windy spell over the coming two weeks with a domination of Low pressure over or just to the North of the UK. After a mild start temperatures will moderate to average and perhaps slightly below average later with wintry precipitation developing over the hills at times.

The Jet Stream continues to show a sine wave pattern in a very strong flow near the UK for the next week or so. there are still indications this morning that the flow may sink South of the UK in week 2 increasing the risk of colder conditions over the UK later.

In Summary there seems little change in the overall windy and changeable theme of the weather over the entire period. the only main difference or trend seems to be that the South could become quite close to high pressure again over Europe for a time later next week decreasing the effects of rain and wind here and making it become quite mild again before it seems that it may well become wet and potentially stormy again over christmas week when Northern high ground could see some snow. Overall though the chances of a whte Christmas remain quite slim though with Polar maritime air present close by a few may have a surprise.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
14 December 2013 11:37:34

i dont think it will be boring on the nwp over the next few weeks. whether that translates to anything worthwhile verifying is another matter.

in about a weeks time, we will have a better idea if the strat vortex is going to come under pressure from the wamings at the top. thats a big part of the jigsaw but not the be all and end all.  that should give us a clue as to whether the first half of jan might see any HLB taking hold. without that, cold zonality or a sausage scandi high are pretty well our only viable routes to a cold period.

14 December 2013 11:56:33

I think the next 2 weeks could be interesting with potential for copious orographic rainfall in the NW and always the risk of damaging gales if secondary features get organised in the strong jet

14 December 2013 12:32:42

i dont think it will be boring on the nwp over the next few weeks. whether that translates to anything worthwhile verifying is another matter.

in about a weeks time, we will have a better idea if the strat vortex is going to come under pressure from the wamings at the top. thats a big part of the jigsaw but not the be all and end all.  that should give us a clue as to whether the first half of jan might see any HLB taking hold. without that, cold zonality or a sausage scandi high are pretty well our only viable routes to a cold period.

Originally Posted by: nickl

If someone could show me any forecast 'warmings' at any level in the next 10 days I would be grateful.


Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
14 December 2013 13:29:12

GFS has the jet running south of the UK from around T+288h.

Will be interesting to see if this is sustained in subsequent runs.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
LA2B MeridFlowEuro09
14 December 2013 13:29:46
There is not at all that much Cold Weather for the UK in the next 7 days though we will see it get cold enough but that will not always be when we should expect wintryness, the Stong winds and heavy rain with Active weather systems impacting the UK, the hills and higher ground in the Western NW and the North and NW parts of the UK more likely to see the sleet or snow showers on the occasions they suggest (UKMO, GFS and the ECMWF).

Ho hum, West and Central plus Northern Russia, NE and Central Asia plus much of Central N and NE Siberia, Canada NW Central and mid to Far NE USA and Greenland and to some extent Iceland as well, even Svalbard is where -25 to -45 deg C Temeratures are expected.

Yes it will be less cold in the South and SE parts and the SW, we see that Gulf Stream meet the Cold NE USA and Arctic and Canada cold air met it and it ends up a NW SE split between the Cold and to Chilly Cool or just a little milder in the South and SE UK, we are always going to see the 0-144 hrs model forecasts upgrade the mild sectors and the Depth and Track/ intensity of the Forecasted Low Pressure Systems down graded as always, or more than 3/4 of the instances, of which 1/4 is the time out of 5 and 6 days outputs that the colder and risk wintry weather has a small opportunity of affecting Southern and SE Areas- South of the M4 Corridor. Brrh.

I completely adhere to Brian Gaze's Homepage Weather Talk.
Climate is warming up, Scotland and N Ireland and North England still often gets some Winter frost, ice and snow, November to March, but the SE and South UK including S Central England and Wales, together with the West and North through the year, they sometimes get more rain than London and S SE England, where some longer dry fine spells without much heavy rain is seen every year.

The North Atlantic Sea often gets some much Colder Wintry conditions from November to March Months, and Mild SW and South winds tend to be more frequent over the East and SE of North Atlantic Sea, as the Azores High tends to stay in charge. 

With this warmth and heat, the Central and South UK has become mostly free of snow and frost.
Maunder Minimum
14 December 2013 16:09:21

GFS has the jet running south of the UK from around T+288h.

Will be interesting to see if this is sustained in subsequent runs.

Originally Posted by: RobN 

Interesting projection that - the jet is pretty flat and strong, but shown further south than usual.

New world order coming.
14 December 2013 18:59:56
not often you see runs go off the chart - the Air Pressure control run for example on here.... 
LA2B MeridFlowEuro09
14 December 2013 19:53:49
Again a better than Yesterday 12z run UKMO with GFS Strengthened as is ECMWF.

Now what needs Watching most is the Relative Location of the -8 and -5's at T850's hPa, the Position and Track of the PV Strengthened of Low pressure and the PFJ Location and it's Strength and Winds stength's as well as the track plus location of the Mild Sectors of the Low's that are predicted to Cross the UK.

The half side SW W and NW Atlantic with the Circumpolar Vortex and their Short Wave Low's position is Looking Ok via N Hemisphere Arctic polar View and the USA Canada, N Atlantic and Europe View etc Russia Siberia and Asia, Siberian And E SE Arctic Large a Blocking a highs in place which the High's also mid South N Atlantic West and South USA and West N Africa to SW and Southern Europe locations forecasted are well supporting, so is the NW Canada NE Alaska N and West Canada Arctic High's as well all looks well to bring NW Europe and UK the cold and Wintry conditions but the forecasts are open to changes in the next 7 days and beyond etc as they usually do.

The Stratosphere Cold and the Very Cold and the slight to moderately warming areas are in close proximity to positions of the Polar Vortex- Very Cold, and where Strat Warming is it is where High Pressure is winning out well.

The Surface Temperatures in the much known and documented in this message, are Very cold at -40 and -35 or -25 deg C, and the milder areas are further South but they are covering All the Northern Lat Hemisphere's Continents Very much as they are West East in General, with the Circumpolar Vortexes in the Areas in the northern areas spreading more South in some parts. There is also good knowledge some parts are seeing a Cold weather but dry type and they are getting blocking Anticyclones - Mainly in Central and more northern Parts, this favours Wintry Weather N Atlantic and NW Europe too- as they push the Low's our way Via Canada via the Arctic Centre!!.
Climate is warming up, Scotland and N Ireland and North England still often gets some Winter frost, ice and snow, November to March, but the SE and South UK including S Central England and Wales, together with the West and North through the year, they sometimes get more rain than London and S SE England, where some longer dry fine spells without much heavy rain is seen every year.

The North Atlantic Sea often gets some much Colder Wintry conditions from November to March Months, and Mild SW and South winds tend to be more frequent over the East and SE of North Atlantic Sea, as the Azores High tends to stay in charge. 

With this warmth and heat, the Central and South UK has become mostly free of snow and frost.
14 December 2013 20:07:02

A lot of mixing going on then.
This could shake the models up a bit?.

it will be interesting to see the scatter as they re-adjust.imo.

Chunky Pea
14 December 2013 20:12:14

ECMWF progging a nice looking low for next Wenesday evening.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Hungry Tiger
14 December 2013 20:36:00


Boxing day looks rough.


945 mb.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

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