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23 January 2014 17:57:07
A definite downgrade in the 12z GEFS, with means a couple of degrees higher in the mid-term (down here) and a correspondingly lower chance of snow (40% rather than 50% on the raw output).

Still, it's unsurprising given the swings of late and I'm sure that's not the end of the swings either!
Leysdown, north Kent
LA2B MeridFlowEuro09
23 January 2014 18:14:21
The time after 72hrs 12z Sunday is where I am commenting analysing on, I had a look at the UKMO 12z run, on meteociel and wetterzentrale, I must agree that the -4 to -5 at T850hp, later Sunday and from Monday right through to Tuesday is that charts both 500hpa Heights and T850 hPa Temps are sounding good enough to keep a watch at the Flavour of the Showers, but given that it takes a bit of time for the Cold Air to be brought lower down, the high winds help and the min and max temps for the days are going to mean a lot, so -1 to 4 deg. c is where the wintry flavour is most possible.

The Wetterzentrale Charts look interesting and pretty cold and I agree those North of the M4 have more erring of confidence, but in Central London in the suburbs I know that 2 deg.c higher than 1 deg.c will even be just sleety!!, Good Cyclonic low pressure expected, but the distribution direction of both the wind and showers will highly likely impact the results according to my books.
Climate is warming up, Scotland and N Ireland and North England still often gets some Winter frost, ice and snow, November to March, but the SE and South UK including S Central England and Wales, together with the West and North through the year, they sometimes get more rain than London and S SE England, where some longer dry fine spells without much heavy rain is seen every year.

The North Atlantic Sea often gets some much Colder Wintry conditions from November to March Months, and Mild SW and South winds tend to be more frequent over the East and SE of North Atlantic Sea, as the Azores High tends to stay in charge. 

With this warmth and heat, the Central and South UK has become mostly free of snow and frost.
Karl Guille
23 January 2014 18:21:24

A definite downgrade in the 12z GEFS, with means a couple of degrees higher in the mid-term (down here) and a correspondingly lower chance of snow (40% rather than 50% on the raw output).

Still, it's unsurprising given the swings of late and I'm sure that's not the end of the swings either!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

You're not kidding! Certainly a step in the wrong direction IMBY but there will definitely be a different feel to the weather in the coming week to ten days.

St. Sampson
23 January 2014 18:23:11

A definite downgrade in the 12z GEFS, with means a couple of degrees higher in the mid-term (down here) and a correspondingly lower chance of snow (40% rather than 50% on the raw output).

Still, it's unsurprising given the swings of late and I'm sure that's not the end of the swings either!

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

You're not kidding! Certainly a step in the wrong direction IMBY but there will definitely be a different feel to the weather in the coming week to ten days.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

And having just had some real, actual snowflakes just now, following on from some hail... don't take the models too seriously! It's exactly the sort of thing that typifies this sort of setup - unexpected snow can (and doubtless will) pop up almost anywhere.

Leysdown, north Kent
Ally Pally Snowman
23 January 2014 18:33:56
A good looking chart just not cold enough for snow. 
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 January 2014 18:37:52

A good looking chart just not cold enough for snow.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 


No its not.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

23 January 2014 18:38:03
Well a big step backwards if it's cold your after, zonality on the cards after the filling trough episode that may well bring very little wintryness to lowland areas anyway. I have a nasty feeling we are going to enter another wet and potentially windy period so I am hoping the Azores High will start to poke its nose in and give a little relief from time to time. With January drawing to a close I am starting to look for signs of Spring in the charts now!
23 January 2014 18:41:54

Well a big step backwards if it's cold your after, zonality on the cards after the filling trough episode that may well bring very little wintryness to lowland areas anyway. I have a nasty feeling we are going to enter another wet and potentially windy period so I am hoping the Azores High will start to poke its nose in and give a little relief from time to time. With January drawing to a close I am starting to look for signs of Spring in the charts now!

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

You'll need good eyesight as the outlook seems rather chilly and unsettled. Very little sign of any spell of mild weather in the current outlook. 

(I'd be happy if it was but unfortunately my preferences do not influence the weather 😝 )
23 January 2014 18:42:47

sounds like we're in for that cold rain shite next week.................roll on spring

shine on you crazy diamond
192.104 m / 630.262 feet ASL
23 January 2014 18:43:46

Colder air makes its way in sort of.......

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

Ally Pally Snowman
23 January 2014 18:44:37

A good looking chart just not cold enough for snow.

Originally Posted by: Charmhills 


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman

No its not.

This could be more interesting even in the South 
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 January 2014 18:50:40

Different (and more interesting) evolution tonight with that low sliding through the UK rather than heading west to east.

Ally Pally Snowman
23 January 2014 18:57:22
Surely more snow chances for the south? Yet the Meto write it off? 
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 January 2014 18:58:13

ECM has made the switch - now sending the burst of westerlies SE rather than NE. Not surprised to see this from ECM before GFS, as usual!

Shame that the ridge from the Pacific across the Pole is withdrawn from day 7 rather than generating a new Arcitc High as was shown on the previous 12z run.

The slow, slow death of the PV. It's typical behaviour for the models to keep slowing down changes in the Arctic profile again and again - this happened last summer and delayed the onset of that prolonged fine spell by about 10 days.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
23 January 2014 18:59:05

Different (and more interesting) evolution tonight with that low sliding through the UK rather than heading west to east.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc

Not the mild zonal at 240 thatwas on the 0h run.Atlanticl ooks pretty  quiet -a gap for HP to take advanatge of and ridge west?

Whether Idle
23 January 2014 18:59:28

Surely more snow chances for the south? Yet the Meto write it off? 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

They are in danger of being caught with their pants down, so to speak. If these charts hold, then the forecasts will include the s word more. Sleet;-)

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
23 January 2014 18:59:39

Well a big step backwards if it's cold your after, zonality on the cards after the filling trough episode that may well bring very little wintryness to lowland areas anyway. I have a nasty feeling we are going to enter another wet and potentially windy period so I am hoping the Azores High will start to poke its nose in and give a little relief from time to time. With January drawing to a close I am starting to look for signs of Spring in the charts now!

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

You'll need good eyesight as the outlook seems rather chilly and unsettled. Very little sign of any spell of mild weather in the current outlook. 

(I'd be happy if it was but unfortunately my preferences do not influence the weather 😝 )

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

Ha ha I will bide my time Doc, LOL
Spring will definitely arrive.... Not sure about winter proper. Don't see too much in the way of wintryness to be honest. It may be chilly as you say, but away from elevated high ground up North it's much of a nothingness if you ask me. There needs to be more rotation and ummph in the trough to potentially drive a little cold air in and I am not sure that will be the case.
23 January 2014 19:04:49
23 January 2014 19:26:20

With the possibility of

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Scandy 1050 MB
23 January 2014 19:30:14

With the possibility of

Originally Posted by: Charmhills 

Certainly better looking runs tonight which could spawn something interesting, still need pressure to build to the north though and no real sign of it but at least more of a NW - SE direction of the weather systems so one step in the right direction. And so frustrating, Berlin and Copenhagen having ICE close but so far!

Maunder Minimum
23 January 2014 20:27:57

A good looking chart just not cold enough for snow. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Are you sure? Looks good enough to me.

New world order coming.
Steve Murr
23 January 2014 20:28:59
Evening All

An I phone post so appologies for spelling errors and no links.

So ive missed all the shennanigans of the ECM, however Ive just sat here on the platform reading the posts-

In terms of the ECM output and THIS only there seem to be a lot of underplaying of any snow - well I think thats a big mistake -
The ECM is all snow events from 168 to 240 for scotland and the NE, mostly snow for midlands East and a mix to rain the further SW you go-

Obviously theres no point in defining a line at this stage but the areas above would be the general zones-

I would imagine quite a substantial cover building up by day 10 for the usual hilly areas -
However comments of hill snow only are wrong and max temps of 5/6c would only be found in the sw-

As I posted earlier ( which has been quoted above ) the evolution at day 9/10 is neither zonal or blocked - i would call it quasi-stationary with high level blocking in equilibrium to the NE & SW and troughing flowing SE from greenland across to France.

Its a tightrope margin we are talking between atlantic mild and bitter continental air & at the dividing line across a piste of about 100 miles you can develop heavy snow.

The ECM paints such a picture, ignore the uppers- the dewpoints will be sucked out of benelux and sit below freezing across the uk
With the atlantic snow machine in full effect.

Post thst 240 sees more or the same with low heights and a low drifting south we should remain in a continental feed-

In terms of the broader picture remember the drop we saw in debilt means this morning ( from the 12z yesterday to the overnight ) I expect another incremental drop tonight and the extension of the cold for debilt to 4-5 days with hopefully the mean dipping to -1/-2.

The broad trend of the day has been subtle but meaningful upgrades that have washed over some and perhaps ignored by others-

I expect the official line from Exeter to be the same as the morning with a caveat that there is growing support for an extension to the cold & along with it the increase in snow potential.......

Best regards
23 January 2014 20:38:36

Good evening folks. Here is tonight's report on the midday outputs from the NWP for today Thursday January 23rd 2014 and lifted from my website on

All models agree on the progress of events over the UK for the next 5-6 days before some differences between the models begins to crop up by the middle of next week. A complex trough structure bringing milder air will move erratically East over the UK tonight and tomorrow with rainfall for many giving rise to further flooding possibilities in the already sodden areas of the SW. By Saturday a window of drier air will of arrived with a showery NW flow and it will feel colder than tomorrow will. On Sunday a major depression is shown to approach NW Britain and this trundles SE towards SE England by midweek. After a wet period for all on Sunday strong Westerly winds and heavy showers, wintry on hills will give way to quite cloudy conditions towards midweek with further outbreaks of rain and as colder air is drawn into the UK by midweek on the Northern periphery of the Low some of the rain will turn to sleet and snow in places, mostly across the North and East.

GFS then shows the remains of the cold flow across the South give way to a return to westerly winds and changeable weather at the end of the week and weekend with further rain and showers crossing the UK from a very active Atlantic with very little overall change out to the end of the run.

The GFS Ensembles show a continuing unsettled period with Low pressure well in control. The air will turn colder for a time next week with the chance of some snow over the North and East but the likelihood of milder air returning soon afterwards remains quite high as the Atlantic depressions maintain control to the North.

UKMO tonight shows a slow moving filling Low pressure close to SE England with a cloudy and raw day for many with rain or sleet in places and some sleet and snow over the higher ground of the north and East for a time.

GEM shows the remains of any cold easterly flow over the South along with any remaining rain or sleet moving away South to be replaced by Westerly winds and further Low pressure areas crossing the UK keeping the wet and windy theme going with temperatures likely to return to near or somewhat below average.

NAVGEM also removes the remnants of the Low pressure area from the SE later next week with milder Atlantic Westerly winds taking control over all areas again with rain and showers moving back in from the West by next weekend.

ECM tonight shows Low pressure to the SE filling quickly shortly after midweek with the resultant cold Easterly flow dissolving away along with any rain and hill snow. Then the weather returns to wet and windy conditions as further Low pressure and fronts ride in on the back of a strong Atlantic Jet stream later next week and weekend.

The ECM 9 and 10 Day Mean Charts show the bias being towards the UK lying in the path of Low pressure stretching between Southern Greenland and South Iceland to the UK and on down into Italy. The trough has sharpened tonight with lower pressure indicating more trough disruption over the UK and Low pressure areas in their own merit diving SE over the UK. The pattern has shifted a couple of hundred miles West in the last 24 hours or so and this could be sufficient to continue some wintry interest for the NE of the UK still in 10 days while the rest see cold rain and showers on a chilly NW'ly flow as the most common weather type likely.

The Jet Stream is undergoing a strengthening over the next few days with a very strong flow persisting from the weekend and throughout next week and possibly beyond maintaining it's trajectory of crossing the Atlantic and into the UK before turning South then East over Southern Europe.

In Summary tonight things remain very volatile and very interesting from a synoptic point of view. We have the classic battle of East vs West with the battleground just too far East due to a stronger than usual Jet Stream adding extra oomph and push against the block meaning we don't tap into any real exciting wintry weather over the British Isles with regard to widespread snowfall. However, being positioned as we are geographically puts us in the firing line for frequent decelerating troughs moving into the UK on the back of a powerful Jet Stream and delivering spells of copious rainfall mixed with colder and more showery spells when some snowfall could occur on higher ground. The longer term prospects do not look good for drier weather anytime soon and concern is continuing to be very high for worsening flooding issues for some over the coming period.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
23 January 2014 20:45:30

Interesting.The operational and the control were the warmer of the runs.

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