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29 January 2014 16:29:39

I don't see any signs of winter cold on the CFS right through to mid March  To me looks like a continuous south east HP blocking off the uk, I'm gussing if this is modeled right it means more rain too? UserPostedImage
Never thought I'd say this but I'd like an easterly to dry everything out (Even if it means cold UserPostedImage)

Originally Posted by: Osprey 

There's one tomorrow if that helps. 😝 albeit for an entire day or so and followed up by more unsettled conditions once again.[rain]

The 12z GFS so far shows more of the same - unsettled conditions, never overly mild but also never cold enough for any real wintry conditions at low altitudes.

Meanwhile most of the Scottish ski centres continue to disappear under metres of snow.[snow]
David M Porter
29 January 2014 16:39:06

Terrible outlook, I have even lost my temporary snowfall ahead of the next band of rain on Friday. As Morrissey sang 'God only knows I'am miserable now' Andy

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

This season is a winter write-off, which will go down in the halls of infamy. The winter of 2013-14 will be etched in our brains as an example of just how wretched the British winter can be. File it away for future reference - this is as bad as it can get!

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

The winter version of summer 2012 is how I'd describe it.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
29 January 2014 16:57:16

GFS Op really bad news from a Flooding perspective with 3-4inches of rain over the 7 days or so over S, SW, W and NW and widely 2inches for other areas. I live in the comparitively dry East and I can tell you that all the fields and ditches are saturated with no river for 10s of miles around, so I can only imagine how tough it will be down in Somerset come this time next week!

29 January 2014 17:35:54

I don't see any signs of winter cold on the CFS right through to mid March  To me looks like a continuous south east HP blocking off the uk, I'm gussing if this is modeled right it means more rain too? UserPostedImage Never thought I'd say this but I'd like an easterly to dry everything out (Even if it means cold UserPostedImage)

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

There's one tomorrow if that helps. 😝 albeit for an entire day or so and followed up by more unsettled conditions once again.[rain] The 12z GFS so far shows more of the same - unsettled conditions, never overly mild but also never cold enough for any real wintry conditions at low altitudes. Meanwhile most of the Scottish ski centres continue to disappear under metres of snow.[snow]

Originally Posted by: Osprey 

I blinked

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
29 January 2014 17:46:13

GFS Op really bad news from a Flooding perspective with 3-4inches of rain over the 7 days or so over S, SW, W and NW and widely 2inches for other areas. I live in the comparitively dry East and I can tell you that all the fields and ditches are saturated with no river for 10s of miles around, so I can only imagine how tough it will be down in Somerset come this time next week!

Originally Posted by: ITSY 

I'm considering using a polytunnel to work under

In 40 years in the construction Ind. I've never known it this bad

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
29 January 2014 17:50:58

Er basically I've run out of straws to clutch at in terms of current  model output.

However ever the optimist by Mid/Late  feb (outside the current model range) there could be a  cold spell lurking to pounce when the Atlantic finally  runs out of steam.Before that there is always the Buchan cold  spell from 7th - 14th of feb.(straw clutching where there  are none  to be seen on present output)

29 January 2014 18:09:44

Er basically I've run out of straws to clutch at in terms of current  model output.

However ever the optimist by Mid/Late  feb (outside the current model range) there could be a  cold spell lurking to pounce when the Atlantic finally  runs out of steam.Before that there is always the Buchan cold  spell from 7th - 14th of feb.(straw clutching where there  are none  to be seen on present output)

Originally Posted by: roger63 

We can only hope Roger

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 January 2014 18:20:57

I don't see any signs of winter cold on the CFS right through to mid March  To me looks like a continuous south east HP blocking off the uk, I'm gussing if this is modeled right it means more rain too? UserPostedImage Never thought I'd say this but I'd like an easterly to dry everything out (Even if it means cold UserPostedImage)

Originally Posted by: Osprey 

There's one tomorrow if that helps. 😝 albeit for an entire day or so and followed up by more unsettled conditions once again.[rain] The 12z GFS so far shows more of the same - unsettled conditions, never overly mild but also never cold enough for any real wintry conditions at low altitudes. Meanwhile most of the Scottish ski centres continue to disappear under metres of snow.[snow]

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I blinked UserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: Osprey 


Sadly, you're right though. I wish I could blink and miss the rain and windy conditions but I fear if I had to take that long to blink it would mean I was actually dead. 😊

For what it's worth the ECM 12z shows a similar picture so far (+72hrs)
29 January 2014 18:22:13

GFS Op really bad news from a Flooding perspective with 3-4inches of rain over the 7 days or so over S, SW, W and NW and widely 2inches for other areas. I live in the comparitively dry East and I can tell you that all the fields and ditches are saturated with no river for 10s of miles around, so I can only imagine how tough it will be down in Somerset come this time next week!

Originally Posted by: Osprey 

I'm considering using a polytunnel to work under

In 40 years in the construction Ind. I've never known it this bad

Originally Posted by: ITSY 

I usually hate this kind of hyperbole but the GEM 12Z in particular is a truly horrific prospect for the S and SW of England. Hate to think what the Somerset Levels would look like if it verifies in that way!

29 January 2014 18:30:01

GFS Op really bad news from a Flooding perspective with 3-4inches of rain over the 7 days or so over S, SW, W and NW and widely 2inches for other areas. I live in the comparitively dry East and I can tell you that all the fields and ditches are saturated with no river for 10s of miles around, so I can only imagine how tough it will be down in Somerset come this time next week!

Originally Posted by: ITSY 

I'm considering using a polytunnel to work under
In 40 years in the construction Ind. I've never known it this bad

Originally Posted by: Osprey 

I usually hate this kind of hyperbole but the GEM 12Z in particular is a truly horrific prospect for the S and SW of England. Hate to think what the Somerset Levels would look like if it verifies in that way!

Originally Posted by: ITSY 

To be honest the GFS output is not much better unfortunately 
29 January 2014 18:30:21

So close to having the high but.......................


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Polar Low
29 January 2014 18:34:49

Thats what you call a bit wet very concerning.


Polar Low
29 January 2014 18:59:42

There you go the double spinner goes under the block just like I said last night

The Beast from the East
29 January 2014 19:12:16
Interesting run from ECM. Perhaps a renewed trend to try and rebuild the block. But I've given up on this straw clutching now! I'm ready for a nice warm and dry Bartlett
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Polar Low
29 January 2014 19:21:41

Perhaps this winter will be remembered as the "year of the tease" as long as this rain stops at some stage soon i dont really care as long as its dryer sunny and frosty would be nice  I just I dont like to see folks and families suffer so much with all this rain to come.

29 January 2014 19:21:47

Interesting run from ECM. Perhaps a renewed trend to try and rebuild the block. But I've given up on this straw clutching now! I'm ready for a nice warm and dry Bartlett

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

We have clutched so many times we have lost the grip

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 January 2014 19:34:54

You have to be f******* kidding me. 

It has support too

I can't take much more of this. 


Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
Whether Idle
29 January 2014 19:37:52

Meanwhile the rainfall picture is looking like February gets off to a soaking sopping dripping  start and the horror of groundwater flooding (where the water simply oozes up out of the ground, not a lot you can do about it) looks increasingly likely to do damage in the aquifers across  Britain.


Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
29 January 2014 19:58:03

There you go the double spinner goes under the block just like I said last night

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Indeed you did Polar low .However it looks at present as though its anotyer  one day wonder.Its groundhog day again a week on.!

Alternatively it could be the beginning of the 7-14 Feb Buchan cold spell....... 

Whether Idle
29 January 2014 20:30:54


The ECM chart for day 10 bears a remarkable resemblance to the one for tomorrow...think about it...

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
29 January 2014 20:33:44

Good evening. Here is the report on the midday outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Wednesday January 29th 2014 and taken from the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Weather Website at

All models show a light Easterly flow over Britain and rather stronger cold winds in the NE. Cold weather will prevail over the coming 24-36 hours with a little rain or sleet in places in generally cloudy skies. On Friday a deepening area of Low pressure moves it's way towards Western Scotland with active fronts crossing steadily East and North across the UK bringing spells of heavy rain preceded by sleet or snow on Northern hills in strong Southerly winds veering more towards the West later and bringing a change to showery conditions with showers again turning wintry over the hills, even over the South at times over the weekend.

GFS then shows next week as very unsettled with a new deepening depression as early as Monday bringing rain and gales NE across the UK. Through the week further spells of heavy rain and strong winds continue with gales at times and temperatures close to average. In the lower resolution of the output tonight things show no real sign of significant change with winds between South and West throughout carrying further depressions up to the NW of the UK and pushing troughs NE across the UK with incessant spells of rain and showers alternating in temperatures well up to average.

The GFS Ensembles tonight show a resolute solution towards wet and windy weather predominating throughout the oncoming two weeks with upper 850 temperatures above the seasonal average beyond this weekend and very little indication of anything more reliably settled anywhere tonight.

UKMO shows a very unstable SW flow across the UK fuelled by a deep depression South of Iceland. Secondary Low pressure areas sweep NE across all areas bringing spells of heavy rain punctuated by heavy showers and squally winds from a SW point.

GEM tonight shows 4 separate bands of prolonged rainfall on a succession of disturbances running NE across the UK from a parent deep Low pressure area out in the atlantic. Winds would occasionally be strong with gales in places and temperatures near average.

NAVGEM is broadly similar in type to the other output with rain and strong winds at times from a similar synoptic setup to the other models.

ECM shows very unsettled weather next week too with Low pressure areas barreling into the UK at times with rain and strong winds for all. One such Low pressure is shown to make an interesting diversion to the South of the UK later next week with the chance of an Easterly feed bringing the risk of snow for a time before a large Atlantic depression at Day 10 reclaims ground from the cold air again by next weekend.

The ECM 9 and 10 Day Mean Charts totally divorce the idea of the 216hr operational chart showing the pattern as before with a strong bias towards the likelihood of a deep depression out to the WNW of the British Isles with a SW airflow over all areas meaning troughs would be swinging NE across the UK in relatively mild air and strong winds at times. 

The GFS Jet Stream Forecast shows the flow continuing West to East across the Atlantic and to the South of the UK, strengthening next week. Later it's orientation is shown to change to a more NE direction carrying it over the UK.

In Summary tonight the weather remains very unsettled and Atlantic driven for the foreseeable future. The ECM operation does provide a little interest for cold lovers at the end of next week but the chances of it verifying is once more very small as the Atlantic prowess once more looks too strong later next week. The most concerning factor from current output rather than lack of cold prospects is the continuing large amounts of rainfall occurring over the UK with little likelihood of any relief for flood stricken communities anytime soon.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Andy Woodcock
29 January 2014 21:05:38
On a positive note the clock is ticking on this wretched winter, just 4 weeks and it will all be over thank God! Things from here can only get better! Andy
Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
29 January 2014 21:07:48
I thought winter was over by March too, until last year, when I took this photo on the 23rd... 

Queensbury, West Yorkshire. 
29 January 2014 21:18:59
OK, can general moaning please be put in the moaning thread and not in here. This is for Model Output discussion.
[email protected]
29 January 2014 21:20:51
CLOSING >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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