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29 January 2014 17:51:43

Have accidently stumbled across this on the interwebs . . .

Originally Posted by: idj20 

That would be me trying to refurbish a pool in Gloucesteshire

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
29 January 2014 23:00:45

Dreary grey, another day ....

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Chiltern Blizzard
29 January 2014 23:45:31

Is winter ove yetr?..... No, it's not even f**** begun.  

This has been the most dismal winter I can remember.  At least in 1988/89 it felt milder, and had the occasional cripser day... this year the endless depressions plunge us into an endless rainy gloom....  a rainy gloom that gets colder, but never cold enough for a bit of snow.   I've got a feeling we'll get our winter in March like last year.



Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
29 January 2014 23:52:59

Is winter ove yetr?..... No, it's not even f**** begun.  

This has been the most dismal winter I can remember.  At least in 1988/89 it felt milder, and had the occasional cripser day... this year the endless depressions plunge us into an endless rainy gloom....  a rainy gloom that gets colder, but never cold enough for a bit of snow.   I've got a feeling we'll get our winter in March like last year.



Originally Posted by: Chiltern Blizzard 


I am in total agrement with everything you have said.

30 January 2014 03:45:01

At least we live in a part of the world which is normally green in winter - prolonged snow cover being a rare exception.

Spare a thought for the poor Alaskans where it's more like June than January ......


And as for living somewhere where you can drive to the hills to see snow.  Lots and lots of snow.  Try Britain .....

..... and stop moaning!

Originally Posted by: Essan 


Ah but on the same weekend could you go skiing in Scotland and then swimming at a beach on the coast in warm sun? 

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 


Yes.  In April and sometimes May and June!  And what's more, you don't need worry about being eaten by a crocodile .....


Originally Posted by: Essan 


Funny thing is I have never seen a crocodile around NSW  Well actually that isn't true as I have seen some in Toronga Zoo in Sydney lol

They are all up the top end, which feels like another country altogether up that way!

30 January 2014 08:00:04

Oooh, -8c uppers, just preparing to head out into the bitter cold: 

Fill in the missing letters in this most worthless of wind directions: S---Ely 

East Neuk of Fife

Matty H
30 January 2014 11:10:53
This is definitely going in the Classics Forum [sn_bsmil]
30 January 2014 11:25:33

This weather is complete pants yet more rain on the way just for a change,nightmare to travel,the somerset levels are really really bad. When you see a car on a  flooded road with water up to its roof and you know the river should be at least 10/15ft maybe more lower,thats a hell of alot of water. I personally like the cold with snow but thats most not likely to happen or will it.

The roads are terrible everyone seems miserable,not surprising really,hope we get some sort of dry weather for stuff to start drying out. Ive been reading posts saying possible cold snap and here we are,one day of it. So much for coldest winter for 100 years eh,well not here in the uk,maybe next year.

30 January 2014 11:33:34

Having cast my learned (and weary) eyes over the outputs and being concerned for those who are going to be/already being affected by flooding, this sprang to mind after having seen the film only the other night.

The bit at 0.56 mins matches my thoughts:

Folkestone Harbour. 
30 January 2014 12:10:22

I can't wait now for the 1st of Feb and we see the SPRING thread open up on here .... No doubt that will be full of snow potential then and no sign of early sun, warmth and dry conditions 

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
  • Marc
  • Advanced Member
30 January 2014 13:16:11

And so, even a foretold incursion from the east has failed to materialise into snow. This winter is the most pathetic, depressing, mild, dark and wet well beyond living memory. The only clear skies have been at night and even then have mostly been frost free.  What a sick joke of a winter.  I could go on but Richard has described it perfectly.  

I now wonder about a white Easter - which will be quite an achievement given it's lateness.

Home - Aberdeenshire 190m asl
Work - Aberdeen
Sprinter 2013-14 as of 14th Feb:
Snow falling, 5
Snow lying, 2
Air frosts, 12
Ice days, 0 (ZERO)
30 January 2014 18:21:39

Couldn't even manage a completely dry day today. It is turning into the winter equivalent of autumn 2000 and summer 2012.

I just hope this is not a very wet year!
Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
30 January 2014 21:06:25

Snowing all day in Mansfield.  Am I happy?  No!  I live five miles further North where it's rained all day! 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • Snowjoke
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
30 January 2014 21:19:09

Yet another horrendous day! Vile and disgusting infact. Stupid pathetic weather presenters banging on this morning on tv and radio!! "be careful out there today as it will be very cold and wintry in the south east". 

REALLY?? I mean REALLY? What drugs are these presenters on? I was up at 5.45am to travel up to London and my weather station was showing 5.9 degrees! By the time we got up to London it was 8 degrees and drizzly!!

What of the easterly blast? What of the big freeze? What of the driving snow and blizzards?

ABSOLUTE JOKE! Made worse by the jokers that masquerade as weather presenters warning of freezing temperatures and winter weather. I hate the way they sensationalise any weather event (even non events) and also the fact that they dumb down meteorology!!


30 January 2014 22:15:08

Whilst here in Sydney we are having one of the driest summers on record lol We are having a 1976 Australian style summer. All the grass has gone yellow and crisp, could do with some rain. This is usually a wetter part of the year around NSW.


More clear bly sky and highs between 26c - 28c so popping up the coast for a weekend away


Send some rain this way ya miserable *******

30 January 2014 22:20:04

Whilst here in Sydney we are having one of the driest summers on record lol We are having a 1976 Australian style summer. All the grass has gone yellow and crisp, could do with some rain. This is usually a wetter part of the year around NSW.


More clear bly sky and highs between 26c - 28c so popping up the coast for a weekend away


Send some rain this way ya miserable *******

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Sound a bit like Kent a couple of years ago when I kept moaning about my lawn looking parched and brown . . . my, I went all wistful now.
  But isn't there a cyclone affecting the north eastern part of Australia right now? I take it it's too far away from you to have any effect?

Folkestone Harbour. 
30 January 2014 23:13:21

Whilst here in Sydney we are having one of the driest summers on record lol We are having a 1976 Australian style summer. All the grass has gone yellow and crisp, could do with some rain. This is usually a wetter part of the year around NSW.


More clear bly sky and highs between 26c - 28c so popping up the coast for a weekend away


Send some rain this way ya miserable *******

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Sound a bit like Kent a couple of years ago when I kept moaning about my lawn looking parched and brown . . . my, I went all wistful now.
  But isn't there a cyclone affecting the north eastern part of Australia right now? I take it it's too far away from you to have any effect?

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Yes there is a cyclone but you are right, it is too far way and the set up isn't ideal for sucking that tropical moisture down our way. Got to remember the distance between Sydney and Carins is like London to Rome probably. Last year at this time we did get the remains of Cyclone Oswald down our way with flooding rain and storms, all very different down this way this year.

31 January 2014 05:13:41

Having cast my learned (and weary) eyes over the outputs and being concerned for those who are going to be/already being affected by flooding, this sprang to mind after having seen the film only the other night.

The bit at 0.56 mins matches my thoughts:

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Great movie, that is

His facial expression at 1:24, i've noted by the time this weekend / start of next week is done

Deep Lows... strong winds... more high spring tides... It's not going to end well, considering a lot of sea defences got damaged / weakened during the stormy weather of the beginning of January

The Somerset levels are already looking like 'Waterworld'

31 January 2014 11:00:11

Cheer up chaps - it's only the weather.

This always makes me smile - a classic OTT Jim Kosek forecast for snowaggedon

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
31 January 2014 11:58:33

Quick.... Send for a Dutch Navie... Need some dykes built...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
31 January 2014 15:54:41

What we need is a spate of James Madden inspired Daily Express headlines about, floods lasting years, the wettest year in history and a deluge of rain to fall every day for the next 6 months ......

Only that will appease the weather gods. I suggest stocking up on water now, just in case ......

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
31 January 2014 16:05:14

What we need is a spate of James Madden inspired Daily Express headlines about, floods lasting years, the wettest year in history and a deluge of rain to fall every day for the next 6 months ......

Only that will appease the weather gods. I suggest stocking up on water now, just in case ......

Originally Posted by: Essan 


James Madden only forecasts snow, he doesn't seem to understand that there are different types of weather bless him 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
31 January 2014 16:25:46

Yet another horrendous day! Vile and disgusting infact. Stupid pathetic weather presenters banging on this morning on tv and radio!! "be careful out there today as it will be very cold and wintry in the south east". 

REALLY?? I mean REALLY? What drugs are these presenters on? I was up at 5.45am to travel up to London and my weather station was showing 5.9 degrees! By the time we got up to London it was 8 degrees and drizzly!!

What of the easterly blast? What of the big freeze? What of the driving snow and blizzards?

ABSOLUTE JOKE! Made worse by the jokers that masquerade as weather presenters warning of freezing temperatures and winter weather. I hate the way they sensationalise any weather event (even non events) and also the fact that they dumb down meteorology!!


Originally Posted by: Snowjoke 

100% spot on.  If I hear a local presenter blurt on a about how cold it is or the wintry week which lay ahead...LOL. Turning colder with wintry showers blah blahbeen the same since mid dec rain rain temp not mild to be honest always around 7/8/9c as for those jokers on weather"one"liner and he crops up on local tv jokecasting wintry weather yet nver so much as an apology when they get it has been a washout and quite cold but guess what not cold enough...

31 January 2014 20:12:11

So... Nathan, Jonathon etc, how did this work out for ya 


Originally Posted by: JoeShmoe99 

100 days of heavy rain would be closer in accuracy.

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site

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