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  • Snowjoke
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31 January 2014 20:29:46

Sick to death of this bullsh** weather to be honest. Those folks in Somerset must be desperate!

It is horrendous out there tonight. Stupidly mild and has been lashing it down for hours and it is blowing a gale!!

We have a lovely raised bed rock garden at the front of the house. Loads of the dwarf Crocus and Iris have come up too early because it has been so mild, but due to the complete lack of sunshine the flowers have failed to open. In fact they are just getting saturated by the constant deluge and failing over and rotting! Shame. 

I honestly cannot recall a worse winter? Has there been a worse one in the last 50 years? 

31 January 2014 21:24:54

Sick to death of this bullsh** weather to be honest. Those folks in Somerset must be desperate!

It is horrendous out there tonight. Stupidly mild and has been lashing it down for hours and it is blowing a gale!!

We have a lovely raised bed rock garden at the front of the house. Loads of the dwarf Crocus and Iris have come up too early because it has been so mild, but due to the complete lack of sunshine the flowers have failed to open. In fact they are just getting saturated by the constant deluge and failing over and rotting! Shame. 

I honestly cannot recall a worse winter? Has there been a worse one in the last 50 years? 

Originally Posted by: Snowjoke 

<---- Waves white flag.

Okay Kent climate, you win. Yes we can actually do proper weather after all.

Now, enough with this gale force wind and rain, please, as I can actually hear the low bass humming of the wind blowing around my house and it's kinda unsettling, more so for my elderly mother. I hate this southerly type wind, I really do. My roof is leaking like a sieve because of the wind pushing the rain down the flashing that has already been worked loose by previous wind events. My bro in law is more than happy to get onto the roof and spend all day sorting it out, but it has been impossible to find a window of opportunity as it's been wet or/and windy. True we have had the odd few better days but my bro was at work or busy fixing everyone else's leaky roof!

Yet, when you look what's happening elsewhere over the British Isles, I'm actually one of the lucky ones!

Incidentally, just three hours to go and I can officially say that I have experienced what has been the most completely snow-free January in all my 34 years of weather records keeping where not a single flake of snow has been observed (even the sleety stuff a few night ago didn't make at this sea level location).

Folkestone Harbour. 
31 January 2014 23:01:12
No sign of anything even remotely sleety in the 12 years I've lived here we've always had at least a bit of sleet!
A week ago, today was meant to be bitter!... Whatever it has been today, bitter would not be the word I would use!
31 January 2014 23:11:53

As one month closes and another starts,,,, Looks like the weather wil stay the same...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Jive Buddy
31 January 2014 23:17:14

As one month closes and another starts,,,, Looks like the weather wil stay the same...

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

It's a bit like my love one door gently closes behind me, another one SLAMS SHUT IN MY FACE!

It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
02 February 2014 18:15:34

A perspective from the West of Scotland....since early December and up until last Thursday/Friday(AM) I have basically not seen one dry day, even when the rain stopped for a while it never dried up.

It was amazing when the ground did eventually dry up on Thursday, it was like a different place, and there was a generally happier mood in everyone. There has been some snowfall here but nothing really settling. On Friday night I walked up the road from being a night out and it was just damp and showery and a bit cold. I got in sat down for an hour or so, and then looked out, there was about 5mm of snow covering everything - right away I'm saying where in hell did that come from, it must have been bucketing snow for the last hour and I missed it! I then got up on Saturday morning to see similar slushy looking cover and to be told by my dad that it had been pelting snow just in the last hour - missed it again!! I guess the most annoying thing is in the last 2 weeks or so the hills have always had a good covering and it's not that far up but just enough to stay out the towns on the hillsides and around the coast, the rain is cold, the air is cold but the snow is just to shy to really make it's presence felt - damn!

02 February 2014 19:04:57

As one month closes and another starts,,,, Looks like the weather wil stay the same...

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

It's a bit like my love one door gently closes behind me, another one SLAMS SHUT IN MY FACE!

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

That's what you get for staying in the YMCA after a night out.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
02 February 2014 23:15:24

Beware The Ides of March...We may have a  late winter...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Deep Powder
02 February 2014 23:24:23
I have tried desperately to resist the lure of this thread, but eventually had to post. I am starting to the think we may go through the whole of winter without any form of cold spell/snap. Not sure I will even see any snow. I am starting to lose optimism for this month already and it's only 2 days old......oh well I best enjoy the spring snow instead 😂
Near Leatherhead 100masl (currently living in China since September 2019)
Loving the weather whatever it brings, snow, rain, wind, sun, heat, all great!
02 February 2014 23:34:14

Was a lovely day here in Kent, Nice and sunny felt like spring !!

The River in Maidstone is seriously high, anyone that knows the town centre will know the river and arch bridge, the river is almost to the top of the arches and the river is flowing so fast, I honestly fear serious flood damage around the Town if this wet weather continues.  Going round the country lanes around the Boxley area I notice alot of the fields/crops totally flooded also.

If not already this could well become a historical winter for all the wrong reasons

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
03 February 2014 06:38:25
The lack of air frosts this winter (since 1st December) has been remarkable here, just 2. There were 7 up to now for same period in 1988-89 and that was milder than this winter thus far.
Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
03 February 2014 06:51:57
All the rain and flooding has caused a month of match postponements.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
03 February 2014 10:17:18

Given that over say a six month period the CET will never be more than a few degrees either side of the long term norm, you can bet your life it'll be a cold Spring with snow when we don't really want it - at the start of April.

This is not a forecast by the way, just an extension of the moaning I am prone to at the moment LOL.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Nordic Snowman
03 February 2014 10:28:01

Given that over say a six month period the CET will never be more than a few degrees either side of the long term norm, you can bet your life it'll be a cold Spring with snow when we don't really want it - at the start of April.

This is not a forecast by the way, just an extension of the moaning I am prone to at the moment LOL.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 


Consolation: We're not alone. It seems the whole of N and W Europe have had a very mild winter. Lots of snow in Norway before xmas but rather mild. Snowy in Austria recently but in the main, much of Europe (away from far E) has been mild.

Cold E'ly types in March and/or April are a total waste of time for most populated areas in this country. That will be a kick in the teeth.

Bjorli, Norway

03 February 2014 15:11:30

I have to say the worst thing for me at the moment is that there isn't even anything to read on the model threads. I think everyone has given up (can't say I blame them) but its oddly quiet (both here and the other place). So I'm bored of the weather (even though this is just as extreme as Dec 2010 but in a different way, and I should be interested) and I'm bored on TWO too...

Maybe I need a life?

03 February 2014 16:19:03

I have to say the worst thing for me at the moment is that there isn't even anything to read on the model threads. I think everyone has given up (can't say I blame them) but its oddly quiet (both here and the other place). So I'm bored of the weather (even though this is just as extreme as Dec 2010 but in a different way, and I should be interested) and I'm bored on TWO too...

Maybe I need a life?

Originally Posted by: turbotubbs 

I will never get bored of the weather, just frustrated and annoyed and amazed and excited at the right times and in proper amounts
The lack of frost and snow though now will right itself at some point - probably May lol
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
03 February 2014 16:38:10

I have to say the worst thing for me at the moment is that there isn't even anything to read on the model threads. I think everyone has given up (can't say I blame them) but its oddly quiet (both here and the other place). So I'm bored of the weather (even though this is just as extreme as Dec 2010 but in a different way, and I should be interested) and I'm bored on TWO too...

Maybe I need a life?

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

I will never get bored of the weather, just frustrated and annoyed and amazed and excited at the right times and in proper amounts
The lack of frost and snow though now will right itself at some point - probably May lol

Originally Posted by: turbotubbs 

Never write off late snow - I do recall an epic overnigh fall of wet snow to Shrewton (nr Stonehenge) back in about 1986ish that I think was from a streamer off the Bristol Channel and happened in April. Only problem was the warmth and strength of the sun destroying it all pretty damn quick...

I guess we also have more recent examples of Feb (and beyond snow) that did hang around. Trouble is there is no hint of it, nothing at all.

03 February 2014 17:05:06
A sunny day with light winds and bam, 24.7C indoors when I got in. Down to 23.1C now but it shows the sun's gathering strength now.

I'm still amazed at how cruddy this "winter" has been so far, it really has been like a perpetual autumn...
Leysdown, north Kent
03 February 2014 17:28:48

Only ventured outside to recycle items in the bins today.. Far to cold my bones... 20.c indoors but cooler in the wet room with window open.. But unfortunately  the window is above  the loo and it faces south so more wind than normal....

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Matty H
03 February 2014 17:38:26
The night 9th April 1995 (I think) the Bristol area, at least, had a 4" fall of snow that lasted until the afternoon of the following day before the sun destroyed it all.
03 February 2014 17:55:27
It seems like it has been constantly windy here for weeks now and it has loosened something around the eaves or gutter of our roof and it is rattling with every gust of wind (of whichever here are many). I can't find out/access the source of the rattling and I am not amused. Winter 2013-14, go away we've had enough of you.

Interesting weather is one thing destructive conditions are something else (which I shall resist posting)
03 February 2014 17:58:43
Pity we can't drop and detonate a thermonuclear bomb in the heart of the polar vortex

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
03 February 2014 18:18:28

Pity we can't drop and detonate a thermonuclear bomb in the heart of the polar vortex

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

😁 👍

No doubt it would still be there afterwards. Just the PV and the cockroaches.
Jive Buddy
03 February 2014 20:03:45

It seems like it has been constantly windy here for weeks now and it has loosened something around the eaves or gutter of our roof and it is rattling with every gust of wind (of whichever here are many). I can't find out/access the source of the rattling and I am not amused. Winter 2013-14, go away we've had enough of you.

Interesting weather is one thing destructive conditions are something else (which I shall resist posting)

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
03 February 2014 20:06:02

It seems like it has been constantly windy here for weeks now and it has loosened something around the eaves or gutter of our roof and it is rattling with every gust of wind (of whichever here are many). I can't find out/access the source of the rattling and I am not amused. Winter 2013-14, go away we've had enough of you.

Interesting weather is one thing destructive conditions are something else (which I shall resist posting)

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 


Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I now have a mental image of Ian in a burger. 😝

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