THE CURRENT GENERAL SITUATION High pressure remains slow moving across the UK but weakening slowly over the weekend.
CURRENT SNOW LYING UK AND NORTHERN HEMISPHERE There is currently no snow lying in the UK but amounts in NE Russia, Alaska, Greenland along with the mountains of Iceland is increasing now as one would expect.
MODELS-2 WEEK HEADLINE Mostly settled and fine at first but more unsettled and windy thereafter with rain or showers at times especially over the North and West.
THE GFS JET STREAM FORECAST The GFS Jet Stream Forecast shows the Northern arm of the flow weakening slowly as a new arm approaches the UK from the SW. This arm remains in situ as it continues to approach the UK and weaken and breaks up as it makes it's way into NW Europe. This pattern remains until late in the period when a more straightforward West to East flow across the Atlantic and the UK develops.
GFS OPERATIONAL The GFS Operational Run today shows the weekend being the last days of the current fine spell as Low pressure and troughs move NE across the UK on occasion next week. Winds will also increase markedly from a point between South and west so never very cold. Through Week 2 a continuation of the unsettled theme seems likely with more Low pressure areas crossing East to the North of Scotland and pushing active troughs East over the UK with heavy rain, most prolific in the North and strong winds at times and temperatures near average.
THE GFS CONTROL The theme of the GFS Control Run is fairly similar to the operational run though the second week commands a more definitive split between North and South with rain and strong winds continuing across the North while High pressure builds up close to the South later with mild SW winds and mostly dry weather for much of the time towards the end of the run.
THE GFS CLUSTERS(14 Days) The GFS Clusters this morning show an almost unanimous picture that Low pressure will lie to the NW of the UK with West or SW winds likely across the UK pushing troughs East across most of the UK with rain and strong winds at times.
UKMO UKMO today looks unsettled next week with two areas of rain crossing NE over the UK on both Monday and Tuesday with more showery conditions for Wednesday with the hint on the 144hr chart of further rain on an active Low pressure waiting in the wings across the Atlantic.
THE FAX CHARTS The Fax Charts this morning show High pressure declining steadily over the weekend with a complete change of weather type from Monday of next week as active Atlantic depressions and fronts spread wind and rain North and East across the UK with showers following in blustery West winds by midweek.
GEM GEM continues the theme of unsettled conditions too next week with the emphasis on the wettest conditions always focused more towards the North and NW while some longer drier spells are most likely over the South and East of the UK where it is also shown to be quite mild at times.
NAVGEM NAVGEM is similar to GEM in many respects with an even greater indication that the South and East could become drier again after the middle of next week as pressure builds over the nearby continent with rain bearing fronts held up to the NW.
ECM ECM this morning has a very different approach to next weeks weather as it start with a wet and windy period with a couple of periods of rain and strong winds early in the week before drier conditions develop later especially over the East. Pressure then builds across Scandinavia and blocks the progress of all Atlantic wind and rain systems to all but the far SW of the UK by the end of the run with a keen SE breeze for most.
ECM 10 DAY MEAN The ECM 10 Day Mean Chart from last night continues to promote Low pressure to the NW with some influence across most of the UK with rain at times.
NOTABLE TREND CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS RUNS The models still show little consistency in the way conditions will unfold once the current High pressure declines and the trough early next week moves into the UK from the SW. 31 DAY HISTORICAL VERIFICATION STATS FOR GFS, UKMO & ECM The Verification Statistics of GFS, UKMO and ECM show at 24 hours ECM ahead of UKMO at 99.5 pts to 99.4 with GFS closely behind at 99.3 pts. At 3 days ECM is leading with 96.8 pts to UKMO's 96.6 pts while GFS lags behind at 95.6 pts. At 5 days ECM leads with 87.3 pts to UKMO at 87.1 pts then GFS at 84.4 pts. Then at 8 Days ECM still leads at 58.7 pts over GFS's 53.4 pts. Finally at Day 10 GFS and ECM are tied at 36.1 pts each.
MY THOUGHTS We have a few more days of fine and settled weather across the UK before a marked change in the weather occurs at the start of next week. What is less clear is that once that change has occurred how long it will last before a return to better weather takes place and in that resolve none of the models offer any assurance this morning on any one evolution, Taking things step by step fine and bright weather over the weekend with mist and fog at night will remain the familiar pattern before cloud, wind and rain move up from the SW on Monday, a process that looks likely to be repeated on Tuesday before a spell of showers and sunny spells in a blustery WSW wind midweek. It's then that things become much less clear. The majority of output does suggest a shift of emphasis of any further wind and rain more towards the North and West from later next week with some longer drier and at times warmer spells towards the East and SE with GEM and NAVGEM promoting this the most. ECM has a rather different take on things as it sets up a blocking High over Scandinavia warding off any eastward progression of wind and rain from a rather unsettled looking Atlantic. The SW will then become most at risk of seeing some wind and rain from these Low pressure systems while all other areas see a SE wind and dry and bright weather predominating and if this evolves it could feel quite warm again in shelter. So once more this morning though a breakdown in the weather is virtually nailed on early next week the length and extent of it's establishment is still unclear and the East and South and possibly the North too could see a return to some drier conditions later.
The accolade of the worst chart of the day today goes to the GFS today at Day 5 as it shows a small and vigorous Low pressure area crossing England and Wales delivering rain and gales for a time.
The best chart of the day is taken from ECM at Day 9 which illustrates how High pressure to the NE of the UK can form a strong block to the Atlantic with in this case a lot of fine weather developing again across the UK after a period of more unsettled weather.
Next update from 09:00 Sunday Oct 3rd 2015
Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset