The Mayor of Keswick Paul Titley tells BBC News water levels are the highest he's ever seen.
"The flood defences were designed for a one in 100 year event and since it's six years since we had the last one, we were sort of surprised that we got one so soon. I think they did work but they were just completely overwhelmed by just the sheer amount of rainwater we had. The river was 5.4 metres above ground this year. In 2009 it was 4.6 metres. And 4.6 metres had sat there as the target that we never wanted to breach again."
Pity the poor mayor.
I think the government and its agencies need to wake up and smell the coffee. A changing climate brings changing extreme weather events. Build those defences higher. They need to be thinking 1 in 500 year event based on past data.
Originally Posted by: Whether Idle