I have a good memory for snowfalls, so I think I can give approximate snowfall totals for Tarbrax, South Lanarkshire (950 ft/290m asl). They are very conservative estimates and in fact most of them should probably be higher, since very light snow coverings are commonplace there, hence difficult to recall.
Winter 2010/2011: 40 inches (28 inches fell between 27 Nov and 6th December, 2010)
Winter 2011/2012: 15 inches (12 inches at least fell in December 2012, but there wasn't much after that)
Winter 2012/2013 20 inches (rough estimate, as I was living near Livingston, where there was about 15 inches)
Winter 2013/2014: 15 inches (again a rough estmate as I only spent half of the winter there)
Winter 2014/2015: 20 inches (with about 6 weeks of snow cover)
I now live in Livingston and this winter we have had about 6 inches of snow in total, all from light snowfalls (the last one being this morning). I would estimate that Tarbrax has had about 10 inches, so they look to be heading for about 15 inches again, if this pattern keeps up.
Livingston, West Lothian 148m (485 ft) asl
Winter 2016-17 to date: 10 days with falling snow, 5 days with lying snow, 1 ice day.