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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 July 2017 14:29:49

My first day back at work today!  I've had unpaid leave since Easter so I could spend time with my mum since Easter.  But I'm home now and just catching up. 

I think you're right about the medication Dougie.  I'd never suggest you stop taking anything though because I'm not a doctor but I'm a big believer in listening to your body. I'm sure you're sensible enough to know what each of them is for and how they affect you and if you find you do need them you can always start again. Not everything suits everyone as I found out with my mum.  She reacted badly to opiates, even cocodamol and the effects were worse than the symptoms.  But, you don't know how you'll react until you try them, so it's often a case of 'suck it and see' literally!  

Sometimes I think it's not such a bad thing to see a different Medic because it's like having a second opinion although I know continuation is reassuring as well.  The good thing is, the new chap wasn't negative!  Glass half full etc..  So stay positive!  

It's good to hear that you weren't sick in your cornflakes!   

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
25 July 2017 17:29:22
Dougie you of course won't know me, but can I just say how inspiring I find your posts on here. And your honesty and bravery about what you are facing ...inspirational I would say...and thank you for sharing!
25 July 2017 17:44:51
Keep on keeping on Dougie - every day as it comes. Hope the food becomes less of a challenge soon. Kudos to you on posting on the thread, lots of us want to know how you are doing, no need to spare the details!
Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
25 July 2017 19:47:33

Dougie you of course won't know me, but can I just say how inspiring I find your posts on here. And your honesty and bravery about what you are facing ...inspirational I would say...and thank you for sharing!

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

I know of you Paul, and that's all that matters.

Your post damn near brought me to tears, thankyou for your kindness.

Ha'way the lads
25 July 2017 19:51:31

Keep on keeping on Dougie - every day as it comes. Hope the food becomes less of a challenge soon. Kudos to you on posting on the thread, lots of us want to know how you are doing, no need to spare the details!

Originally Posted by: Arcus 

Thanks Ben for taking an interest yet again. I hope to post further details later tonight.

Ha'way the lads
25 July 2017 20:14:06


I know of you Paul, and that's all that matters.

Your post damn near brought me to tears, thankyou for your kindness.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 


thanks is an absolute pleasure...your reply get me welling up! me thinking...we hear so much criticism about social media and twitter and all the horrible things  said on complete contrast, isn't it great to be able to have these sorts of conversations...and communicate in this way...A friend of mind who has been having white cell stem treatment and has been in complete isolation, has found social media a fantastic way of keeping in contact with the outside world....

25 July 2017 20:26:17



thanks is an absolute pleasure...your reply get me welling up! me thinking...we hear so much criticism about social media and twitter and all the horrible things  said on complete contrast, isn't it great to be able to have these sorts of conversations...and communicate in this way...A friend of mind who has been having white cell stem treatment and has been in complete isolation, has found social media a fantastic way of keeping in contact with the outside world....

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

Social media can be a very powerful tool, and it's great to be able to sit here and chat with genuine people, offering all sorts of helpful advice. The one thing I was not ready for was the ability from folk such as yourself, and all the other posters, to show such compassion.

I am totally gob smacked.

Ha'way the lads
25 July 2017 20:47:13

OK, as I alluded to a bit earlier, here is the update.

The no pill experiment has failed dismally in that since 18.00 hrs, I have had 2 major sickness bouts, so I will be taking the medication later tonight, probably minus the pain killers, not that it seems to make much difference. It was worth a try, but as I have eaten less than normal today, I was quite surprised by the reaction. I have already taken the new anti sickness pills, prescribed yesterday, but they did not stop the second episode. The problem is that although I feel sick, I also feel hungry, so what to do?

Following a phone call with the emergency Oncology doctor, I don't like to say this, but I may have to return to hospital so they can regain some sort of control. I should know within the next 48 hours.

Ha'way the lads
Gandalf The White
25 July 2017 21:21:15

OK, as I alluded to a bit earlier, here is the update.

The no pill experiment has failed dismally in that since 18.00 hrs, I have had 2 major sickness bouts, so I will be taking the medication later tonight, probably minus the pain killers, not that it seems to make much difference. It was worth a try, but as I have eaten less than normal today, I was quite surprised by the reaction. I have already taken the new anti sickness pills, prescribed yesterday, but they did not stop the second episode. The problem is that although I feel sick, I also feel hungry, so what to do?

Following a phone call with the emergency Oncology doctor, I don't like to say this, but I may have to return to hospital so they can regain some sort of control. I should know within the next 48 hours.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Good luck with getting everything back under control.  I remember that my mother struggled with nausea with some of her chemo treatments.

One of the family who knows about this area explained that the chemo attacks the fast-growing cells and that the cells in the stomach fit the description and that's a large part of the problem.  Apparently an unpleasant but inevitable side-effect.

If you wind up back in hospital hopefully it won't be for too long.  Remember to take your PC or whatever you're using.

Take care.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

David M Porter
25 July 2017 21:31:41


Social media can be a very powerful tool, and it's great to be able to sit here and chat with genuine people, offering all sorts of helpful advice. The one thing I was not ready for was the ability from folk such as yourself, and all the other posters, to show such compassion.

I am totally gob smacked.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

I agree completely Dougie about social media and how it can help people at difficult times in their lives. It was in the summer of 2008 when I happened to stumble across FB while browsing the internet one day, which was a year after I had become very seriously ill with Crohns' Disease which led to me being hospitalised for 11 days. The main attraction of FB for me was the fact that many of my former school, college & uni friends had accounts on it, so that was the major factor in me becoming a part pf it.

Best wishes!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
26 July 2017 00:27:57

David. Thanks for your continued support, and I am happy you have found social media to be helpful as well.


Gandalf. Again, thanks for continued support. Your explanation re. the cause of nausea, I believe to be correct - it rings a bell somewhere from the dim and distant past, when all was explained. The effects are long lasting too, keep in mind it's over 2 months now since I last had chemotherapy. When last in hospital, I went fully kitted, with phone and my laptop. The local WiFi works quite well at Guy's, but I had back up from my own mobile modem, still only 3G but worked better during busy periods.


Caz. Sorry my love, I mean't to get back to you earlier in the day. After an extended period of relative freedom, and lots of posts on TWO, I hope you enjoyed your first day back at work. I bet it took a bit of getting used to, having to be more regimented after a period of not actually having to go to work. I know I keep saying it, but your help here has been invaluable to me.

Thanks all

Ha'way the lads
26 July 2017 09:31:00

Hi Dougie, thought I'd catch up in here and see how you are getting on, and noticed you had something of a set back yesterday. Either or, hospital or at home, hope you are keeping as comfortable as you possibly can under the circumstances.

Folkestone Harbour. 
26 July 2017 10:24:12

Hi Dougie, thought I'd catch up in here and see how you are getting on, and noticed you had something of a set back yesterday. Either or, hospital or at home, hope you are keeping as comfortable as you possibly can under the circumstances.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

God morning Ian, thanks for popping by to check on me.

The last 12 hours or so have been a lot more comfortable than the 12 preceding them. On reflection, it was a mistake to stop the medication, but sometime experimentation helps, and it certainly did in this instance. I have not been able to find the culprit causing the problem, but I did find the one that controls a lot of what is going on, so I won't be stopping that one any time soon. As I say, I am much more comfortable now, so hopefully the need for another stay in hospital will no longer be necessary. I might even have some quality time up the local cafe, as I feel able to converse with people, something I could not do yesterday. It's a shame the weather is not a bit better, as I love to sit outside with a cup of coffee, and watch the world go by.

All in all, a big improvement today, apart from the pain and a bit of nausea, so long may it continue.


Ha'way the lads
Matty H
26 July 2017 11:10:27

That's encouraging. It's awful feeling of being sick. Hopefully this will start and upward trend now. Baby steps and all that

26 July 2017 11:22:31

That's encouraging. It's awful feeling of being sick. Hopefully this will start and upward trend now. Baby steps and all that

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Baby steps indeed, thanks Matty.

The feeling of nausea has been a 24/7 feature of life since probably last November, before treatment started. It is compounded by the chemotherapy and the radiotherapy, so to be very honest, days like yesterday when I was physically vomiting can be a release, as you get relief for a short while afterwards. Still not very nice though.

For now, I take each day as it comes, with what little surprises are thrown at me.

Ha'way the lads
Miss Dot Com
26 July 2017 11:26:41
Hey have a weak signal here for a bit, sorry to hear about you set back and hope you got it back under control. Keep fighting you'll get there. Hope you manage to get out for a bit too, enjoy xx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
26 July 2017 11:34:24

Glad you're a few ° better today Dougie. I hope the nausea subsides a little more, so you can make the most of that coffee...if the sun does come out again!

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
26 July 2017 12:25:32

Hey, Dotty and Bert, thanks for popping in.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
26 July 2017 12:39:09

Just on a break at work and picturing being sat outside with a nice strong coffee watching the world go by!  I'm there with you Dougie!   

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
26 July 2017 12:54:28

Just on a break at work and picturing being sat outside with a nice strong coffee watching the world go by!  I'm there with you Dougie!   

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Ahhhh, the simple things of life.

Ha'way the lads
Gavin P
27 July 2017 09:31:43

Oh wow, just caught up with this (as always I'm late for everything lol)

Really sorry to hear you've had such a bad time in recent months Dougie.  From reading your posts I think you are doing great with how you are dealing with this. Your attitude is amazing.

You know that everyone @ TWO is rooting for you and sending you all the good vibes we can muster.  We'll kick this *^£(^(" cancer out of you if it's the last thing we do. 

Hope when they start you on the new chemotherapy regimen that you start to feel a bit better soon. Keep us informed on your progress (I know you will) 

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
27 July 2017 11:44:24

Oh wow, just caught up with this (as always I'm late for everything lol)

Really sorry to hear you've had such a bad time in recent months Dougie.  From reading your posts I think you are doing great with how you are dealing with this. Your attitude is amazing.

You know that everyone @ TWO is rooting for you and sending you all the good vibes we can muster.  We'll kick this *^£(^(" cancer out of you if it's the last thing we do. 

Hope when they start you on the new chemotherapy regimen that you start to feel a bit better soon. Keep us informed on your progress (I know you will) 

Originally Posted by: Gavin Partridge 

Thanks Gavin, you're a star.

I have replied to your PM.


Ha'way the lads
27 July 2017 11:52:33

A quick progress report.

Over the last 36 hours or so, I have felt a bit better. I am now able to eat small amount of solid food(little and often seems to be the way) without the sickness bouts, so quite pleased with that, and have now got a handle on which pills not to take, and the time of day when they are most beneficial to my eating and sleeping times.

Onward and upward

Ha'way the lads
  • Jake
  • Advanced Member
27 July 2017 12:41:29

A quick progress report.

Over the last 36 hours or so, I have felt a bit better. I am now able to eat small amount of solid food(little and often seems to be the way) without the sickness bouts, so quite pleased with that, and have now got a handle on which pills not to take, and the time of day when they are most beneficial to my eating and sleeping times.

Onward and upward

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Thats good news slow steady steps 

youtube page:My You tube page 
Gavin P
27 July 2017 12:58:52

Got your reply! 

Good to hear you are feeling a bit better. Baby steps as stated already! 

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
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