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The Beast from the East
02 October 2017 23:34:22

Cant say anymore than what others have said already. Take care and best wishes

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
03 October 2017 00:10:08

Thanks for all the kind words guy's. I am still hoping that I will included in one of the experimental treatments, but this is looking doubtful. This being the case, I have no choice but to face this head on, it will have its difficult moments I am sure, but I won't give up until it becomes mission impossible.

I don't know how this thread will go forward now, but I will try to update from time to time.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
03 October 2017 06:14:57

Morning Dougie. You’ve been facing this thing head on since it started and you will continue to do so because it’s in your nature.  The important thing is to keep up your strength both physically and mentally.  Do things that make you happy!  Things that make you feel alive!  

I sincerely hope you’ll continue with this thread as it’s always been. There is no reason for it to stop.  Nothing has changed really. You’ve been living with cancer for a while. You’re still there, I’m still here and others are posting and lurking on this thread because they care too. You need support as much as ever and we want to give it as much as we can. If you don’t feel like posting, that’s ok but I think you will want to. No pressure of course. 

I’m going on holiday again at the weekend, with hubby this time.  I’m living life to the full while I can, that’s what life has taught me.  So, I’ll have to leave it to others to say good morning and good night for a couple of weeks.

Do something that makes you happy today and remember to smile!    X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
03 October 2017 07:21:45

Thoughts are with you Dougie, stay strong! ....and make sure you keep opening them Current Conditions threads 

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
03 October 2017 08:07:33
Dreadful news, Dougie.
Please don't give up old bean.
You could be at the forefront of a new way to treat your condition.
Gandalf The White
03 October 2017 19:44:50

Just checking in Dougie. How's your day been?

Hope you're holding up OK.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
03 October 2017 20:28:01

Evening Dougie!  I hope you remembered to smile today.  I’ve been thinking about you.  

I made a beef casserole and butter dumplings for our evening meal and although I did it in my smallest le crueset, there’s still far too much for the two of us. So guess what we’ll be having tomorrow and probably Thursday.  

Right! My bedtime now and I have a busy day at work tomorrow.  Have a restful night Dougie.  X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Miss Dot Com
03 October 2017 22:01:24
Dougie, I'm sorry about the chemo. Just take each day as it comes. The only way I can see forward is for you to keep being Dougie and keep fighting as much as you can. We are here with you all the way. Keep smiling xx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
03 October 2017 23:02:51

A fairly average day for of late, no drama's. Still very sleepy, and not eaten very much, but feeling ok. Hoping I can eat a bit more tomorrow to gear up for the big fight.

Caz, the beef casserole sounds good, I have not had that for a while. Maybe if I can summon up the strength to go shopping, that could be one for the future, meanwhile, before I forget to mention it, have a great holiday.

Tony, I would love the chance to be included in any experimental treatment, but the chance to be included look remote for now, but I will continue to nudge the consultants arm when I see them again

There has been no further improvement in the DVT, nor has my hand shown any sign of working properly again. Both of these ailments would help me greatly if they got back to normal.

Thankyou for all the kind posts, it gives me so much to go on with.


Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
04 October 2017 05:44:58

Morning Dougie. A beef casserole made with lots of fresh veg is just what you need to build you up. It’s a pity you don’t live closer because there’s plenty to go round!    

I wondered if your need for extra sleep was due to the nights getting longer because I’m finding I want to hibernate now as well but I think in your case it’s more likely to be due to the antidepressants.  Maybe when your body has adjusted to them you’ll be less tired and you’ll feel like doing more. 

I will enjoy my holiday thank you. I always do and we’re going back to a hotel we’ve been to before so I know what to expect, although there may be some damage left by the hurricanes.

Plan to do something you enjoy today, try to eat a decent meal and as always, don’t forget to smile. When was the last time you visited your favourite cafe?  You haven’t mentioned it for a while. I’m sure they’re always happy to see you there. 

Catch you later.  X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Gandalf The White
04 October 2017 08:30:12

Morning Dougie, I hope you got a decent night's sleep.

If you don't feel up to a trip to the supermarket have you thought about buying online and having it delivered to you?

Hole you have a reasonable day

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

04 October 2017 13:04:17

Been for an appointment at Christie`s this morning. Haemoglobin has increased from 74 when I went on 23rd August, to 80 today. So that`s good news, no need for a blood transfusion.

Next appointment is 29th November (my birthday).

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
Gandalf The White
04 October 2017 14:10:35

Been for an appointment at Christie`s this morning. Haemoglobin has increased from 74 when I went on 23rd August, to 80 today. So that`s good news, no need for a blood transfusion.

Next appointment is 29th November (my birthday).

Originally Posted by: bradders 


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

04 October 2017 14:49:45

Keep at those guys. Dougie.

Time to scream.
It's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
04 October 2017 20:07:04

Evening Dougie. Time for me to turn in, so I’ll say goodnight!    X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Miss Dot Com
04 October 2017 21:24:13
Eric that's great news, must be a relief! Hope you are having a good day Dougie xx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
05 October 2017 04:38:30

Great news Eric, I am glad someone has some good news, and best of luck on your next check up.

As for me, nothing much has changed, still very sleepy, not eating much, but remaining positive. Reading the instructions with the antidepressants, both of the symptoms afore mentioned are included as very common. Hopefully things will return to a more normal situation after a few more days.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 October 2017 05:20:41

Morning Dougie.  I awoke this morning with the lovely bright moon shining straight at me through my bedroom window.  It’s been so cloudy recently that I didn’t realise it was coming round to the full phase.  So my day has begun with a smile and I hope yours does too!  

I think once your system settles into the antidepressants you should feel a bit more lively.  Give it a couple of weeks and if you’re still doing the dieting sleeping beauty thing, ask your doctor if your dose can be adjusted.  I won’t lecture you on the importance of eating.  

Eric, I’m really pleased you’ve had some good news. 

Have a good day Dougie. X 


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
05 October 2017 10:16:01

Thanks Caz, Dougie and Justine. Yes it`s good news, I just wish Dougie could have some good news as well.

PS. As well as the medication I am on I also take supplements, Vitamin B6, B12 and Iron. They are all supposed to increase Haemoglobin levels so they can`t do any harm and I`ve OK`d them with the doctor at Christie`s.

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 October 2017 19:53:54

Evening Dougie. The sky is very clear and there’s a lovely harvest moon!  It’s time for me to snuggle and rest my eyelids again though. I always put the bedroom TV on sleep timer for an hour and I’m always in the land of nod well before it switches off.   

Night Dougie!  X 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
06 October 2017 00:46:04

Hi Caz, I am finding it hard to concentrate on posting, plus it's a bit of a pain being only able to use one hand. Today has been another nothing day really, but I did manage to do a bit of shopping and go to the cafe. I only had banana and custard, and that was a struggle to finish. Other than that, I have just had a tin of soup, Chunky Chicken and veg, so as you can see I am not eating much at all right now.

For most of my life I have gone to sleep listening to the radio, but now I like it nice and quiet. Funny how things change over time. I hope I can pull out of this "in limbo" lifestyle soon, because it can't be doing me much good long term.

My sister is back in hospital, and it looks very likely that she will lose her other leg, from the knee down. To be Diabetic seems to be as bad as Cancer as it takes over your body bit by bit. I would like to try and visit her, but I can't face it right now.

I hope you had a restful night, speak later.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
06 October 2017 05:33:29

Morning Dougie. I’m really pleased you visited the cafe because getting out will do you good, but you know what’s coming next....  

You really do need to be eating!  I don’t know how your local Macmillan nurses are working with you or how often you have contact with them but I found with mum, they were the experts in palliative care. They had more experience with the various medications and their side effects and worked with the GP to find suitable alternatives.  

If you don’t have easy access to Macmillan, go back to your GP and explain that you’re not eating.  He/she will probably say you need to give the antidepressants more time to settle but you can’t afford to not eat and live in limbo for an extended length of time.  You need to be building your resources now and every day counts. 

I don’t know what the medication is but it isn’t wise to stop taking antidepressants without medical advice.  Maybe a smaller dose can be prescribed.  

I’m really sorry to hear your sister has problems again.  Would you regret not going to see her?  Would seeing you make her happy?   Don’t think about it too much. Just do it.  We all need a little support at the right time.  

Catch you later!  X 


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Miss Dot Com
06 October 2017 07:06:45
Very wise words Caz, I think she is right Dougie! It must be hard and I know the anti depressants take time to work and could be suppressing your appetite but you need your food for strength, which you seem to be lacking. I think you need some advice at least from the doc. I hope you can pull things around a little again, I know you've done a lot of battling lately.
Eric sounds like a healthy concuction lol. Hope it helps a little at any rate!
Take care all xx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
06 October 2017 10:01:43

Hope today is better for you Dougie. The need for the calories seems a priority ... Movement and fresh air is good. Good to see you are venturing out. Do you get any home visits by anyone... Hang in there.. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
06 October 2017 20:06:23

Evening Dougie.  The moon is lovely again tonight and it’s a nice calm evening. You’re probably just waking up and I’m ready for settling down.  

Night night. X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
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