Another winter beckons and I'm sick of it already !
The 5 month autumn has now kicked in down in the south..the only difference for the next 2 months is that it gets darker with it.
For the north its exciting...for the south watching reload after reload with fantastic looking northerlies and 850's at the south coast barely falling to -5c is tiresome already.
Thursday this week was looking ok for a little snow down here in the SE as the wind tilted back to a more NNE'ly at the same time as a colder pool of uppers moved down. Now its NW'ly all the way and predominantly dry. By Friday the wind does tilt into the NE but the 850Hpa's are modified and uppers of -5c or -6c will now bring rain.
I feel myself getting sucked into the game again. In the past I would be fatigued by early February, these days I'm done by December.
We don't get cold enough northerlies and we no longer get midwinter easterlies.
Silly, stupid season ! .
Originally Posted by: Gusty