No, not bored but more resigned. Already people are bringing out the old cliches like it being "bitterly cold".... if a high of 3C with a breeze is "bitterly cold", what on earth would they describe the "good old days" of -2C by day with a gale force easterly as?
Similarly, talk of widespread snow... yes, we could roll a triple 6 and see widespread lowland snow down here in the south, but even if we do get some - with temperatures a few degrees above zero by day it'd melt PDQ.
That's northerlies for you though (or NW'lies, as they're more likely to be by the time they reach here). What I wouldn't give for a midwinter easterly... it'll have been 21 years this winter since the last one. Surely the drought has to end sooner or later, doesn't it?...
Originally Posted by: Retron