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Ally Pally Snowman
29 November 2017 16:18:57

Good 12z so far ukmo and gfs both look like developing very cold northerlies by 144h.

And by 168 gfs has most of Scotland and northern England under -10c 850s.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
The Beast from the East
29 November 2017 16:28:15

the high building from the south could well scupper the whole thing for England anyway. 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
29 November 2017 16:28:18
But heights still persist across the Med. All the while they do, the true Northerly will find it very hard to develop and be sustained.
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Rob K
29 November 2017 16:29:13
Once again a messy picture with an Atlantic low interacting with cold air over the UK around Dec 7. A similar sort of thing has appeared on numerous runs now.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Ally Pally Snowman
29 November 2017 16:29:54

Blizzards o'clock at 200h on the GFS. Stunning run


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
The Beast from the East
29 November 2017 16:30:17

GFS makes it in the end but I think if we could see UKMO extended, it would not be good


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
29 November 2017 16:31:35

Blizzards o'clock at 200h on the GFS. Stunning run


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

its always stunning at 200h! 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Rob K
29 November 2017 16:33:25

Well, that'd do.




Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
29 November 2017 16:34:33
It really does seem to be a finely balanced picture in the medium to longer term. The potential for interesting scenarios like on the GFS 12z remains a much higher one than in previous years. It is a messy but, from a local perspective, rather pretty GFS run so far. I would be much more interested if the ECM 12z shows a similiar scenario at day 9 
Rob K
29 November 2017 16:37:14
I think this pre-winter period has been the snowiest I can remember... on the charts 😉
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Ally Pally Snowman
29 November 2017 16:39:13


its always stunning at 200h! 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


One day it has to be right at that range.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
29 November 2017 16:41:39

GFS makes it in the end but I think if we could see UKMO extended, it would not be good


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Odd comment


Any chance of the lottery numbers

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

David M Porter
29 November 2017 16:41:52

GFS makes it in the end but I think if we could see UKMO extended, it would not be good


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Not sure why you say that, Beast.

Yes, UKMO shows the HP just to our west at the weekend moving southwards towards the Med, but at the same time pressure looks to be building over Greenland. That of course wouldn't guarantee more cold weather as last week showed, but I don't think that just because the weekend High is shown to move south, it should be automatically taken as a one-way ticket back to zonality.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
29 November 2017 16:44:17

Well, that'd do.




Originally Posted by: Rob K 


Thundersnow event? Or heavy rain turning into heavy wet snow - huge flakes but melting!?


No chart available for the selected hour. Many charts start at 3 hours ahead, so if you have 0 hours selected try stepping forward or selecting a later hour.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

29 November 2017 16:46:04


its always stunning at 200h! 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Yep, it's all over by T+288.

29 November 2017 16:49:25


Yep, it's all over by T+288.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

So from about 150 or 160hrs to 288hrs, not bad if it comes to fruition.

(Incidentally it is nice to view the latest potentially wintry runs at day 6-7 when the increasingly snowy showers are passing through )

A glance at the emerging GFS ensemble data suggests a trend toward colder in the medium term but we will see properly in a while.

29 November 2017 17:18:08

GEFS shows for Friday 7th a 70:30 split cold(NW or N): mild(W or SW)

At Sunday 10th the spit is 50:50.

Chunky Pea
29 November 2017 17:22:23

Latest run going for a potentially deep cold spell setting up over the eastern half of the States from next weekend.

Could help fire up the N. Atlantic Jet down the line, but which 'arm' of it is the question. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Nordic Snowman
29 November 2017 17:22:35

GEFS shows for Friday 7th a 70:30 split cold(NW or N): mild(W or SW)

Originally Posted by: roger63 


If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say the chances are quite high for this pattern to persist throughout most of December. The weather is far from zonal and to me, it seems like this pattern is emerging as the front runner in the ENS too.

Incidentally, odds are being slashed on a white Christmas and even for the winter as a whole for one of the coldest.

I would say that the background signals must be there for a noteworthy freeze through December.

Bjorli, Norway

29 November 2017 17:24:47

GEFS shows for Friday 7th a 70:30 split cold(NW or N): mild(W or SW)

Originally Posted by: roger63 

Only 3 runs on the GEFS for my location are over -5c on the 850s on that date. Definite shift in emphasis to the colder cluster.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
29 November 2017 17:30:17

Latest run going for a potentially deep cold spell setting up over the eastern half of the States from next weekend.


Could help fire up the N. Atlantic Jet down the line, but which 'arm' of it is the question. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

if it happens will put a lot of people's theory to the test

29 November 2017 17:35:33


Yep, it's all over by T+288.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Only parochially and temporarily- by that time, more sensible cold gives us another power piece on the synoptic chessboard: the Scandinavian cold is settling in for the winter.


Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
Chunky Pea
29 November 2017 17:40:01


if it happens will put a lot of people's theory to the test

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

It's an interesting chart in that the cold air is exiting the continent at a more southerly point than usual, and this over exceedingly warm waters. Only time will tell what this might lead to, if it leads to anything at all. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
29 November 2017 17:46:51

Some real volatility on tonight's GFS run for down here (especially in the 7-10 day range). Two sub 520 dam episodes interspersed by two milder and much wetter interludes within the next 10 days. Indicative a very close running jet. The colder shots are associated with NW'ly's meaning that for down here any snow will be very limited or non existent. 

Fascinating model watching


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

29 November 2017 17:50:01

Some real volatility on tonight's GFS run for down here. Two sub 520 dam episodes interspersed by two milder and much wetter interludes within the next 10 days. Indicative a very close running jet. The colder shots are associated with NW'ly's meaning that for down here any snow will be very limited or non existent.


Originally Posted by: Gusty 

 Spooky, I was about to post the same link for Aberdeen (EGP) as it shows 500-1000hPa values dropping to 512dam by 162hours. Methinks the GFS model is overdoing the cold (up here at least) but time will tell.

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