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Maunder Minimum
29 November 2017 19:14:50

For longer range prospects I think it might be worth keeping an eye on America the first major cold outbreak of the season is expected later next week if it does that will fire up the jet stream and send milder air our way

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Surely that all depends on where the cold is. In a typical British winter, the cold is bottled up over eastern Canada, the PV is fired up over Canada/Greenland and as cold air spills into the Atlantic from Newfoundland, it fires up cyclogenesis and the jet, which brings a procession of LPs across to the UK, with the centres normally in northern Scotland or north of there.

The model output for next week shows the Mid-West taking the brunt of the brutal cold and it does not exit the American continental landmass at the usual high latitude - surely that would engender southerly tracking lows which could aid northern blocking instead of destroying it.

New world order coming.
Nordic Snowman
29 November 2017 19:15:35


I find that evolution a little suspect tbh. One wonders where the sudden burst of energy in the atlantic between T192 and T216  has come from. Looks a little odd to me, I must say.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Agree. Almost certain that it will be among the mildest within the ENS.

Bjorli, Norway

29 November 2017 19:21:25



Aye - the pressure to the west is more of a mid to south orientation, rather than the stella GH variety we have seen on recent runs.


Plenty of time for change, but i would say theres more likely hood of this going to Turkey etc based on recent years behavior

Originally Posted by: Russwirral 

I'm not saying it will happen this time but considering how often it does, you'd like to think they might program it into the model in advance rather than leaving it till two days before :-)

S.Essex, 42m ASL
29 November 2017 19:22:05

Compared to the 00z run the ECM 12z isn’t very consistent

Originally Posted by: Notty 


its so different it’s ridiculous 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 November 2017 19:27:13



its so different it’s ridiculous 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

It is a staggering difference agreed, which put simply almost destroys any confidence one might have of any chart at +192, taken in isolation.

Whether the same principle applies to GFS is a debate that could go on forever, but by then it’ll be Spring again and my thoughts turn to other things 😊🌩🌩

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
29 November 2017 19:41:05

It's frustrating to have such a continued disparity at just T+144. Has modelling accuracy improved after 5 days in the last 15 years ? I don't think so.

Winter model watching these days isn't about watching patterns, trends and minor differences between the models, its a game of guessing who is right or wrong...the differences are stark. A screaming northerly or a mild westerly ? Ensembles flip at the drop of a hat too. 


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

29 November 2017 19:45:23

It's frustrating to have such a continued disparity at just T+144. Has modelling accuracy improved after 5 days in the last 15 years ? I don't think so.

Winter model watching these days isn't about watching patterns, trends and minor differences between the models, its a game of guessing who is right or wrong...the differences are stark. A screaming northerly or a mild westerly ? Ensembles flip at the drop of a hat too. 


Originally Posted by: Gusty 

maybe we just have too much information to look at nowadays???? Back in the day we had the week ahead forecasts and that was your lot

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 November 2017 19:46:43

GFS makes it in the end but I think if we could see UKMO extended, it would not be good


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Its actually quite good

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 November 2017 19:49:46

 maybe we just have too much information to look at nowadays???? Back in the day we had the week ahead forecasts and that was your lot

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Agree with that Marcus but I'm talking about the early days of model watching in say 2002-2007 when the differences 'seemed' less pronounced. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

29 November 2017 20:00:04


Agree. Almost certain that it will be among the mildest within the ENS.

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Well it is right at the end (D9 and D10), but prior to that the Op is not outlandish compared to the 850 ens


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Chunky Pea
29 November 2017 20:08:13


I know you were hosting it on a third party server but we're not allowed to use charts from that provider.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Whoops, did not know that. It's the reason I put it on a 3rd party site as the image direct from site would not link. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
29 November 2017 20:09:59

For longer range prospects I think it might be worth keeping an eye on America the first major cold outbreak of the season is expected later next week if it does that will fire up the jet stream and send milder air our way



Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Not often you see lower 850s in the Caribbean than in the Yukon.

Tim A
29 November 2017 20:46:57

The ensembles show great scatter = high uncertainty. That would be my only conclusion. From that you would expect Operational runs to be all over the place and grouping trends within the ensembles themselves to fluctuate.
Good fun though.

NW Leeds
187m asl

Whether Idle
29 November 2017 20:47:39

The ensembles show great scatter = high uncertainty. That would be my only conclusion. From that you would expect Operational runs to be all over the place and grouping trends within the ensembles themseles to fluctuate.
Good fun though.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

More runs are needed.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
29 November 2017 20:59:46


More runs are needed.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Solar Cycles
29 November 2017 21:13:43
One thing which remains constant is that whenever a cold spell is forecasts model consensus becomes even more constantly unreliable. The ECM is a dogs dinner post +168 which in itself is well into FI anyway.

The will it won’t it show continues but if the supposedly Nina signature of an early cold start to winter followed by a mild and wet last two thirds holds any sway then we need the GFS to be on the ball here.
29 November 2017 22:00:26

O/T Beeb still keen on a Northerly next week


D Bett “ progressively colder” next week

clearly ignoring ECM

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 November 2017 22:08:10

Are my eyes playing tricks on me? It looks as if the isobar lines cross (between the Outer Hebrides and southern Greenland) on this chart. I think GFS needs new crayons.

White Meadows
29 November 2017 22:10:27
Sorry a little OT the met Office seasonal / contingency outlook released this Friday 1st ??
Maunder Minimum
29 November 2017 22:10:59

The pub run not looking so good - it has pepped up the Atlantic LP - will it bring us the Greenie HP or will the Atlantic break through ?


Yes - looks  like being an epic fail on this run - those damn heights to our south are not giving way.


New world order coming.
Joe Bloggs
29 November 2017 22:20:08

It’s just another run, and I’m not yet convinced, but those Euro heights are going to bugger things up again for us in my opinion.

How infuriating, given what we could have had with such a good pattern upstream.

Not throwing the towel in just yet, and some cold air looks likely to reach northern Scotland, but that is my suspicion for now.  

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

29 November 2017 22:21:24

O/T Beeb still keen on a Northerly next week


D Bett “ progressively colder” next week

clearly ignoring ECM

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

And tonight’s GFS.

Of course, the statement was made before the latest GFS run but when it comes to hope-casting I never let facts get in the way of wishful thinking 😊

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Joe Bloggs
29 November 2017 22:21:51

What makes it all the more infuriating is we finally have some deep cold to tap into!


Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

29 November 2017 22:23:08

Sorry a little OT the met Office seasonal / contingency outlook released this Friday 1st ??

Originally Posted by: White Meadows 

issued last week. Here is the temperature forecast.


29 November 2017 22:23:51

18z not so great .Euro high flexing it’s muscles bloody hard is it to get cold here.

one run and all that 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

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