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Saint Snow
09 December 2017 14:25:08


Always interesting how people that get snow, hate it and those that really want it never get anything more than a shower or flurry if they do! ha! Sods law.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 


I think Bolty says it just for attention.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
09 December 2017 14:39:00



I normally enjoy reading his moans but this one is a little insensitive. 6-9cm would make many a southerners winter ! 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Indeed Steve. I’m disappointed that it has been snowing on and off for the last two days and there’s over 10cm of snow in my back garden. I’m disappointed by the crisp skies and limited winter sunshine. I’m disappointed at the prospect of at very least a near ice day tomorrow. And all of this so late in the winter. 




(Wrong thread but there was something magical about going to the forest to select a snow covered Christmas tree)

09 December 2017 14:44:15



I normally enjoy reading his moans but this one is a little insensitive. 6-9cm would make many a southerners winter ! 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

That would even make my winter at the moment.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
09 December 2017 15:02:00



I think Bolty says it just for attention.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
  • Gusty
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
09 December 2017 15:14:55

(Wrong thread but there was something magical about going to the forest to select a snow covered Christmas tree)

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Sounds like something close to perfection Doc. kids have been ecstatic playing in the garden with 1cm of ice lifted off the pond.  

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

09 December 2017 15:17:44


Sounds like something close to perfection Doc. kids have been ecstatic playing in the garden with 1cm of ice lifted off the pond.  

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Fingers crossed they get some to play with tomorrow.

Solar Cycles
09 December 2017 15:50:19
Well my absence didn’t last long.

The forecasted line of frequent heavy snow showers went t*ts up along along with tomorrow’s heavy snow which is now expected to be some 60+ miles to the south of us. When’s the next big snow event due. 😜
09 December 2017 17:35:32

Very underwhelmed by this cold spell. Just had one light snow shower today and that was hours ago. Worse still there has been no sunshine, despite clear skies overhead, as the sun is stuck behind a bank of cloud to the south west Simply infuriating when a day of sun and snow showers was expected.

If it can't get to -5C tonight then as far as I'm concerned this will have been no different to the other lame cold spells of recent winters.

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

It's true it's not been as cold esp for the south the min last night was 0.5c here in Exeter. We didn't manage a frost as it was too windy and not even any snow. On 30th November 2016 we actually got down to -5c here in Exeter with freezing fog and snowgrains at one point. This cold snap is a joke and virtually a non event for those south of the M4.

I am keen to know why you're moaning when you have have already had two snowfalls of accumulating snow and the winter isn't even 2 weeks old yet. Last week you had snowfall and more this week!? Not sure how much!? But surely better than last December!? This winter is at it's early stage as you know - and do remember some of us southerners haven't even seen a single flake of snow yet.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

09 December 2017 18:55:47

We came so close - didnt we?

The last time i saw 6inches of snow was 2005. Ive never seen depths fall bigger than that in the whole of my 30+ yrs. I can recal maybe 3 falls of that size througout those years. with maybe a further 3 above 5cms.

Tomorrows fall would have been the big event that we seemingly keep missing out on, even 2010 didnt deliver... neither did 2013.  Sure we got a covering, but really nothing like people seemingly expect every year on here

I hear people from Manchester complain, but honestly - Ive traveled through there.. you do ok every year.  Most years im lucky to see a snow shower.


These past 2 days ive seen snow fall on two days... that in itself is incredible

Just one of those things i suppose. But ive resided myself to face facts that i probably will see it snow tomorrow.. just a dry dusting if im lucky.

And for all of you who are saying its ok, as weve had snow the past few days.... Yup - it snowed yesterday morning for 15 mins. Since then its been cold rain. With graupal inside.

its 0.5*c too :(

09 December 2017 18:56:29


It's true it's not been as cold esp for the south the min last night was 0.5c here in Exeter. We didn't manage a frost as it was too windy and not even any snow. On 30th November 2016 we actually got down to -5c here in Exeter with freezing fog and snowgrains at one point. This cold snap is a joke and virtually a non event for those south of the M4.

I am keen to know why you're moaning when you have have already had two snowfalls of accumulating snow and the winter isn't even 2 weeks old yet. Last week you had snowfall and more this week!? Not sure how much!? But surely better than last December!? This winter is at it's early stage as you know - and do remember some of us southerners haven't even seen a single flake of snow yet.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Neither have those of us who live here in Edinburgh, so it's not just the southerners who aren't getting any snow and if the forecast is right, there might even be few southerners who haven't had that snow yet, who then end up getting a little bit of it during tomorrow whilst those of us who live here in Edinburgh miss out yet again.

Another question that I will ask as well is, when is Richard ever happy with the weather in his area?


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Tim A
09 December 2017 20:07:47
It's hard to take that we won't be receiving any significant snow. Two main reasons:
1. Models were set on us getting a good fall for days
2. Monday and Tuesday are due to be really cold days where the snow could have been enjoyed.

I can't moan too much as technically we still have a covering of snow from Thursday night , looks pretty but isn't enough to sledge in/build a snowman etc.

Good luck to those further south. There are plenty of historic falls that get mentioned where the north gets nothing and the Midlands or South gets pasted. Can't recall it happening for a while though. I think we have been lucky the last few years anyway. Enjoy those who shall be lucky enough this time.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
09 December 2017 22:34:10


Neither have those of us who live here in Edinburgh, so it's not just the southerners who aren't getting any snow and if the forecast is right, there might even be few southerners who haven't had that snow yet, who then end up getting a little bit of it during tomorrow whilst those of us who live here in Edinburgh miss out yet again.

Another question that I will ask as well is, when is Richard ever happy with the weather in his area?


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Looks like many parts of Scotland could have an ice day tomorrow - Look at Aberdeen webcam - snow covered by the seaside:

Looks like a thin layer maybe a few cms but still better than nothing!

Seems like this snow event is really hit and miss - many in Dartmoor had snow yesterday where as some didn't get one wintry shower - like Exeter 3 min light shower and 15 - 20 seconds of ice pellets or sleet isn't good enough. Looks like this cold spells lowest temp for Exeter will be 0.3c measured last night/this morning. Nothing severe for early December! As mentioned earlier we got down to -5c on 30th November 2016 and there were snow grains in amongst the freezing fog patches.

Looks like Edinburgh could have an ice day tomorrow - just a shame many area's have had so much cold but so little snow and the breakdown looks like a gradual - it's not a snowfall event on Tuesday night for you - looks like plain old rain and maybe freezing rain.

Oh well - least you /we have the rest of the month and January/Feb and maybe March. But come March I am not really rooting for cold and snow - it's so much more fun and seasonal around December esp Xmas.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

09 December 2017 23:19:16


Looks like many parts of Scotland could have an ice day tomorrow - Look at Aberdeen webcam - snow covered by the seaside:

Looks like a thin layer maybe a few cms but still better than nothing!

Seems like this snow event is really hit and miss - many in Dartmoor had snow yesterday where as some didn't get one wintry shower - like Exeter 3 min light shower and 15 - 20 seconds of ice pellets or sleet isn't good enough. Looks like this cold spells lowest temp for Exeter will be 0.3c measured last night/this morning. Nothing severe for early December! As mentioned earlier we got down to -5c on 30th November 2016 and there were snow grains in amongst the freezing fog patches.

Looks like Edinburgh could have an ice day tomorrow - just a shame many area's have had so much cold but so little snow and the breakdown looks like a gradual - it's not a snowfall event on Tuesday night for you - looks like plain old rain and maybe freezing rain.

Oh well - least you /we have the rest of the month and January/Feb and maybe March. But come March I am not really rooting for cold and snow - it's so much more fun and seasonal around December esp Xmas.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

I just hope that we do at least have that ice day tomorrow (and I have mentioned that already on today's current conditions thread as you will have seen if you read that), but that might still be questionable for here given the manner in which the temperatures all too often refuse to behave in the way that I would like them to. The last few hours have been a casing point here because the temperatures have just refused point blank to drop any further over the last three hours and have actually gone up a bit during that period to the point where at 10pm tonight, they were -0.5°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, -2°C at Edinburgh Airport and -1.1°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

This means that if the temperatures go up by much further at Edinburgh Gogarbank in particular, they will be back up to above freezing there and if that happens after midnight, it will then already be not possible for tomorrow to be an official ice day since tomorrow's maximum temperature cannot then be any lower than whatever the temperature goes up to which would then be above freezing.

This highlights the one point here which is one area where I do agree with Richard because whilst it has been cold during the day, the temperatures just kept on being reluctant to drop at night which means that there has never been any really cold minimum temperatures so far, and the fact that our lowest temperature of the winter so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank going into tonight was a just a paltry -0.8°C is just ridiculous when you consider that I can remember at least one occasion during the winter of 2011/12 where the temperature got down to -7°C, and that was a mild winter.

I agree with the point about March snowfall though. I have mentioned already in this thread that the winter of 2012/13 was a winter where we had a lot of falling snow, but with very little of that actually lying. Once it came to March 2013 though, it was a different story altogether because then, we did get quite a lot of lying snow and of course, we have never had anything like that ever since. At the time though, I absolutely hated it because by then, we were into what was supposed to be "spring" when we would have been expecting it to get warmer, and hoping for that to happen. We then continued to get some falling snow into April of that year but then, we were at least compensated by a really good summer to the point where we have never had as good a summer as that since then, even though the summer of 2014 wasn't too bad here either.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
09 December 2017 23:34:23


I just hope that we do at least have that ice day tomorrow (and I have mentioned that already on today's current conditions thread as you will have seen if you read that), but that might still be questionable for here given the manner in which the temperatures all too often refuse to behave in the way that I would like them to. The last few hours have been a casing point here because the temperatures have just refused point blank to drop any further over the last three hours and have actually gone up a bit during that period to the point where at 10pm tonight, they were -0.5°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, -2°C at Edinburgh Airport and -1.1°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

This means that if the temperatures go up by much further at Edinburgh Gogarbank in particular, they will be back up to above freezing there and if that happens after midnight, it will then already be not possible for tomorrow to be an official ice day since tomorrow's maximum temperature cannot then be any lower than whatever the temperature goes up to which would then be above freezing.

This highlights the one point here which is one area where I do agree with Richard because whilst it has been cold during the day, the temperatures just kept on being reluctant to drop at night which means that there has never been any really cold minimum temperatures so far, and the fact that our lowest temperature of the winter so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank going into tonight was a just a paltry -0.8°C is just ridiculous when you consider that I can remember at least one occasion during the winter of 2011/12 where the temperature got down to -7°C, and that was a mild winter.

I agree with the point about March snowfall though. I have mentioned already in this thread that the winter of 2012/13 was a winter where we had a lot of falling snow, but with very little of that actually lying. Once it came to March 2013 though, it was a different story altogether because then, we did get quite a lot of lying snow and of course, we have never had anything like that ever since. At the time though, I absolutely hated it because by then, we were into what was supposed to be "spring" when we would have been expecting it to get warmer, and hoping for that to happen. We then continued to get some falling snow into April of that year but then, we were at least compensated by a really good summer to the point where we have never had as good a summer as that since then, even though the summer of 2014 wasn't too bad here either.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Hmm.. That's interesting re the temps and what you said about falling snow in 2012/13 falling but little lying - I'd be keen to know if you do get an ice day tomorrow and temp has just started to pick up to +4c here in the SW with drizzle too. It's never really been that cold in the south to be frank! No frost either due to the strength of the wind. Last night was our only chance but it was too windy and we never reached freezing.

Yes I agree ! March snowfall is not as nice as to see and have it falling in December when the nights are longer and the sun is weaker. Even in the cold spell of March 2013 we did had quite a lot of snow falling towards the end of month but again most of it didn't settle and dustings were gone by 10am in strong March sunshine and most of it was wintry showers and any snow that did fall came in light flurries! In fact if I remember - there was a period end of March 2013 I think from 21st March until 2nd or 3rd April when we had wintry showers more or less every day but none of this wet snow settled! Dartmoor did well with proper snow that fell and settled but melted and then more fell at night and melted during the day and so on etc. Exeter had lot of soft hail/graupel showers in March 2013 from what I remember.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

10 December 2017 00:23:00

Looks like I have two lots of crappy in-your-face wind events to contend with over the next couple of days. The strong to gale force westerly wind tomorrow (Sunday) and a just as strong north east gale on Monday. The latter feeling more bleak as it'll be accompanied with cold heavy rain.

Oh well, at least they're both day time events rather than during the night (always seem to be more "unsettling" in the dark) and then it looks set to be more settled for a while thereafter.

Folkestone Harbour. 
10 December 2017 01:21:03


Hmm.. That's interesting re the temps and what you said about falling snow in 2012/13 falling but little lying - I'd be keen to know if you do get an ice day tomorrow and temp has just started to pick up to +4c here in the SW with drizzle too. It's never really been that cold in the south to be frank! No frost either due to the strength of the wind. Last night was our only chance but it was too windy and we never reached freezing.

Yes I agree ! March snowfall is not as nice as to see and have it falling in December when the nights are longer and the sun is weaker. Even in the cold spell of March 2013 we did had quite a lot of snow falling towards the end of month but again most of it didn't settle and dustings were gone by 10am in strong March sunshine and most of it was wintry showers and any snow that did fall came in light flurries! In fact if I remember - there was a period end of March 2013 I think from 21st March until 2nd or 3rd April when we had wintry showers more or less every day but none of this wet snow settled! Dartmoor did well with proper snow that fell and settled but melted and then more fell at night and melted during the day and so on etc. Exeter had lot of soft hail/graupel showers in March 2013 from what I remember.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Of course, it depends where you are in the south of England in terms of whether you do get snow from this latest event, or just rain. I think that the models had London as the dividing line according to Gavin P. and Quantum (who is actually known as QuantumOverlord on YouTube) on their live stream, they seemed to think that it could be raining in the south of London, but snowing in the north of London. As for Devon, that is quite an interesting one because whilst Gavin P. and Quantum did say that it would be mostly just raining there, there could still be times during tomorrow when that turns more wintry, especially up over the moors.

I once worked down in Devon back in around May 1988 in the village of Rackenford near Tiverton and one thing which I can remember about that was that it rained for quite a lot of the time, and it was very windy at times as well, which tells you that the SW of England has a completely different climate from SE England since I have also been down to London and witnessed temperatures of 29°C down there in October at a time when Scotland missed out on that good weather. Having said that though, the lovely scenery down in Devon more than made up for that bad weather.

Finally, I can add that our ice day prospects are looking good again as the temperatures have dropped once again and at midnight, they were down to -1.6°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank (which is now the lowest temperature of the month and winter so far at that station), -3°C at Edinburgh Airport and -3.0°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh (which is the lowest temperature there so far in the overall autumn/winter season). Since it is now afternoon, I have no doubt that a new current conditions thread will have been started for the new day, and I will let everyone know in that thread whether we get that official ice day or not.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
10 December 2017 10:26:04

Met Office site very difficult to load this morning! 

10 December 2017 10:31:45
I think that BBC must be having a few issues as well because whereas I have been able to get the BBC Weather homepage without any problems and get the latest UK Video forecast, that part of the home page which allows you to home in on your own local area wasn't loading and that makes it impossible to get a more definitive representation from there, of what it is likely to be like in your area.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
10 December 2017 10:38:30

Avoid anything related to the midlands, London, EA, or Kent if you don't have snow.

If you live in the Manchester area, then it must be even worse than being in the NE for the sheer closeness of it.
[email protected]
10 December 2017 10:40:33
Hi, I normally just lurk as I have no technical knowledge re the weather but just wanted to share that we’re now in our 3rd consecutive ice day in my part of the world. East Ayrshire, in the countryside close to Galston.

200m above sea level
Rural East Ayrshire
Near to the village of Sorn
10 December 2017 10:42:41


Avoid anything related to the midlands, London, EA, or Kent if you don't have snow.

If you live in the Manchester area, then it must be even worse than being in the NE for the sheer closeness of it.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

surprised Saint hasn't posted here today..

10 December 2017 10:46:21

Folkestone Harbour. 
10 December 2017 10:46:27


surprised Saint hasn't posted here today..

Originally Posted by: bowser 

He may be out at B and Q buying some rope.

[email protected]
10 December 2017 10:50:28


He may be out at B and Q buying some rope.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


John p
10 December 2017 10:56:50


Avoid anything related to the midlands, London, EA, or Kent if you don't have snow.

If you live in the Manchester area, then it must be even worse than being in the NE for the sheer closeness of it.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I'm about ten miles south of the snow band 😂

Camberley, Surrey
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