We are enduring a miserable winter here in the Millevaches Parc Naturel Regional, which is located in Limousin on the western edge of the Massif Central. We live at 525 metres above sea level (yes 525 meters..not feet) and yet we have only had one cold snap this winter which was back at the beginning of December when we had about six inches of snow which hung around for about ten days.
This is a part of France famed for its cold, biting winters. Snow can lie from November till April. Parts of the Millevaches Plateau reach up to 979 metres asl at Mont Bessou, yet snow cover has been minimal even at that altitude. The only snow to be seen in central France is on the mountains of Auvergne which reach to an altitude of nearly 1900 metres at Puy de Sancy.
We have barely had a frost since early December and probably 5 hours of sunshine in total since about December 10th. I kid you not! It has rained for fun and the temperature has hovered around 4-5 degrees most days. Cold rain; saturated ground; the landscape looks as though it needs to be wrung out!! Day after day of unremitting gloom; grey skies; dark and dingy.
Fed up to the back teeth with it to be honest. Roll on spring I say and at least we get decent sunny and warm summers here....thank god...make's winter at least bearable!!!
Originally Posted by: Snowjoke