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23 February 2018 19:01:44
Good stuff. Wouldn't be surprised to see all the energy taken out of these attempted breakdowns though. I've seen enough of them fail over the years (having lived in S Wales and the West Midlands for a good while) Or we end up with fronts clipping Kent before sliding away. GFS operational seems to be overdoing it a bit..
North Herefordshire 180m asl
23 February 2018 19:02:13
There would be some extremely cold minima at the end of that ECM run in that slack flow, rivers might actually freeze!
Dean Barnes
Finstock, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
160m ASL 525 Ft
23 February 2018 19:03:17

And yet, still a total disconnect with BBC local weather forecast. on South Today, temp next week around 2deg, up to 4 by Friday...and just the chance of a snow show overnight Monday into Tuesday...what is going on?

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

Clueless. BBC South have always been clueless.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
23 February 2018 19:03:43

And yet, still a total disconnect with BBC local weather forecast. on South Today, temp next week around 2deg, up to 4 by Friday...and just the chance of a snow show overnight Monday into Tuesday...what is going on?

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

Im seriously thinking there’s a conspiracy not to alarm the general public going on here. How the hell can they not see what is there in black and white. Amazing really.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
23 February 2018 19:04:33

And yet, still a total disconnect with BBC local weather forecast. on South Today, temp next week around 2deg, up to 4 by Friday...and just the chance of a snow show overnight Monday into Tuesday...what is going on?

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

In our manor probably not overly much until later next week - and that's still an long way off.

23 February 2018 19:04:59

Good stuff. Wouldn't be surprised to see all the energy taken out of these attempted breakdowns though. I've seen enough of them fail over the years (having lived in S Wales and the West Midlands for a good while) Or we end up with fronts clipping Kent before sliding away. GFS operational seems to be overdoing it a bit..

Originally Posted by: Fargo 

Yes, was going to say something similar. Would not surprise me to see the incoming lows at the end of the week from the SW taking a more and more southerly track on the other models as the runs continue.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
23 February 2018 19:05:13

Not a bad ECM I spose - would mean some places could have snow on the floor for over a week, with no quick end in sight as sub -10 850s continue to be pulled towards the UK from the NE.

It's a bit different to the GFS Atlantic incursion - personally I'd go with ECM being closer to correct simply because the GFS version of LP spins up vigorously and pushes the cold air aside (down here) seems a bit implausible. There's no steering jet and the LP is bumping in to dense cold air. 


Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
23 February 2018 19:05:22


Why wouldn’t you? I’ve made some real duff calls over the years but also some good ones. It’s called weather forecasting and I never feel embarrassed about getting it a bit wrong at times. I called this 6 days ago and I’ve got school teachers and NHS staff on my group who are grateful for the warnings. 

On the subject of the ECM. Quite frankly it’s the run of the week, if not the literally the century ☃️❄️

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Agree. I honestly thought we had reached the peak of insane winter charts but that ECM is the pick of the bunch by a country mile. If that verifies we could in places be talking feet of snow not inches and enormous drifts.

I am due to start a new job a week on Monday. Might be snowed in on day 1?

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Rob K
23 February 2018 19:08:17
WRF also shows the 500dam line a whisker away from the UK at 117 hours: 

Maybe I will hijack Quantum's -20C thread with a 499dam hunt!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 19:09:21

I might ring the BBC.

Then Susan Powell or Darren Bett can say:
"Earlier on today apparantly someone rang the BBC to say there was a blizzard on the way. Well, if you're watching, don't worry there isn't."

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
23 February 2018 19:12:36

There would be some extremely cold minima at the end of that ECM run in that slack flow, rivers might actually freeze!

Originally Posted by: Snowedin3 


Yeah, it's kind of a strange chart. I thought I'd accidentally selected the ensemble mean at first 


Wonder if we can beat the -16C we managed here in dec 2010?

23 February 2018 19:13:19
Is there anything the general public need to know in order to prepare for what could be a serious extreme cold weather situation? As I mentioned before on this forum I cannot understand why there have not been more weather warnings / news alerts for next week if these charts are to verify ? It really is quite worrying ......
Rob K
23 February 2018 19:13:51


So some knowledge is required here (by me, not you)- does the map change resolution below 520dam or thereabouts? It's mapped in intervals of 2dam down to 522 and then that 510 line on count-back should be 516 if the sequence continues. 

Edit: yes, thanks Rob; I've seen the other charts on GFS and that's answered my question. Amazing; so how does this thickness compare to minima in the Jan79, Jan 82, Jan 85 and Jan 87 spells anybody? I seem to recall a 492 brushed us once...anecdotal.

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

See this article.


The coldest on record would be 1987 with possibly 495 (lowest sounding was 497), and 1956 had 497dam. 

Would be quite a coincidence if we kept up that 31 year cycle with 2018.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 19:14:05

And yet, still a total disconnect with BBC local weather forecast. on South Today, temp next week around 2deg, up to 4 by Friday...and just the chance of a snow show overnight Monday into Tuesday...what is going on?

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

Their forecast temps have been a waste of time since the meteogroup change. I reckon they overstate by 1 to 2c atm. I feel sorry for people watching that and thinking it's going to be a bit chilly with chance of snow.

Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
Tim A
23 February 2018 19:15:14

ECM = amazing
My only moan would be that at T +72 hours the convective potential doesn't look as good as GFS due to shape of high. However that is a very minor point.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Nordic Snowman
23 February 2018 19:18:16

And yet, still a total disconnect with BBC local weather forecast. on South Today, temp next week around 2deg, up to 4 by Friday...and just the chance of a snow show overnight Monday into Tuesday...what is going on?

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

As said before, ignore their detail for now.

Put another way: if they showed disruptive and substantial snowfall for that far out and it didn't happen, what would they look like? They would look like clowns whereas they would be perceived as merely updating if/when they talk it up the sooner it gets to the event.*

*Presuming it pans out as the majority of the ENS at this time.

Bjorli, Norway

Maunder Minimum
23 February 2018 19:22:29

Fantastic ECM run - simply off the planet - the sort of charts we generally dream about but never expect to see.

However, a word of warning - the second strat warming knocked out the Canadian vortex, so those charts showing a breakdown of the cold after about 5 days could be right - the reason is simple. If the residual Canadian vortex were still hanging around the Hudson Bay area, it would prevent the Greenland High from continuing its westard retrogression - but the whole hemisphere is now circulating the "wrong way" with anti-zonal winds aloft - therefore, there is nothing to stop our HP continuing into Canada, setting up a west bast NAO and allowing the Atlantic back in to western Europe from underneath. Just one to watch. Personally, I just want the snow and cold to last until Monday 5th March and if we can have a great weekend of lying snow and sub-zero temperatures, I shall be happy - my concern at the moment is that we could lose the cold before a week on Saturday and have a thawing weekend, instead of a winter paradise.

New world order coming.
23 February 2018 19:26:16


As said before, ignore their detail for now.

Put another way: if they showed disruptive and substantial snowfall for that far out and it didn't happen, what would they look like? They would look like clowns whereas they would be perceived as merely updating if/when they talk it up the sooner it gets to the event.*

*Presuming it pans out as the majority of the ENS at this time.

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Not being funny but even the met have highs of 1-2C for next week for Portsmouth area, and warmer on the IOW.. Temps only go out to Thursday though.

23 February 2018 19:26:22


 The troughs and the occlusion you can see in the Fax bough 30cm of snow as it moved north in my neck of the woods on top of the 10cm or so already there.


Also see MetO's summary at:


Originally Posted by: Arcus 

Thanks Ben 👍🏻

Glasgow 165m/asl
23 February 2018 19:26:34



Yeah, it's kind of a strange chart. I thought I'd accidentally selected the ensemble mean at first 


Wonder if we can beat the -16C we managed here in dec 2010?

Originally Posted by: GlenH 

It's the immovable object vs the resistible force. The cold air, once entrenched, as James said earlier, acts like it's own block without the need for especially high pressure to do the work.

Let's see where that run stands against the mean in half an hour or so.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Nordic Snowman
23 February 2018 19:28:40

Following from my post above, I do think that South Today showing 4-7c is absolutely absurd. I can understand their reservation regarding the potential snowfall at this range but to show temperatures that high is at odds to what all the models are saying and they are failing the public. We all have the data and can interpret that data but most of the public wouldn't know how to. Most in Portsmouth wouldn't even know their E from their W 

Bjorli, Norway

23 February 2018 19:29:25


Im seriously thinking there’s a conspiracy not to alarm the general public going on here. How the hell can they not see what is there in black and white. Amazing really.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

It's nothing new. They've been doing it for decades.

Cranleigh, Surrey
Snow Hoper
23 February 2018 19:30:44

Did I mention I'm due to move house in the next few days? Trying to get the WS reinstalled will be a challenge. 

I honestly keep expecting the models to pull back, you watch a GFS run come out and think "ok that makes sense" for the blended and half expected less cold conditions, only for ECM to roll up it's sleeves and say "I DON'T THINK SO" 

If there's to be a reload from the north/northeast then Wow, this really could be something special.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Ally Pally Snowman
23 February 2018 19:35:44

I might ring the BBC.

Then Susan Powell or Darren Bett can say:
"Earlier on today apparantly someone rang the BBC to say there was a blizzard on the way. Well, if you're watching, don't worry there isn't."

Originally Posted by: moomin75 


Haha , definitely the greatest model run of the internet era . Perfection. 


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 February 2018 19:36:13


As said before, ignore their detail for now.

Put another way: if they showed disruptive and substantial snowfall for that far out and it didn't happen, what would they look like? They would look like clowns whereas they would be perceived as merely updating if/when they talk it up the sooner it gets to the event.*

*Presuming it pans out as the majority of the ENS at this time.

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

that is a very fair point and does make sense...I suppose though I am surprised that given the current output they don’t hint at potentially more disruptive weather could be on the way next week, but still considerable uncertainty and stay tuned to the forecast sort of thing. This would give your average punter a bit of a heads up without setting too many hares running...Of course it may turn out they were spot on not to start issuing warnings at this early stage.

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