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05 August 2013 17:52:44
Had 3 audible thundedlaps here in Leicester....... between 16:50 & 17:05 accompanied by very heavy, borderline tropical! !!
All qiiet again (18:45)
05 August 2013 19:18:06

Just had some heavy rain with occasional rumbles of thunder.

Rob K
06 August 2013 13:24:40

Mostly moderate rain here in Hook with some heavier bursts. Certainly no sign of any thunder or lightning. However, after weeks of storms and heavy showers missing us to the North, South, East and West, finally we've got some useful rain here and back at home as well; probably about 10mm or so when this has cleared.

It was noticeable how much greener everything was in Oxfordshire yesterday when we went to Blenheim Palace. Our lawn is still pretty dead in places after hardly any rain for over a month.

Originally Posted by: Darren S 

My lawn has a few greenish areas now after being strawlike for weeks. We got 15mm from yesterday afternoon's downpour, which coincided with me having to walk to the garage to pick the car up! Drains overwhelmed with the volume of rain in a short space of time, leading to a bit of surface water flooding.


Nothing like what my parents reported though - Chivenor in N Devon had 40mm+ in a fairly short period and there was quite a bit of flooding in the usual suspects, eg Braunton and Ilfracombe. Lidl in Ilfracombe flooded causing £2.99 of damage. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
06 August 2013 22:27:40
Not quite on our home patch, but its certainly kicking off over Southern France at the moment. Of course, none of that are expected to come our way anyway.
Folkestone Harbour. 
07 August 2013 06:08:11

A few showers and storms across N.France at present, evening the odd sferic in the English Channel.  Limited risk of showers in the SE today with soundings showing restricted instability for this area. Cloudscape shows some instability this morning though with castellated cloudbases around

07 August 2013 14:36:27

Looks like some serious weather has just started over Northwest England according to the Met Office radar !

07 August 2013 14:57:26

Looks like some serious weather has just started over Northwest England according to the Met Office radar !

Originally Posted by: Steve 

Gone now - I expect Duane drifted into that area briefly

07 August 2013 15:38:26

Looks like some serious weather has just started over Northwest England according to the Met Office radar !

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Gone now - I expect Duane drifted into that area briefly

Originally Posted by: Steve 

Lol, if a monster storm had developed you can be sure I'll be somewhere under it.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

07 August 2013 16:15:32
Just seen my first pileus clouds of the year. Nothing perticulary photogenic but a first of the season none the less.
08 August 2013 09:15:50
Where can I see some good photos of Pileus clouds?
08 August 2013 10:51:06

Where can I see some good photos of Pileus clouds?

Originally Posted by: VIRTUAL STORMCHASER 


Google it - theres loads on it out there.

09 August 2013 00:37:20
Oh yea, spelt it wrong in original search!! All I got was rice!
16 August 2013 02:20:05

Risk of thunder on the CF as it meanders across the SE today. There appears to be a post frontal trough immediately behind the feature which could spark activity this afternoon as well

16 August 2013 06:39:57

Risk of thunder on the CF as it meanders across the SE today. There appears to be a post frontal trough immediately behind the feature which could spark activity this afternoon as well

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Cheers for  the heads up Dave. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

16 August 2013 07:49:42

Further to Dave's analysis. there appears to be a post-CF vort max which is capable of generating isolated cells later this afternoon after the main front passes through.
One to watch with half an eye.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
16 August 2013 08:35:45

Risk of thunder on the CF as it meanders across the SE today. There appears to be a post frontal trough immediately behind the feature which could spark activity this afternoon as well

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Cheers for  the heads up Dave. 

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Indeed, that hadn't gone by unnoticed by me as well. In my case, I have been saying it in rather low confidence but I couldn't rule out a "heavy burst of rain somewhere over the South East this afternoon".

Folkestone Harbour. 
16 August 2013 09:13:50
Is this purely a south-east threat? Much chance of east mids getting any action.....?
16 August 2013 09:34:29

Is this purely a south-east threat? Much chance of east mids getting any action.....?

Originally Posted by: VIRTUAL STORMCHASER 

Seeing as most of the south east sees no thundery activity at all I wouldn't say this is a south east thread

16 August 2013 10:01:31

Is this purely a south-east threat? Much chance of east mids getting any action.....?

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Seeing as most of the south east sees no thundery activity at all I wouldn't say this is a south east thread

Originally Posted by: VIRTUAL STORMCHASER 

I think you misread "threat" as "thread", I think VSC was asking if today's storm risk-type is going to be a South East feature more than anything. 
  My own thought is that Hampshire, Suffolk, London and Essex may catch something today but it's all tenuous stuff the way I see it. I can't imagine my end seeing anything, which is a pity as my lawn could use a drink and I don't want to run up the water meter.

Folkestone Harbour. 
16 August 2013 10:16:35

Is this purely a south-east threat? Much chance of east mids getting any action.....?

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Seeing as most of the south east sees no thundery activity at all I wouldn't say this is a south east thread

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

I think you misread "threat" as "thread", I think VSC was asking if today's storm risk-type is going to be a South East feature more than anything.  
  My own thought is that Hampshire, Suffolk, London and Easex may catch something today but it's all tenuous stuff the way I see it. I can't imagine my end seeing anything, which is a pity as my lawn could use a drink and I don't want to run up the water meter.

Originally Posted by: VIRTUAL STORMCHASER 


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16 August 2013 13:49:22

serious rod-like tropical rain here in camb for last 20 minutes. some very intense bursts, sounding more like hail, even though it isn't. No thunder though - more a rainstorm than anything else, but very impressive and very windy too. 

16 August 2013 14:09:14

Is this purely a south-east threat? Much chance of east mids getting any action.....?

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Seeing as most of the south east sees no thundery activity at all I wouldn't say this is a south east thread UserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: idj20 

I think you misread "threat" as "thread", I think VSC was asking if today's storm risk-type is going to bea South East feature more than anything.
My own thought is that Hampshire, Suffolk, London and Easex may catch something today but it's all tenuous stuff the way I see it. I can't imagine my end seeing anything, which is a pity as my lawn could use a drink and I don't want to run up the water meter.

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Do'h! UserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: VIRTUAL STORMCHASER 

Yes, threat not thread!
Anyhow, Emma Jesson (central news weather) has just said, Cov and below for this afternoons thundery activity on the tv weather forecast at 15:00
Think she meant this evening!
Afternoons nearly done at 15:00 imo.
16 August 2013 18:24:52

Further to Dave's analysis. there appears to be a post-CF vort max which is capable of generating isolated cells later this afternoon after the main front passes through.
One to watch with half an eye.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Did exactly what it said on the tin. Active area across West Suffolk with sferics for some time now. Some impressive congestus in the largely clear sky north of Basingstoke currently

18 August 2013 12:03:24

Some hefty showers around this afternoon. A heavy downpour here a short time ago, probably as it developed over Alton. Tested the new guttering on the summer house which is useful

18 August 2013 15:11:31

v. heavy showers here . very localised . one side of a 20 acre field dry , the other pouring down. met office got it spot on for here today.

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