It looks like many western areas will see heavy rain and possible embedded thundery activity during the next 24-36 hours, with the risk of more severe, albeit isolated, thunderstorms further east during Saturday afternoon.
GFS 12z precip for tomorrow afternoon:
GFS CAPE/LI for tomorrow evening:
NMM favours western areas, although realising that potential with all the cloud forecast is another issue:
The Met Office have a yellow warning out for central and eastern England, which may well alter given the continuing degree of uncertainty.
No forecast as yet from Estofex, but Torro has this:
and Weathercast has this forecast:
I've grabbed from a number of sources to highlight the uncertainty regarding thunderstorm development, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed from an IMBY point of view, and for the experts on here to shed some light on developments
I thought we could have this thread for the reports, and the expert analysis from those who know their stuff (not me!)
TL:DR? Heavy rain for most, thunderstorms for a lucky few
Edited by user
26 August 2015 12:40:44
Reason: Not specified
Malcolm Wakefield & Gothenburg, SWE