I think its really only fair that we remain consistent and given the overflowing thread last year, I see not why we shouldn't have one this year. Now we know that the OPI turned out to be wrong on a scale that rivals Labor's economic policy but that in of itself is not a reason to completely discredit it just like a decent historic correlation was not a reason to credit it.
Still the website seems to be down with a 404 service error: http://app.til.it/opi/
Perhaps the website being hosted on a car company's website was reason for concern after all. In any case I'm sure more people will be skeptical of it this time. Still, its worrying if this was a kid in a garage making stuff up because so many people were taken in by it (here and the other place).
Originally Posted by: Quantum
I'm very thankful the Tories turned 0.6 trillion of debt Labour left into £1.5 trillion with the forecast for it to increase year on year.
The important thing for both parties is that the bankers got their money and we pay for it.
You see the bankers create a bubble through massive fraud and manipulation of the markets - the size of the bubble represents the false value of the market and so when they burst the bubble they take the false value and we are left with the real value - the banker bailouts and national debts accrued as a result are pretty much the difference between the two values.
The value and money which was never really there is taken by the bankers and we pay the difference but for that to happen our government must borrow the money from the banks to pay for the bailouts (give them the money back) and transfer that debt onto the public books.
In actual fact the debt cannot be repaid and is not meant to be - it is merely there as measure of financial control over the people.
After 6 years of austerity, that is massive unprecedented cuts to public services and lowering of the standard of living the debt has increased almost £1 trillion and is forecast to grow year on year for the foreseeable even with more draconian cuts to public spending. Within a few years we will be spending around the same on our own peoples welfare as we were while recovering from a global war and worldwide depression.
So even though austerity is plainly not working we will continue with the policy because for some reason people cannot fathom the left/right paradigm and how the British people have been sold out to globalist financiers and bankers.
The idea that Brown or Blair were left wing or socialist is as laughable as the idea the Tories are conservatives.
Meanwhile the OPI, yes the OPI, should not be dismissed because of last year but clearly as with all these possible background drivers and hindcast methods it needs to not be taken in isolation, it is just another measure to consider for those brave/foolish enough to make seasonal forecasts.