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08 January 2017 17:17:56

I'm not so sure about that anymore Essan? Well you would not get consistant snow cover throughout winter anyway.

Originally Posted by: Snowjoke 

No, but neither does anywhere in France. every winter

Look at any of the mountain webcams around the UK and there is very little snowcover.

Nor was there in the Alps until this week

There are nearly 300 mountains in Scotland over 3000ft, and yet there is little snow cover on these today in the middle of winter!

You should have seen them in 1989

In a proper UK winter these mountains above 3000ft should be white from late November through till at least March.

Why?   Its not the ice age .....

Instead there is a constant snow/thaw/snow thaw pattern.

That is more normal. Its usually not till Feb that persistent snow cover can be expected over higher ground.    March is often the best month for snow sports.

Lying snow (even falling snow) is non existant in many low lying parts of the UK in a modern winter.

As it was in many pre-modern winters. 

December 2010 was the last proper full on widespread winter event and that was over six years ago!!

And unusual

As I type this Italy, Greece, Turkey and many other parts of south eastern Europe are getting a really good dumping of snow!!

They are also a long way from the Atlantic    

Now, if Turkey or the Balkans didnt see much snow for several winters in a row.  That would be strange!

The problem is that we have the idea that unusual weather is normal and when we dont get unusual weather its unusual. 

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
08 January 2017 22:38:23

Some years here the best snowfall has been in April.   last year the only snowfall was in April!

Its not over yet

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Don't I know it. I was on a cricket pitch when it snowed. It was the coldest I've ever been playing cricket. And it was horrendous and hopefully won't be repeated. Snow in April is about as much use as a mudflap on a turtle.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
08 January 2017 23:26:42

Almost midnight and it's ridiculously mild yet again, at 8.7C, here in the land of eternal October Kinloss is even milder with 10.7C at 11pm. It's beyond a joke.

Latest temperatures in Cyprus: Paphos: 11C, Limassol: 9C, Larnaca: 8C, Nicosia: 7C.

So not even true that Cyprus is the only warmer part of Europe any more 

To have three frosts all winter, at 57 degrees North, and not even be colder than a Mediterranean Island, at 33 degrees North, where winters are normally as warm as our summers is worse than a sick joke.

There was never ever such extreme differences between UK and continental Europe in the past. We just got modified cold. We certainly did not miss out on cold spells entirely, getting stupidly mild temperatures instead

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
09 January 2017 07:49:51

It will be a one day snow 'blip'. Really can't see why people are getting exited. Back to ridiculously warm temperatures by Sunday.

09 January 2017 08:16:40
No reason to be cheerful for me. Just the prospect of watching others get a load of snow while we are dry as a bone. Nothing worse.
[email protected]
Maunder Minimum
09 January 2017 08:29:37

It will be a one day snow 'blip'. Really can't see why people are getting exited. Back to ridiculously warm temperatures by Sunday.

Originally Posted by: Smurf 

When the whole of Europe is suffering from mild, I can understand why the UK gets the same dross. When Italy, Greece and Turkey are buried in snow and are getting ice days, I just want to tear out what remains of my hair.

The UK snowshield is working overtime this winter and it is infuriating!

New world order coming.
09 January 2017 08:55:56

Those that wrote the whole of the January off back on the 1st Jan might be getting a little sweaty between the back legs 

.....horses for courses.

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
09 January 2017 09:25:06

No, but neither does anywhere in France. every winter

Nor was there in the Alps until this week

You should have seen them in 1989

Why?   Its not the ice age .....

That is more normal. Its usually not till Feb that persistent snow cover can be expected over higher ground.    March is often the best month for snow sports.

As it was in many pre-modern winters. 

And unusual

They are also a long way from the Atlantic    

Now, if Turkey or the Balkans didnt see much snow for several winters in a row.  That would be strange!

The problem is that we have the idea that unusual weather is normal and when we dont get unusual weather its unusual. 

Originally Posted by: Essan 


Fair points Essan, but I think many forum members would agree that our winters are getting warmer and thus the chance of decent cold and snow is diminishing. I sure you are familiar with this link which gives a potted history of British winters? We are definitely getting fewer "severe" winters and less snow. Yes there have been bad years before, but to say that th current winter is normal for the UK is wide of the mark!!;sess=


Saint Snow
09 January 2017 09:49:39

I'm almost 45 and, whilst there've been a couple of clusters of colder winters during my lifetime, I don't feel that, overall, winters have changed that much for my area.

There was a spell from the mid-80's to the end of the 90's when we had a particularly poor period for snow, but since the turn of the century/millennium, it's been like my childhood in the 70's and 80's - snow most years, but some with none/nearly none (and my childhood memories are littered with events that took place in winter where I distinctly remember it raining). And within the post-2000 era, we've had some great cold spells that have compared to pretty much anything in my life.

What I think has changed is, as Retron has detailed, one of those cold & prolonged easterly flows. Thing is, these more often than not delivered little to MBY save for cold temps and a chunky dose of the green-eyed-monster when seeing reports of heavy/deep snow in the SE/E.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
09 January 2017 10:09:57

Almost midnight and it's ridiculously mild yet again, at 8.7C, here in the land of eternal October Kinloss is even milder with 10.7C at 11pm. It's beyond a joke.

Latest temperatures in Cyprus: Paphos: 11C, Limassol: 9C, Larnaca: 8C, Nicosia: 7C.

So not even true that Cyprus is the only warmer part of Europe any more 

To have three frosts all winter, at 57 degrees North, and not even be colder than a Mediterranean Island, at 33 degrees North, where winters are normally as warm as our summers is worse than a sick joke.

There was never ever such extreme differences between UK and continental Europe in the past. We just got modified cold. We certainly did not miss out on cold spells entirely, getting stupidly mild temperatures instead

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

When you look at the sea temps around Cyprus that go down to 17C by winter did not stop them having snowfall as low as seal level for a short time.  Yearly low maxes day time temps are ranges from 6-8C against the 17C temps.  it show it an be done at 17C sea temps so in here regardless how big the sea around here with 6-7C minimum by Feb should not stop the snow reaching down to the sea level and subzero maxes.

It the set-up that are preventing us from getting real snow and cold.  The sea are there to provide us heavy snowfalls when bitter cold air travel over it.  Same applies to US lake affect snow as the lake temps.

Justin W
09 January 2017 10:48:37

Our generally blocked and decidedly average winter continues. While it has not been zonal and the lack of wind and rain has been welcome here, overall this is turning into an extreme borefest and, for us down here, this looks set to continue after a bit of a cool down later this week. I strongly suspect that HP will become anchored to our SE after the NW'ly and that we'll be back to murk and average temperatures, possibly warmer than average at times.

Of course it's foolish to rule anything out and we're still not at the midpoint of winter 2016/17, but I'm already looking forward to spring. Late January or February may well deliver the SE a wintry surprise but, like Darren Prescott, all I want is just one more long-fetch midwinter easterly before I give up the ghost!

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
09 January 2017 11:00:11

Of course it's foolish to rule anything out and we're still not at the midpoint of winter 2016/17, but I'm already looking forward to spring. Late January or February may well deliver the SE a wintry surprise but, like Darren Prescott, all I want is just one more long-fetch midwinter easterly before I give up the ghost!

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Me too Justin. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

09 January 2017 11:31:36


Me too Justin. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

..And me.


I know Feb has been a very good month for snow in past Winters but for me when we get into Feb I start to really looking forward to Spring and the days getting longer.

Of course if snow does arrive in the SE in Feb then I'll enjoy it but I don't chase it as much as Dec and Jan.

I just really hope we don't end up with a cold spring and a lot of wasted nothing days, just my personal choice.

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
09 January 2017 16:15:27

Nearly half way in to a 3rd winter in a row with no snow. 

And the charts are as crap as the last 3 winters have been for snow.

I hope Summer is a good one for storms but they have been poor of late to  

Solar Cycles
11 January 2017 10:31:22
Can I have this whole thread to myself please. 😜
11 January 2017 12:34:45

No reason to be cheerful for me. Just the prospect of watching others get a load of snow while we are dry as a bone. Nothing worse.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Don't worry Nick, if I could I would send any snow shower that came within the vicinity of me over to your area. 

Anyway it is looking like an interesting event coming up. Snow showers in the north and west, and a band of more persistent snow in the south and east. Hope those in the south enjoy it though. They really have been waiting a while now.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
12 January 2017 09:02:43
Bone dry here I Exeter . I thought I'd wake up to heavy rain and strong winds ...!

What's gone on or wrong? Bit behind?
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

12 January 2017 09:10:44

Bone dry here I Exeter . I thought I'd wake up to heavy rain and strong winds ...!

What's gone on or wrong? Bit behind?

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Hopefully a good thing 

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Tractor Boy
12 January 2017 09:52:06

Having all the interesting weather in the near term (rather than out in FI) has disrupted my morning routine. Much of the interesting stuff is coming out before my 10am cuppa.



Farndale, North York Moors
Saint Snow
12 January 2017 10:43:52

Apart from GFS, the hi-res models don't offer much snow prospects for MBY

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 January 2017 11:15:54

Horrible drizzle here and it's getting warmer! Unless it changes drastically in the next few hours, there won't even be any sleet. And this was supposed to be a 'sweet spot', even if for an hour or so.

Hope that tonights' showers deliver at least a sprinkling for the morning. 

Saint Snow
12 January 2017 11:22:11

Apart from GFS, the hi-res models don't offer much snow prospects for MBY

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


And the Met Office website forecast for MBY has been downgraded, with only sporadic single snowflake symbols from this evening into the night.

Then, to cap it all, the MO thread is chock-full of the south-eastern contingent squealing delightedly at the prospect of blocking to the east aligning to give them the best potential wintry conditions.

It all reminds me why I much prefer a Greenland High.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Solar Cycles
12 January 2017 11:30:26



And the Met Office website forecast for MBY has been downgraded, with only sporadic single snowflake symbols from this evening into the night.

Then, to cap it all, the MO thread is chock-full of the south-eastern contingent squealing delightedly at the prospect of blocking to the east aligning to give them the best potential wintry conditions.

It all reminds me why I much prefer a Greenland High.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

If it's any consolation I just had a bit of sleet and we've one symbol for moderate to heavy snow at 9pm. I still think most of us will end up disappointed Saint then we can all look forward to a bone dry easterly whilst the SE gets buried. 😕

Saint Snow
12 January 2017 11:37:32

If it's any consolation I just had a bit of sleet and we've one symbol for moderate to heavy snow at 9pm. I still think most of us will end up disappointed Saint then we can all look forward to a bone dry easterly whilst the SE gets buried. 😕

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 


I do feel rather cheated, you know. Just a few days ago, this region was looking one of the more favoured spots, and with the cold & unstable flow from the north, there was the chance of a disturbance developing in the flow. Since that bloody disturbance popped up in the W-E flow in the south, it's all gone tits-up for us.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 January 2017 12:51:14



And the Met Office website forecast for MBY has been downgraded, with only sporadic single snowflake symbols from this evening into the night.

Then, to cap it all, the MO thread is chock-full of the south-eastern contingent squealing delightedly at the prospect of blocking to the east aligning to give them the best potential wintry conditions.

It all reminds me why I much prefer a Greenland High.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Easterlies are pretty crap unless you live in Kent or Essex. Almost always they are cold but dry and cloudy affairs in this part of the world. It's why the only people you see on weather forums reminiscing about January 1987 or February 1986 are from the SE.


Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
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