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14 January 2017 09:43:20

Rubbish spell = 1/10

No snow - even last nights low fail to reach freezing! Pathetic. - it was never that cold.

Very few places in the UK reached freezing or dipped below by night. No frost either.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Re. your second point, I have already shown that not to be true. A large swathe of the UK was below freezing last night!

noodle doodle
14 January 2017 11:30:53

Disappointing spell really considering the oompah over in the model thread


I got a bit of snow (about 1cm), but not as much as the metoffice reckoned wed night and not as much as xcweather (gfs forecast) on thursday night, got the lower end of both forecasts 😛 - plus it came at night, I saw more actual falling snow on boxing day


As for cold it was colder at the end of november by a good margin (-4 to -5 at night then, last night just about pipped below freezing)


The next few days the met office has plumped for maxes of 10c and mins of 7c - 7 is edinburgh's normal january max. As we know, after that we might as well inspect chicken guts for the weather.


Very Poor as Vic Reeves was wont to say

Saint Snow
14 January 2017 11:47:45

Worst cool snap ever.

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 


It has many rivals for that dubious accolade!

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Solar Cycles
14 January 2017 12:17:22



It has many rivals for that dubious accolade!

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Lol, can't argue with that.

14 January 2017 15:58:45



Wrong thread Doc!!

This is the moaning thread not the gloating thread


Originally Posted by: and......relax 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
15 January 2017 09:01:57

After the most dire and inadequate cold spell it's back to the mild, grey and depressing dross which have characterised this hideous winter. Snow completely washed away now which isn't surprising as there wasn't much to begin with.

Can't emphasise just how useless it was. I didn't get any more snow than I already had seen this winter (on Boxing Day) and temperatures barely got below average. Again there had been much lower readings earlier in the winter. In fact I've seen more snow and lower temperatures in May before 

Did enjoy yesterday though which was the first sunny weekend day in almost two months  Had to go out to Aboyne though, where there was not that much snow but enough (5-6cm or so) to give decent wintry scenes and the loch was completely frozen over, which was really surprising given that the temperature only managed to get down to about -3C/-4C. Truly woeful for an area where a January cold spell should be giving minus double digits without too much difficulty.

A beyond lamentable total of five air frosts here this non-winter which is the second worst in my records, at this point, with last year the only worse winter. Even 2013/14 had managed nine by now  However last winter saw a change in fortunes at this point with a frosty week of weather and the second half turning out colder than average. With more absolutely disgusting, frost free muck lying ahead, by the end of this week this car crash of a winter will be sitting in its rightful place at the bottom of the pile 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Saint Snow
15 January 2017 11:23:05

Right, that's me done for now. Not saying we won't get any cold spell, but I have lost interest in following every run trying to search for one.


Incidentally, it's 9c here & raining. It's the worst conceivable sort of weather in winter. Because of that stubborn block to the SE, the rain band can't move through so it's sliding N-S, giving us a period of sh*teness today that's longer in duration than we otherwise would have had.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Joe Bloggs
15 January 2017 11:25:50

Right, that's me done for now. Not saying we won't get any cold spell, but I have lost interest in following every run trying to search for one.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Aye. If it happens, it happens. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

15 January 2017 13:35:49

Right, that's me done for now. Not saying we won't get any cold spell, but I have lost interest in following every run trying to search for one.


Incidentally, it's 9c here & raining. It's the worst conceivable sort of weather in winter. Because of that stubborn block to the SE, the rain band can't move through so it's sliding N-S, giving us a period of sh*teness today that's longer in duration than we otherwise would have had.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Should had been heavy snow all day today while NE America is mild.  At least when it mild there it doesn't rain always so there some nice sunshine days.

15 January 2017 14:56:17
So just a very quick review of the last 7-10 days temps in my part of the world, which included a cold spell, a bitter northerly blast and much hype on the BBC and in the national press. I have managed 1 frost ( a bone chilling -2c) my 2nd of the winter so far, although there were more in NOvember and as today is at 9c, in those 10days the max temps have reached at least 8c every day except one, when the temp maxed at 6.2c. if the so called Cold snaps cannot deliver cold to this part of the world, then it really is worth a Winter moan!
Solar Cycles
15 January 2017 15:44:49


Aye. If it happens, it happens. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

It just goes to show it matters not what may appear favourable conditions for blocking and cold if the block doesn't migrate northwards enough. I'm ready to write the second half of winter off as I think February will be mild and mobile which leave us with the prospects of a cold spring, again.

15 January 2017 16:06:40
in Fulham SW London the temperature has shot up to 10 degrees and is very mild now. I thought here in the SE we were meant to be around 4-5 degrees today.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if this temperature remains around this level all through this coming week and the supposed continental Edrift doesn't make it to these shores. It is now drizzling and the zonal muck with leaden skies has returned, which has been a common feature of our winters over the last few years. The big question is will it be pushed away westwards after Tuesday or remain?
15 January 2017 16:09:37
A sprinkling of snow that melted within the first hour, a handful of frosts,,,, yet according to The Express it was supposed to be a bitter arctic blast,,,,,,
Yes this is the UK winter nowadays ,,,,, much over hyped and Synoptics that never deliver. Time for a break in model watching.
15 January 2017 17:00:17
I guess the theme Is that the cold spell that was seen by us amateurs in the models, predicted by the experts of the met office, forecasted by the professionals, over-hyped by the media was not even cold at all and January is heading the way of December in being one of the warmest on record, despite the November predictions of so many ...and completely renders the long range forecasts as useless and a waste of time and money, for if those experts can't get the trends right then why bother at all and whip the general public into such a frenzy. ...roll on those summer thunderstorms or more likely a cool and changeable summer
15 January 2017 17:30:51

Did enjoy yesterday though which was the first sunny weekend day in almost two months  Had to go out to Aboyne though, where there was not that much snow but enough (5-6cm or so)

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Not much snow?  NOT MUCH SNOW?

Thats years and years worth of snow.  And you saw it without having to travel back to the ice age?!!!   You lucky, lucky person

Mild and wet and very grey here today.  As usual.  But we are like Aberdeen but with all the cold removed.   The last time I had to close my bedroom window was in 2010.

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
15 January 2017 18:52:12
It's rubbish, but so are a lot of things in life. There are also great things to cherish and enjoy that are not weather related, so onward and upward.
The wait for a proper Easterly continues . . . . .
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Joe Bloggs
15 January 2017 19:20:52

I see the model thread is as friendly as ever! :D

Is it too much to ask to get some objective model analysis in there, rather than overly emotional, sensationalist bullsh1t? 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

15 January 2017 19:24:05
Apparently so!
15 January 2017 19:28:50

The Country file forecast was the most depressing one that I've see for years!

Dull, dreary mild muck. And the continent is still in the freezer.

15 January 2017 19:31:14

Just a boring benign week with nothing really happening weather wise!? 10c overcast weather , dull and damp. No wind or snow or anything. Any rain would be nuisance drizzle. BBC monthly outlook from the 23rd Jan - 12th Feb suggested drier and colder than average weather to return.

I wonder what tomorrow's update would be like!?


I really do need to find another hobby - this is too boring now.! Maybe it could turn milder but only briefly ! Will the SSW produce a blocking pattern and when? anyone? How long does it take to have an effect on our weather systems?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

15 January 2017 19:31:56

The Country file forecast was the most depressing one that I've see for years!

Dull, dreary mild muck. And the continent is still in the freezer.

Originally Posted by: Smurf 

Yep. And not even a hint of sunshine to lighten the mood. January is a most depressing month.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
15 January 2017 19:36:43

Yep. And not even a hint of sunshine to lighten the mood. January is a most depressing month.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 


Couldn't agree more - I was speaking to others at work and they said how over exaggerated and hyped this cold spell was when people in the SE of Europe - I spoke to someone from 50 MILES north of Athens - it was -10c during the night with 45cm of snow. Also most of the Balkans are freezing.

Come on let's admit it - it was over hyped wasn't it? Temperature at it's coldest was 1.8c in Exeter and we never even managed a frost. The coldest day (Friday) temperature was 7c. I can't believe they cancelled up to 80 flights due to a bit of sleet at Heathrow.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

15 January 2017 19:56:04

Not much snow?  NOT MUCH SNOW?

Thats years and years worth of snow.  And you saw it without having to travel back to the ice age?!!!   You lucky, lucky person

Mild and wet and very grey here today.  As usual.  But we are like Aberdeen but with all the cold removed.   The last time I had to close my bedroom window was in 2010.

Originally Posted by: Essan 

i didn't realise you southerners had such a dearth of snow until I started reading some of the posts on here. I've lived in the central belt of Scotland, mostly at low altitude, all my life and never seen a year without snow. The worst year I can recall was 1988/89, when we had one light fall of wet snow in January, and a couple of inches in March. One compensation for us is that if winter itself doesn't give some decent seasonal weather, the spring that follows usually does. But then summers up here can be dire beyond anything experienced down south. It's a trade off of sorts. 

Livingston, West Lothian 148m (485 ft) asl
Winter 2016-17 to date: 10 days with falling snow, 5 days with lying snow, 1 ice day.
Jive Buddy
15 January 2017 20:57:15

I see the model thread is as friendly as ever! :D

Is it too much to ask to get some objective model analysis in there, rather than overly emotional, sensationalist bullsh1t? 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Seems fine to me Joe!...but then I have blocked the WUMs, their WAGs, the miserable gits, and the wannabes, so I don't see any of that shite now . Downside is, you have to scroll though reams of white guff space to get to the sensible content 


It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
15 January 2017 21:27:34
So after our 1 day of winter it's back to mildish, grey banality, when to our south most of France will experience max temps below zero all next week...lordy
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