I have never said population can continue to rise forever - and there is no indication that would be the case anyway. I've linked the brilliant Hans Rosling lecture on population a number of times and the statistics clearly show that birth rates slow as wealth increases, and population is expected to peak at around 10 billion then slowly decline. I think it is perfectly possible to support that number of people, indeed we already produce enough food for that many people - and at the same time we are actually using less farmland - see 'Wilding' by Elizabeth Tree.
What it comes down to is this, global population is going to rise, more resources will be used, more energy required. Whatever you or I think of that, it will happen regardless.
Your response to that is that it will be really bad, your solution is don't do it - a 'solution' which has zero chance of success.
My response is, yes that could be bad, this is what we'll do about it - a solution which has an unknown but possible chance of success.
Originally Posted by: Northern Sky