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06 March 2020 09:51:42
Nice queue outside Boots this morning, no Loo Rolls in Waitrose and no Paracetamol or hand wash. I suspect a tiny hint of panic is starting to set in.
Maunder Minimum
06 March 2020 09:52:12

Vatican city has its first case.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

The Pope?

New world order coming.
06 March 2020 09:56:48

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Saint Snow
06 March 2020 09:57:33

From an article in today's Times:


Speaking earlier this week, Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London’s faculty of medicine, suggested that the number of coronavirus cases in Italy could be more than 40 times higher than the official total.

Professor Ferguson estimated that there would be “at least” 100,000 cases in the country on Wednesday, when the official tally was 2,500.

He told Today on BBC Radio 4: “For every person who dies we think there might be 100, maybe even 200 people infected.”



  • accords with what some of us on here expect to be the reality on the ground.

In response to Beast above - we are mass testing in the UK too - far more than in France for example.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 



If that's true, then the fatality rate is going to be negligible.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
The Beast from the East
06 March 2020 10:03:31


I am sorry, but anyone who went on a cruise following the experience of the Diamond Princess, should probably be certified.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

We discussed this yesterday, but I suppose its about losing money for most people. If I had booked an expensive cruise I would probably not be willing to spaf a grand up the wall for something that might not happen


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
06 March 2020 10:10:31

If that's true, then the fatality rate is going to be negligible.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

That is the positive side of the equation. The negative side is more troubling - if you visit a country with an epidemic (like Italy) you are more likely to catch it than otherwise. The case in the office I work for in Denmark is a case in point - I have the full details now - our colleague did not visit Italy himself, his wife went to Milan last weekend (just for the weekend, I don't know why and she was insane to go) - she fell ill on Wednesday and tested positive for corona virus - our colleague had been to work on Monday and Tuesday, so is likely to be infected himself and will no doubt have passed it on at work.

But this is the point - Milan is currently in the middle of a chronic epidemic and visiting for just a weekend is likely to give you the virus.

New world order coming.
06 March 2020 10:19:05

Worth a read:

There's a reason why you're so freaked out by the coronavirus

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
06 March 2020 10:23:00

Nice queue outside Boots this morning, no Loo Rolls in Waitrose and no Paracetamol or hand wash. I suspect a tiny hint of panic is starting to set in.

Originally Posted by: warrenb 

Only visited the local Aldi for shopping this week, but no signs of shortages there, except the mini tubes of handgel they used to have by the checkouts have all sold out.

I have, however, bought 2 packets of paracetemol in the past week - enough to last me several years.  Just in case

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Maunder Minimum
06 March 2020 10:24:56

Financial Times  - not known for being sensationalist or panicky:

Coronavirus latest: Italy spreads virus faster than any other country



New world order coming.
06 March 2020 10:29:05

And how the Japanese deal with the schools being closed: they open restaurants as classrooms .....

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Saint Snow
06 March 2020 10:34:37

We had panic in 'Sintellins' yesterday as news swept through of a Coronavirus case here.

Some idiot - ignoring the advice repeated everywhere that if you suspect you might have the virus you don't visit your GP - rocked up at his GP saying he'd been to an infected country and had CV symptoms.


The panic was compounded when the GP surgery, which shut for a deep-clean, put up a notice on its door explaining the surgery was closed due to a confirmed case of Coronavirus.

FFS! x2

Numerous reports that hoards of zombies were seen shambling around the town centre were later explained as the usual methodone addicts making their way to their usual begging positions.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
06 March 2020 10:40:12

Financial Times  - not known for being sensationalist or panicky:

Coronavirus latest: Italy spreads virus faster than any other country



Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Yes, I think the Italian outbreak has been mishandled both by Italy and European countries (including us).


06 March 2020 10:40:51

We had panic in 'Sintellins' yesterday as news swept through of a Coronavirus case here.

Some idiot - ignoring the advice repeated everywhere that if you suspect you might have the virus you don't visit your GP - rocked up at his GP saying he'd been to an infected country and had CV symptoms.


The panic was compounded when the GP surgery, which shut for a deep-clean, put up a notice on its door explaining the surgery was closed due to a confirmed case of Coronavirus.

FFS! x2

Numerous reports that hoards of zombies were seen shambling around the town centre were later explained as the usual methodone addicts making their way to their usual begging positions.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


This is the   problem,  Saint,   it only takes one "slopey fore-headed moron"  to wreak havoc in medical facilities.  Your really can't account  for the idiots

With respect to potential rioters (same category)   It's cold and rainy - they probably won't want to come out.  Also, I reckon the risk of contracting the virus  whilst rioting will  trump the prospect of a FOC shiny new telly.


Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
06 March 2020 10:41:45

May have to cancel going to community concert bands and orchestral rehearsals or concerts. So affecting me in a different way. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Darren S
06 March 2020 10:44:09

Just a thought re Italy - I assume these affected towns are at high altitude so perhaps the virus spreads more easily in thinner air

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

No they're not. All the 10 quarantined towns in Lombardy are south east of Milan; the whole area is relatively low-lying in the Po valley. Vo Euganeo in Veneto is also in a valley, but near some hills.

The North of Italy (a region I'm very familiar with) has cool, damp and misty/foggy winters. They usually get some snow, but haven't had any this winter (much like us). These cooler, damp conditions are probably good for the virus to spread.

I'm convinced, as others have mentioned, that the warmer weather in Africa, SE Asia, India (away from the north) and Central America is helping keep the virus at bay, with any cases being imported, or transmitted in areas with extensive air conditioning. The latter might explain why Singapore had an inital glut of cases but Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. have hardly any.

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Saint Snow
06 March 2020 10:47:45

Only visited the local Aldi for shopping this week, but no signs of shortages there, except the mini tubes of handgel they used to have by the checkouts have all sold out.

I have, however, bought 2 packets of paracetemol in the past week - enough to last me several years.  Just in case

Originally Posted by: Essan 


I've got 3 women/girls living with me. We need a plentiful supply of paracetamol in my house.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Darren S
06 March 2020 10:52:01

But this is the point - Milan is currently in the middle of a chronic epidemic and visiting for just a weekend is likely to give you the virus.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I don't understand why the Government aren't insisting that anyone arriving from North Italy self-quarantines whether they have symptoms or not. At the moment they are only saying this for the 11 quarantined towns, which you can't get out of anyway as Police have blocked all the roads out, as you can see on Google Maps.,9.6639246,13.02z/data=!5m1!1e1

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Saint Snow
06 March 2020 10:59:50

This is the   problem,  Saint,   it only takes one "slopey fore-headed moron"  to wreak havoc in medical facilities.  Your really can't account  for the idiots

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 


The problem we have here is that there is a high proportion of 'slopey-foreheaded morons'



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
06 March 2020 11:00:32
Completely bloody embarrassed by the Australian publics reaction. The toilet roll saga is ridiculous. As one of my more senior relatives said there are too many polishers in this country these days. He hoses his arse down in the back garden 😉 he calls that proper Australian behaviour. Ok, so that's extreme, but no more extreme than panic buying of bog roll. People really are not acting proportionally and that for me sums up where we are right now.
So the panic buying has now spread to food items and pharmaceuticals. Ideally it would be time to go for a long break at some remote coastal location on the South coast of Western Australia.
06 March 2020 11:04:12

We had panic in 'Sintellins' yesterday as news swept through of a Coronavirus case here.

Some idiot - ignoring the advice repeated everywhere that if you suspect you might have the virus you don't visit your GP - rocked up at his GP saying he'd been to an infected country and had CV symptoms.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

We can do better than this. I was reading about the cluster in Greece, a retired teacher who was part of the group who had travelled to Israel developed symptoms on Wed and he went to his local hospital by taxi, where he waited in the A&E for 2 hours before giving up and going to see a private GP. This despite the fact that the waiting room of the hospital had posters saying do no come/stay here if you have covid-19 like symptoms. His excuse was that Israel was not in the list of 'dangerous' countries.



Justin W
06 March 2020 11:06:57

The only place I would want to be if I fell sick with a virus is at home. I've had flu once in my life and lots of water and bed rest were the only things which helped.

Why anybody would go to hospital if they felt 'fluey' is beyond me.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Heavy Weather 2013
06 March 2020 11:13:58

The only place I would want to be if I fell sick with a virus is at home. I've had flu once in my life and lots of water and bed rest were the only things which helped.

Why anybody would go to hospital if they felt 'fluey' is beyond me.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Agreed, when you have proper flu - I doubt you'd even make it to the door without feeling dizzy. Obviously breathing difficulties are different and should be treated as such. Buy your right an A&E department has to be the last place you would want to be.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Maunder Minimum
06 March 2020 11:22:58

Big jump in new cases in Iran - 1,234 additional cases.

Wouldn't be anything to do with the WHO being there this week, with  100,000 testing kits would it?


New world order coming.
06 March 2020 11:27:03



I've got 3 women/girls living with me. We need a plentiful supply of paracetamol in my house.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I'm assuming the paracetamol mainly for you then!

06 March 2020 11:28:34


We can do better than this. I was reading about the cluster in Greece, a retired teacher who was part of the group who had travelled to Israel developed symptoms on Wed and he went to his local hospital by taxi, where he waited in the A&E for 2 hours before giving up and going to see a private GP. This despite the fact that the waiting room of the hospital had posters saying do no come/stay here if you have covid-19 like symptoms. His excuse was that Israel was not in the list of 'dangerous' countries.



Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Would explain why Wuhan authorities ended up putting security guards at hospital entrances back in January.

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