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Saint Snow
06 February 2012 22:24:28

Just to add, when Dalglish first took over after Woy's spell in charge, the tempo of the play shot up. In the main, it was effective, but we started getting hit by a few sucker-punches and this season, probably because Dalglish feels the weight of responsibility now, when he may not have done in the second half of a written-off season, we've gone back to the 'considered' tempo.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
06 February 2012 22:30:34

TBH, this game had 0-0 written all over it. Spurs lacking some attacking players and away at Anfield were always likely to dig in a bit, whilst Liverpool are just shite

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Liverpool's problem (obviously) is they lack a cutting edge. I know not why.

The Sky stats make for interesting viewing. Liverpool are the worst team in the PL in terms of chance conversion rate.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

For a long time, Liverpool have been too ponderous on the ball. How many times do you see a player at the Manchesters or Arsenal fire a pass through from the middle third, and their striker gets the ball in space around the edge of the box, because the defence has been stretched? Never happens at Liverpool, because it takes so long to get the ball toward the opposition's third that the defence has not only got itself organised, but the reinforcements from midfield are in place and marking all options.

The 'Liverpool way' of slow build up and retaining posession might have been revelatory in the late 70's and the 80's, and served them really well in terms of success (it wasn't that displaced from the Barca style - although with a lot less technical skill, obviously). But these days, it's just ineffective, unless the opposition comes out to attack you.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Quite. Liverpool closed Spurs down tonight, but their approach play was way too slow.

I thought Adam had a good game - ironically as a pseudo holding player, when we know he's not. Impressed with Kelly too, who obviously wouldn't have even started had Enrique been fit.

I only wish Sandro had been fit tonight. He's a one man wrecking crew.

06 February 2012 23:32:05

The reason why the cat showed up at Klanfied tonight.

P.S. I hope they get the twat who was using the laser pen.

Karl Guille
07 February 2012 00:22:24

Good point for Spurs tonight, couldn't ask for all three (although that didn't stop Citeh stealing them the other week)!    Liverpool finished with nine against Spurs in the reverse fixture and probably should have done so again tonight as following Balloteli;s  GBH on him last week Parker was kicked in the midrift by Suarez and raked by some other thug whose name escapes me.  As for Skertl, commited several poor tackles and then left his studs down Bale's shin!

Let's hope we can get Lennon and Defoe fit for Saturday.  And as for Adebayore, what a useless lump of sh#te he is and a total waste of space, couldn't control the ball for toffee and made next to no effort to head the ball all night.  Never rated him despite a half decent couple of games when he first moved from Citeh!  

St. Sampson
07 February 2012 01:41:48

I'm curious as to how the ref can view the boot on Parker by Suarez as a yellow, instead of a red, unless, presumably, he saw it as dangerous play but unintentional.  Irrespective, the FA can do nowt - should it wish to - as self evidently the ref saw the incident and dealt with it at the time.

As for Bale, he should have gone for an early bath - 1- for diving and 2- for shoving Aggar (I think), or was it Skirtl? after the event.

I detest diving and Bale should cease doing it.

Karl Guille
07 February 2012 06:07:38

I'm curious as to how the ref can view the boot on Parker by Suarez as a yellow, instead of a red, unless, presumably, he saw it as dangerous play but unintentional.  Irrespective, the FA can do nowt - should it wish to - as self evidently the ref saw the incident and dealt with it at the time.

As for Bale, he should have gone for an early bath - 1- for diving and 2- for shoving Aggar (I think), or was it Skirtl? after the event.

I detest diving and Bale should cease doing it.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

He has done it once or twice lately but to be fair to him the one last night was a foul as Aggar moved to block his run with no intention of getting the ball and rather than try and push on he simply went down - disappointing and generally a fairly ineffective game from Bale summed up by the miss with the one on one.  I've said it already but I'll say it again, what a game from Parker - he was everywhere and somewhere else at the same time too!!

St. Sampson
07 February 2012 09:51:02

It was such a poor game in comparison to the Chelski v United game though, I know Spurs could have some excuses in that they had a few players out and were the away team, but I just don't think Liverpool have improved greatly under Kenny despite spending about 240 gajillion pound.

As for Bale, it was a dive in as much as he was not clipped, but Agger put his leg out and without Bale moving to avoid him he would have connected, surely the intent to foul was there?



07 February 2012 10:08:45
I was working last night so missed the game. Glad to see it was a 0-0!
Saint Snow
07 February 2012 10:22:55

but I just don't think Liverpool have improved greatly under Kenny despite spending about 240 gajillion pound.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

I agree they've hardly improved (from the Benitez era anyway...they're way better than Woy had them playing) but this spending splurge is a bit of a myth.

Surely you can only look at net spending, because if another club buys one of your star players and you then buy a replacement with the proceeds, to only count the money you've spent as a bit daft.

On that basis, Dalglish's net spend is something like £50m.

Or, to put it another way, what Chelsea paid for Torres.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
07 February 2012 10:37:48

but I just don't think Liverpool have improved greatly under Kenny despite spending about 240 gajillion pound.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I agree they've hardly improved (from the Benitez era anyway...they're way better than Woy had them playing) but this spending splurge is a bit of a myth.

Surely you can only look at net spending, because if another club buys one of your star players and you then buy a replacement with the proceeds, to only count the money you've spent as a bit daft.

On that basis, Dalglish's net spend is something like £50m.

Or, to put it another way, what Chelsea paid for Torres.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Fair enough I guess Martin, but surely you also have to look at who you have bought??

I actually think Carroll did ok last night and his overall game is getting better but you need goals from him. Downing is simply not performing, he has lost a touch of pace it seems and is reluctant to go past his man, something he used to do regularly. Henderson is a good prospect and we were sorry to see him leave our place, but at £20m he was way overpriced and I am not sure he even knows his best position or strengths.

So yes, I agree, you have to look at the net spending and he has only spent £50m after the money you got for Torres, but the guys he has paid big money for are not performing at all.



Saint Snow
07 February 2012 10:46:06

but surely you also have to look at who you have bought??

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

That's a different argument altogether and it's hard to dispute what you've said

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
07 February 2012 10:51:22

lol Martin, I'm sure Henderson will come good and I also think that Carroll will eventually get goals, still not sure about Downing though.



07 February 2012 11:00:55

lol Martin, I'm sure Henderson will come good and I also think that Carroll will eventually get goals, still not sure about Downing though.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

The thing with Downing is when you see him play, you don't really think he's got anything more to give. He does work hard but I don't think he'll improve anymore. He's playing at the absolute limit of his abilities 

Carroll is a talent though and will improve 

07 February 2012 11:22:13

but I just don't think Liverpool have improved greatly under Kenny despite spending about 240 gajillion pound.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

I agree they've hardly improved (from the Benitez era anyway...they're way better than Woy had them playing) but this spending splurge is a bit of a myth.

Surely you can only look at net spending, because if another club buys one of your star players and you then buy a replacement with the proceeds, to only count the money you've spent as a bit daft.

On that basis, Dalglish's net spend is something like £50m.

Or, to put it another way, what Chelsea paid for Torres.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Fair enough I guess Martin, but surely you also have to look at who you have bought??

I actually think Carroll did ok last night and his overall game is getting better but you need goals from him. Downing is simply not performing, he has lost a touch of pace it seems and is reluctant to go past his man, something he used to do regularly. Henderson is a good prospect and we were sorry to see him leave our place, but at £20m he was way overpriced and I am not sure he even knows his best position or strengths.

So yes, I agree, you have to look at the net spending and he has only spent £50m after the money you got for Torres, but the guys he has paid big money for are not performing at all.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Carroll did do better last night. The problem with him, as I see it, is that he should be employed more as an old fashioned centre foward to nod the ball in, rather than nodding the ball down and hoping someone is there to take up the play. Carroll will only function properly, IMO, once Liverpool buy some wide men who can actually cross the ball. In the meantime.....

07 February 2012 11:51:26

As is blindingly obvious, Postman Pat certainly won't be retiring him, unfortunately.

07 February 2012 12:07:01
I'm a big fan of Kuyt, he's a player any team would want in their side. A lot was made of his recent goal drought but he was being used in a wide role and no doubt got a few assists in that time (unlike Downing!).

I fancy 'Pool to beat United. Despite De Gea's world class save at the end of the Chelski game, I remain unconvinced. No one has ever doubted his reflexes/shot stopping ability after all.

Carroll could have been offloaded in January, in that swap deal for Tevez, but it fell through. Like you say I don't think Dalglish rates him too highly now.
Gary L
07 February 2012 13:59:09

I'm a big fan of Kuyt, he's a player any team would want in their side. A lot was made of his recent goal drought but he was being used in a wide role and no doubt got a few assists in that time (unlike Downing!).

I fancy 'Pool to beat United. Despite De Gea's world class save at the end of the Chelski game, I remain unconvinced. No one has ever doubted his reflexes/shot stopping ability after all.

Carroll could have been offloaded in January, in that swap deal for Tevez, but it fell through. Like you say I don't think Dalglish rates him too highly now.

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

Liverpool were lucky to beat use at Anfield considering we were, for large periods the better team. We've got Nani and Rooney back for Saturday, I can't see Liverpool getting anything other than a lucky draw at best.

07 February 2012 19:48:31

I'm a big fan of Kuyt, he's a player any team would want in their side. A lot was made of his recent goal drought but he was being used in a wide role and no doubt got a few assists in that time (unlike Downing!).

I fancy 'Pool to beat United. Despite De Gea's world class save at the end of the Chelski game, I remain unconvinced. No one has ever doubted his reflexes/shot stopping ability after all.

Carroll could have been offloaded in January, in that swap deal for Tevez, but it fell through. Like you say I don't think Dalglish rates him too highly now.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

Liverpool were lucky to beat use at Anfield considering we were, for large periods the better team. We've got Nani and Rooney back for Saturday, I can't see Liverpool getting anything other than a lucky draw at best.

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

Doesn't matter how much better Manure were if they don't score more than the opposition they aren't going to win, the stats say they lost at Anfield ...full stop

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

07 February 2012 19:56:19

I'm a big fan of Kuyt, he's a player any team would want in their side. A lot was made of his recent goal drought but he was being used in a wide role and no doubt got a few assists in that time (unlike Downing!).

I fancy 'Pool to beat United. Despite De Gea's world class save at the end of the Chelski game, I remain unconvinced. No one has ever doubted his reflexes/shot stopping ability after all.

Carroll could have been offloaded in January, in that swap deal for Tevez, but it fell through. Like you say I don't think Dalglish rates him too highly now.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Liverpool were lucky to beat use at Anfield considering we were, for large periods the better team. We've got Nani and Rooney back for Saturday, I can't see Liverpool getting anything other than a lucky draw at best.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

Doesn't matter how much better Manure were if they don't score more than the opposition they aren't going to win, the stats say they lost at Anfield ...full stop

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

Indeed, we got done by a bent ref at Eastlands. But the past is the past.

07 February 2012 21:38:35

What's this I see...I take my eye off the ball for a day or so and there's loads of footie talk...and about my team!!! How can I defend or argue now the moment has passed...?!

I didn't think Liverpool were that bad last night, I thought Parker and Gerrard had an excellent battle in midfield which was hugely entertaining and both players came out with credit. The powder puff thing up front is odd, as Carroll again played ok but wihtout looking like scoring.

09 February 2012 20:19:35

Some good matches coming up at the weekend. 

Good test for Sunderland at home against Arsenal, I fancy Sunderland to win!

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
09 February 2012 20:21:31

Some good matches coming up at the weekend. 

Good test for Sunderland at home against Arsenal, I fancy Sunderland to win!

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

09 February 2012 21:34:01

Some good matches coming up at the weekend. 

Good test for Sunderland at home against Arsenal, I fancy Sunderland to win!

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Arsenal just haven't played well away, Sunderland are on a bit of a high

Didn't realise there playing again a few days later in the cup as well, should be interesting to compare the scores.

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
09 February 2012 23:21:59

As ever, looking forward to Saturdays game, though this time with more trepidation. Utd were unlucky to lose to us in the cup and will have a better first eleven out Saturday aswell. Would be happy with a point realistically.

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