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20 April 2012 21:57:35

Coming down to the nitty gritty, in the race for places or relegation!

Saturday games

Arsenal v Chelsea,  Drogba is injured, so is Arteta. Both need to win

N'castle v Stoke, Newcastle looking to take at least 5th spot

QPR v Spurs, Both need to win.

Fulham v Wigan, can Wigan win again, Fulham are safe, so less to play for apart from placings

Villa v Sunderland

Bolton v Swansea Bolton have 2 games in hand

Rovers v Norwich 

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
21 April 2012 17:16:43

Spurs throwing it all away as usual I see.

Really can't see why they have gone to pieces at this stage in the season. I wonder whether they will win anymore games at all.

Conceivably they could possibly finish 9th if they contrive to lose all and everybody else win theirs.

 QPR 1-0 v Spurs

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
21 April 2012 17:21:34

Shocking stuff. We're playing even more $hit than against Norwich, if that's possible.

21 April 2012 17:26:05

All that chat about Champions League, we will lucky to qualify for the Europa league?

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
21 April 2012 18:34:47

No fight, no passion. They've simply stopped playing for 'Arry. Awful performance.

Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 April 2012 18:43:20
Useless. If Queens Punt Rovers stay up I lay the blame solely at the feet of Spurs.
21 April 2012 19:48:37

No fight, no passion. They've simply stopped playing for 'Arry. Awful performance.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

you've watched more spurs than i have. does harry have the ability to 'change' a game thats not going right ? i'm starting to worry about the tactical 'nouse' of the next england manager ??

21 April 2012 20:04:56

No fight, no passion. They've simply stopped playing for 'Arry. Awful performance.

Originally Posted by: nickl 

you've watched more spurs than i have. does harry have the ability to 'change' a game thats not going right ? i'm starting to worry about the tactical 'nouse' of the next england manager ??

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

'Arry has drifted through Spurs on the back of meejah claims regarding his excellent 'man management' skills. I originally bought into this nonense but now realise it was utter bollocks and that the players are no longer playing for him. This reminds me of the last days of the hapless Ramos.

As for 'Arry's tactics - even his biggest apologists (a diminishing band) would never claim he is the world's greatest.

I'd love Levy to sack 'Arry this evening, but realise Levy has written a number of clauses in 'Arry's contract, which means the F.A. will have to pay dearly in terms of compo (£10m; £15m?) - money the club needs.

Ironically, top of my list of realistic targets to take over from 'Arry would be Capello.

David M Porter
21 April 2012 20:23:43

No fight, no passion. They've simply stopped playing for 'Arry. Awful performance.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

you've watched more spurs than i have. does harry have the ability to 'change' a game thats not going right ? i'm starting to worry about the tactical 'nouse' of the next england manager ??

Originally Posted by: nickl 

'Arry has drifted through Spurs on the back of meejah claims regarding his excellent 'man management' skills. I originally bought into this nonense but now realise it was utter bollocks and that the players are no longer playing for him. This reminds me of the last days of the hapless Ramos.

As for 'Arry's tactics - even his biggest apologists (a diminishing band) would never claim he is the world's greatest.

I'd love Levy to sack 'Arry this evening, but realise Levy has written a number of clauses in 'Arry's contract, which means the F.A. will have to pay dearly in terms of compo (£10m; £15m?) - money the club needs.

Ironically, top of my list of realistic targets to take over from 'Arry would be Capello.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I wouldn't mind betting that all the press speculation linking 'Arry with the England job since Capello quit has had something of an unsettling effect on Spurs. Ironically, they seemed to be performing much better on the field both in the run-up to and then during 'Arry's court case, but since that ended and when Capello's resignation was announced on the same day, Spurs haven't been the same team.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
21 April 2012 20:32:19

No fight, no passion. They've simply stopped playing for 'Arry. Awful performance.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

you've watched more spurs than i have. does harry have the ability to 'change' a game thats not going right ? i'm starting to worry about the tactical 'nouse' of the next england manager ??

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

'Arry has drifted through Spurs on the back of meejah claims regarding his excellent 'man management' skills. I originally bought into this nonense but now realise it was utter bollocks and that the players are no longer playing for him. This reminds me of the last days of the hapless Ramos.

As for 'Arry's tactics - even his biggest apologists (a diminishing band) would never claim he is the world's greatest.

I'd love Levy to sack 'Arry this evening, but realise Levy has written a number of clauses in 'Arry's contract, which means the F.A. will have to pay dearly in terms of compo (£10m; £15m?) - money the club needs.

Ironically, top of my list of realistic targets to take over from 'Arry would be Capello.

Originally Posted by: nickl 

I wouldn't mind betting that all the press speculation linking 'Arry with the England job since Capello quit has had something of an unsettling effect on Spurs. Ironically, they seemed to be performing much better on the field both in the run-up to and then during 'Arry's court case, but since that ended and when Capello's resignation was announced on the same day, Spurs haven't been the same team.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

That may or not may be the case. But it's still no excuse for the shower of shite served up in recent weeks. 'Arry can keep saying all he likes (as he has done again this evening) about Spurs playing O.K. but not getting the results. Er.... but isn't that the whole point? Getting results?

He is an arrogant, self important little pri@k always ready to play up to a fawning media and always ready to apportion blame everywhere but upon himself.

His post-match comments about Jake Livermore were an absolute disgrace.

Redknapp truly boils my pi$*

22 April 2012 13:43:43

Oh dear, Ferguson on the phone to the F.A. complaining about how this game didn't go according to the pre-match script.

22 April 2012 14:45:33


Spurs's malaise seems to be catching. 

Talk about handing things over on a plate.

What are the chances now for the City v Utd game!

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
David M Porter
22 April 2012 16:01:14

Oh dear, Ferguson on the phone to the F.A. complaining about how this game didn't go according to the pre-match script.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
22 April 2012 16:50:29

Liverpool coasting I assume, seems hard to believe that their present position etc can be regarded in a positive light.


35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
22 April 2012 16:57:08

I bet Roy is happy after that, Liverpool, seem for all their much vaunted players, really quite ropy, imitating Spurs is never a good idea. 

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
22 April 2012 17:01:51

Yep, I bet Roy is feeling quite smug after that. I wonder what excuses Dalgish and co will have for yet another loss! He just seems completely out of touch with the game.

22 April 2012 17:14:37

I wonder how much Dalglish will spend next year if he's still in charge, which no doubt he will be!

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
22 April 2012 17:15:59

Wolves down, who will be joining them, I wonder?

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
22 April 2012 18:07:12

I wonder how much Dalglish will spend next year if he's still in charge, which no doubt he will be!

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 


If what is said is true and Dalglish did have the final say, I wouldn't even give him 10p.

22 April 2012 18:16:38

Yep, I bet Roy is feeling quite smug after that. I wonder what excuses Dalgish and co will have for yet another loss! He just seems completely out of touch with the game.

Originally Posted by: britbob 

I'd love to start a 'Woy for England' campaign. Problem is, I want to get rid of 'Arry.

22 April 2012 18:24:27

I wonder how much Dalglish will spend next year if he's still in charge, which no doubt he will be!

Originally Posted by: britbob 


If what is said is true and Dalglish did have the final say, I wouldn't even give him 10p.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
23 April 2012 23:15:45
24 April 2012 20:50:01

Just noticed that Bolton have beaten Aston Villa away 2-1

Relegation race is really heating up now

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
27 April 2012 21:31:48

Well it's the weekend again (well almost), so are Spurs going to lose again

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
28 April 2012 14:16:11

My goodness

Swansea are 2-0 up already against Wolves

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
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