Interesting speculation on the Yahoo Eurosport blog page from Jim White
Has success come at a cost for City?
With the kind of timing publishers must dread, this month sees the release of Colin Shindler's latest memoir.
The author sold an awful lot of copies of his earlier tale, "Manchester United Ruined My Life", which was released well over a decade ago. It was a book which suggested that, in its rapacious, commercially-driven quest for monopoly, the Old Trafford operation was driving much of the joy out of football.
As a City supporter, Shindler might be expected to think that. But his tome was nicely argued, fluent and funny and found plenty who agreed with its critique of the rapacious red menace and all it stood for.
At this moment as City appears to be about to lift the Championship, his latest is called "Manchester City Ruined My Life."
In it he laments all the things that City have lost in their relentless pursuit of supremacy. The sense of community, the sense of shared value, the sense that the players on the park are representing the regulars in the stand. The idea that they are all in it together.
What City always were, Shindler argues, was different from United. Now, he believes, that in their unrelenting desire to best their neighbours, they have become everything he loathed about the reds. In short they have ceased to be a football club and become a sporting corporation.
Quite what Shindler would have made of the revelation in the Telegraph this week that City had spent close to a billion pounds in pursuit of the prize is too late to include in his book.
Full post here
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