No records here in the north of Edinburgh as that annoying breeze from off the North Sea has got in the way yet again, thus causing the temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank to drop slightly during the last hour to 26.1°C.
This means that my last recorded value of 26.9°C for that same station now looks like being our highest temperature of the day at that particular station.
Having said that though, I have noticed that a temperature of 30.1°C has been recorded at Swanston Weather Station in the south of Edinburgh (which is normally Jerry's local station when he is here) and there are a few stations within that vicinity which are currently recording 31°C.
This means that I still haven't yet to recorded a temperature of 30°C at any of my three local stations in the north of Edinburgh, I can at least now say that parts of Edinburgh have got above 30°C today and since I first joined this forum back in the summer of 2016, this is the first time that I have been able to say that.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.