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08 March 2020 17:17:43



Look at the Tele's website front page and you see, with a red background, this:

Supermarkets begin food rationing after wave of coronavirus-fuelled panic buying

It's accompanied by pictures of empty shelves at an Asda, taking up a massive area of the page.

The obvious implication is that people will then think "OMG, FOMO, must panic-buy now now now!"

The idea that someone thought that that was a) a good idea and b) the most important facet of today's news is remarkable.

Again, compare it to the Guardian and BBC, who make Coronavirus the main story but in a much less sensationalist way.

And again, I'm very disappointed that they've chosen to do this. It's interesting that the print version relegates this story to a sideline on the front page (no photos), with the lead instead about the Government doing its best to minimise effects on the economy. That is the story they should have led with on their site, IMO.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Agree with your analysis that the media especially the papers and new channels ARE instigating panic with irresponsible reporting. This one area the govt need to clamp down hard on and for the time being freedom of the press and media may have to go out the window and media outlets must stick to the facts and report in a sober non sensationalist way. Panic will do far far more damage than the virus!!! 

08 March 2020 17:18:11


It's actually around 5%, apparently. From the Guardian:

The number of coronavirus cases in the UK is going to double every few days, according to a British health expert who was reacting to the news earlier that a total of 273 people have now tested positive.

Prof Tom Solomon, Walton Centre NHS foundation trust, and Institute of Infection & Global Health, University of Liverpool, said 67 new cases in the UK was not that big an increase nor unexpected given it was likely the number of cases would double every few days.

He added:

As the numbers continue to grow we are moving from a phase of containment, where we hoped we could stop the outbreak completely, to one of delay. This means all our efforts are aimed at slowing the outbreak down.

Ultimately perhaps 50 to 80% of the population may get infected with this virus. Currently about 5% of patients are needing hospitalisation. If all these people become infected in a short time window, eg a few weeks, then we will have a very large number who need to go to hospital all at the same time. And the health services will really struggle.

However, If we can spread the outbreak over many months, the health services will be able to cope better with the same number of patients, because not everyone will need to care at the same time.

The BBC have meanwhile carried this interview with a Briton who contracted coronavirus after travelling to northern Italy recently.

The man said that he had a dry cough over the weekend and then suddenly had a headache and a fever, as well as “strange chills” which seemed to reverberate around the body.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Seems to be some disagreement. Here says 20%

Either way, it would collapse the health service. Just a difference in how long it takes.

[email protected]
08 March 2020 17:18:46


I think you have actually missed the point and that is so to is the common cold is also deadly. Also tens of thousands of people are hospitalised yearly from complications of the common cold viruses.. never mind the flu. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

No, YOU have missed the point. 10s of 1000s are hospitalised over a long period. Not a month.

[email protected]
08 March 2020 17:21:25


Agree with your analysis that the media especially the papers and new channels ARE instigating panic with irresponsible reporting. This one area the govt need to clamp down hard on and for the time being freedom of the press and media may have to go out the window and media outlets must stick to the facts and report in a sober non sensationalist way. Panic will do far far more damage than the virus!!! 

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

The Tele has, eventually, changed the headline on its front page - hurrah!

Meanwhile the Guardian sets an example of how to actually report this stuff, as opposed to the strident tone taken by the Tele. I've put the most important bit in bold!

"In the UK, a number of supermarkets have placed restrictions on items including pasta, anti-bacterial wipes and hand soap in a bid to prevent shoppers from stockpiling.

PA Media reports that the brands to restrict purchases so far include:

  • Tesco: a five-item limit on a number of items including pasta, anti-bacterial wipes, gels and sprays, and long-life milk

  • Waitrose: restrictions on certain anti-bacterial soaps and wipes when shopping online

  • Asda: hand sanitiser restricted to two per person both in-store and online. No food restrictions. Many anti-bacterial products out of stock online.

Sainsbury’s, Lidl and Morrisons have no restrictions at the moment. Aldi and Ocado have not yet confirmed any restrictions.

The government’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance said there is “absolutely no reason” for the British public to panic buy."

Leysdown, north Kent
Justin W
08 March 2020 17:23:08


Agree with your analysis that the media especially the papers and new channels ARE instigating panic with irresponsible reporting. This one area the govt need to clamp down hard on and for the time being freedom of the press and media may have to go out the window and media outlets must stick to the facts and report in a sober non sensationalist way. Panic will do far far more damage than the virus!!! 

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

Jesus what drivel

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
08 March 2020 17:24:10
Some stockpiling - say 2-4 weeks' worth - is entirely justified, given both the possibility of 2 week self-isolation and, as things get worse and more workers are off sick - supply chains being sluggish.

Stockpiling 400 loo rolls is clearly not necessary, but the idea that you're a fool if you stock up some extra right now is just nonsense.
[email protected]
Gavin D
08 March 2020 17:26:11
Breaking: Italy reports 1,492 new cases and 133 new deaths

Total 7,375 and 366 deaths
Gandalf The White
08 March 2020 17:27:03


No, YOU have missed the point. 10s of 1000s are hospitalised over a long period. Not a month.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Exactly - and it’s why the government policy is to try to flatten the peak of infections.  If the ‘10s of 1,000s’ can be spread over 2-3 months instead then that’s 1/2 to 1/3rd the pressure.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

08 March 2020 17:29:59


My hunch is that surface transmission is the most probable way.  Handrails, toilet doors , you name it !

That, of course,  goes for any Public Transport system.  The hand washing and not touching the eyes "thing" really is a big deal IMHO !

I've always washed my hands pretty religiously but my particular weakness is touching my face and rubbing my eyes.  Unfortunately  it's very difficult to break that sort of personal  reflex !


Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 


Same for me.

At least it will be mild!
  • agw2
  • Advanced Member
08 March 2020 17:33:36

Some stockpiling - say 2-4 weeks' worth - is entirely justified, given both the possibility of 2 week self-isolation and, as things get worse and more workers are off sick - supply chains being sluggish.

Stockpiling 400 loo rolls is clearly not necessary, but the idea that you're a fool if you stock up some extra right now is just nonsense.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


I'm doing some stockpiling. If I get the numbers wrong (and I'm still here) when it is almost over I will give the surplus to a food bank.

08 March 2020 17:33:39

Some stockpiling - say 2-4 weeks' worth - is entirely justified, given both the possibility of 2 week self-isolation and, as things get worse and more workers are off sick - supply chains being sluggish.

Stockpiling 400 loo rolls is clearly not necessary, but the idea that you're a fool if you stock up some extra right now is just nonsense.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


I would agree with this (and I always have that kind of stock anyway, in case  of various illnesses) - it's the magnitude of hoarding / frenzy  that gets my goat.

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
08 March 2020 17:34:24


Seems to be some disagreement. Here says 20%

Either way, it would collapse the health service. Just a difference in how long it takes.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

In Lombardy it’s also 5%.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Gavin D
08 March 2020 17:37:40
131 of the 133 new deaths in Italy were 60+ most had underlying health conditions.

Heavy Weather 2013
08 March 2020 17:38:37
Surely we should be grounding all flights to and from Italy. This surely should form part of our containment strategy.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Justin W
08 March 2020 17:40:17

We have stockpiled a month’s worth of supplies and that includes toilet rolls. We are working on the basis that we might both contract Covid-19 consecutively meaning four weeks of self isolation.

Does this make me a moron?

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
08 March 2020 17:40:34

Breaking: Italy reports 1,492 new cases and 133 new deaths

Total 7,375 and 366 deaths

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 


That's a 20% death rate which is at odds with the rest of the world's cases. Something is not right here... either my maths is way off or there must be thousands of undiagnosed cases in Italy.

08 March 2020 17:45:15

We have stockpiled a month’s worth of supplies and that includes toilet rolls. We are working on the basis that we might both contract Covid-19 consecutively meaning four weeks of self isolation.

Does this make me a moron?

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Did you go out and buy another month's supply even though you already had a month's supply?

Did you go out and buy hundreds of toilet rolls rather than the 20 or so that you'd use in a month for two people?

Did you go out and buy a month's worth of perishable goods even though it's perishable and won't last a month?

Did you buy enough dried pasta / tinned goods to feed four families for a month?

Did you yell and scream at people who had filled their trollies with stuff you wanted, when there was none left?

No? Then you're not a moron.

As I said yesterday, bringing forward a purchase of a 9-pack of toilet rolls a week isn't panic-buying. Going to Costco and filling a trolley with several multipacks of 24 rolls each, on the other hand, is. Simple!

(FWIW, I have enough supplies to last 2 or 3 weeks here, as I always do at this time of year. That's something my mum did in the 1980s, when we had proper snow, and it's something my dad also did after she died. And I do it after he died! No panic-buying, though, it just means a well-stocked larder and freezer. I just replace what I use, as opposed to stockpiling ever-more stuff.)

Leysdown, north Kent
08 March 2020 17:49:43

 So busy stocking up on bog roll that they forgot the food (going by that guy's trolley contents). Sorta defeats the purpose! 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

You don't understand, some people expect things to get so bad that they will start eating bog roll and then use the rest to wipe their arses. 

Anyway, I had lunch in a restaurant today and the manager said that there is a gradual impact on bookings and if that accelerates he is worried about having to lay off staff etc. It's a difficult balance to get right for authorities.

On a personal note it's been about a week now that I have stopped shaking hands. We are British after all, no bodily contact please (and no sex!). I also don't think I'll be back at the office before May or June.

In other news, Greece announced that all sport events will be played without spectators, while cinemas, theatres, schools etc. will be closed in areas of big outbreak clusters. They are also debating whether to close all their ports to all cruise ships.


08 March 2020 17:49:44



That's a 20% death rate which is at odds with the rest of the world's cases. Something is not right here... either my maths is way off or there must be thousands of undiagnosed cases in Italy.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

which government would likely have more integrity: Italy, Iran or China? There are obviously plenty of other factors at play. But with Iran especially, there are several reports of government under reporting of cases/deaths.

Edit: not sure where your 20% comes from, but Iran comment still stands.

Ally Pally Snowman
08 March 2020 17:51:02

Breaking: Italy reports 1,492 new cases and 133 new deaths

Total 7,375 and 366 deaths

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 


Hubei at its worst type numbers now for Italy.  Hopefully the quarinetine will help bring these down soon.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Heavy Weather 2013
08 March 2020 17:55:11



Hubei at its worst type numbers now for Italy.  Hopefully the quarinetine will help bring these down soon.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Agreed, the problem is now most of Europe seem to be starting to see big increase daily. 

It seems the EU has failed to adopt a europe wide approach. 

We remain in containment. I now think we need to consider flying bans.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
08 March 2020 17:55:53

Some stockpiling - say 2-4 weeks' worth - is entirely justified, given both the possibility of 2 week self-isolation and, as things get worse and more workers are off sick - supply chains being sluggish.

Stockpiling 400 loo rolls is clearly not necessary, but the idea that you're a fool if you stock up some extra right now is just nonsense.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Agreed! To save money and time I tend to this anyway (usually from Costco) so I usually have at least a couple of months supply of toilet paper, detergent, hand soap and alcohol gel etc. and last time I had stocked up was ~10 days ago. 

When I run out sometime in May, I will then join the zombie hordes.

Justin W
08 March 2020 17:56:41


Did you go out and buy another month's supply even though you already had a month's supply?

Did you go out and buy hundreds of toilet rolls rather than the 20 or so that you'd use in a month for two people?

Did you go out and buy a month's worth of perishable goods even though it's perishable and won't last a month?

Did you buy enough dried pasta / tinned goods to feed four families for a month?

Did you yell and scream at people who had filled their trollies with stuff you wanted, when there was none left?

No? Then you're not a moron.

As I said yesterday, bringing forward a purchase of a 9-pack of toilet rolls a week isn't panic-buying. Going to Costco and filling a trolley with several multipacks of 24 rolls each, on the other hand, is. Simple!

(FWIW, I have enough supplies to last 2 or 3 weeks here, as I always do at this time of year. That's something my mum did in the 1980s, when we had proper snow, and it's something my dad also did after she died. And I do it after he died! No panic-buying, though, it just means a well-stocked larder and freezer. I just replace what I use, as opposed to stockpiling ever-more stuff.)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

So you know that the people at Costco (where you have to be a member) weren’t care home owners/B&B owners/shopping for large families/getting stuff for neighbours etc etc?

No. These people were clearly morons.



Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
08 March 2020 17:57:52


Edit: not sure where your 20% comes from, but Iran comment still stands.

Originally Posted by: bowser 

The Italian figures as approximately 20% of the people infected have died. 

Globally its around 3.4%. 

08 March 2020 17:59:19

No. These people were clearly morons.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Correct, they were. Glad you get it!

(I'm a holder of a Makro card, so know what goes on in a wholesaler. I've seen plenty of small business owners in there, but not once - in 24 years! - have I ever seen people just buying several hundred toilet rolls on their own, as shown in the photos doing the rounds today. They invariably buy other things as well.)

Leysdown, north Kent
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