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08 March 2020 18:00:00

 That's a 20% death rate which is at odds with the rest of the world's cases. Something is not right here... either my maths is way off or there must be thousands of undiagnosed cases in Italy.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

That's one possible factor, but don't forget that in January the death rate in Wuhan was also in double digits.

Ally Pally Snowman
08 March 2020 18:01:51



That's a 20% death rate which is at odds with the rest of the world's cases. Something is not right here... either my maths is way off or there must be thousands of undiagnosed cases in Italy.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 


It's a 5% death rate which is still extremely high. There are almost certainly many thousands of untested Covid19 sufferers which skews the death rate.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
08 March 2020 18:02:40

We have stockpiled a month’s worth of supplies and that includes toilet rolls. We are working on the basis that we might both contract Covid-19 consecutively meaning four weeks of self isolation.

Does this make me a moron?

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


In a word, no (not IMHO anyway)

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
08 March 2020 18:03:59

 Agreed, the problem is now most of Europe seem to be starting to see big increase daily. 

It seems the EU has failed to adopt a europe wide approach. 

We remain in containment. I now think we need to consider flying bans.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Other countries will soon start banning flights from the UK!

I agree though that European governments (including ours) have not handled the Lombardy epidemic well. This has little to do with the EU btw, it's up to national governments whether to close borders or stop flights etc. The EU has little jurisdiction in this!

Justin W
08 March 2020 18:04:23


Correct, they were. Glad you get it!

(I'm a holder of a Makro card, so know what goes on in a wholesaler. I've seen plenty of small business owners in there, but not once - in 24 years! - have I ever seen people just buying several hundred toilet rolls on their own, as shown in the photos doing the rounds today. They invariably buy other things as well.)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

So you know. You actually know. You have psychic powers, clearly.


Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
08 March 2020 18:05:13

In a word, no (not IMHO anyway)

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Just say yes damn it for argument's sake!

08 March 2020 18:05:56



It's a 5% death rate which is still extremely high. There are almost certainly many thousands of untested Covid19 sufferers which skews the death rate.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 


 Bugger.. my maths was off. I'll blame this lingering hangover 😳😆

08 March 2020 18:07:38



 But 366 is not 5% of 7375 which are the Italian figures I'm talking specifically about.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 


08 March 2020 18:10:22



Originally Posted by: bowser 

The moment I posted that i realised my error and changed it lol but you to quick for me ;)

08 March 2020 18:18:47
Recovery can take 3-6 weeks for serious cases. This is what makes high hospitalisation numbers so worrying.
[email protected]
08 March 2020 18:19:18

We have stockpiled a month’s worth of supplies and that includes toilet rolls. We are working on the basis that we might both contract Covid-19 consecutively meaning four weeks of self isolation.

Does this make me a moron?

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

So let's get this right. Your stockpile will remain untouched until you might contract the virus? If you contract the virus then you will tap into your stockpile?

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
08 March 2020 18:21:04

Recovery can take 3-6 weeks for serious cases. This is what makes high hospitalisation numbers so worrying.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Yes and most of them need mechanical ventilation. If things turn really bad, I imagine doctors might have to ration the use of ventilators, essentially deciding who lives and who dies. Let'd hope we don't get there.

08 March 2020 18:21:19


So let's get this right. Your stockpile will remain untouched until you might contract the virus? If you contract the virus then you will tap into your stockpile?

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Why would you need to top up a stockpile if you haven't eaten into it in the period between buying it and needing it?

[email protected]
08 March 2020 18:22:38


Yes and most of them need mechanical ventilation. If things turn really bad, I imagine doctors might have to ration the use of ventilators, essentially deciding who lives and who dies. Let'd hope we don't get there.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

They are already talking in Italy of choosing those with the best chance of survival when it comes to treatment.

[email protected]
08 March 2020 18:25:13

 They are already talking in Italy of choosing those with the best chance of survival when it comes to treatment.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Same in Wuhan, it was a combination of age and chance of survival. Again though we might never reach that stage.

Justin W
08 March 2020 18:27:09


So let's get this right. Your stockpile will remain untouched until you might contract the virus? If you contract the virus then you will tap into your stockpile?

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Yes - have you spotted some kind of flaw in my plan?

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
08 March 2020 18:28:40


Why would you need to top up a stockpile if you haven't eaten into it in the period between buying it and needing it?

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Because I reckon that is what a lot of people are doing. They are

a) buying boat loads but aren't truely stockpiling it. ie keeping a reserve. They will use up what they bought.

b) people seeing others doing it and are panicking what if it runs out so they buy more as well not because they are stockpiling.

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Brian Gaze
08 March 2020 18:29:11
The death rate in Italy could approach 25%. All governments should be looking at what is happening. Is it a different mutation of the Corona or are Caucasian people more vulnerable to it.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
The Beast from the East
08 March 2020 18:30:51


Yes and most of them need mechanical ventilation. If things turn really bad, I imagine doctors might have to ration the use of ventilators, essentially deciding who lives and who dies. Let'd hope we don't get there.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

So many have died in Iran because of the lack of ventilators thanks to sanctions.

We wont have enough here anyway if and when this takes hold properly. So the laws of nature will apply.

"The strong survive, the weak will perish" - the mantra of Species 8472. (Star Trek reference!)


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
08 March 2020 18:33:34

The death rate in Italy could approach 25%. All governments should be looking at what is happening. Is it a different mutation of the Corona or are Caucasian people more vulnerable to it.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I think they smoke a lot and are weakened after a lifetime of manual labour, that's all. More middle class pensioners probably have a higher survival rate


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
08 March 2020 18:35:24


I think they smoke a lot and are weakened after a lifetime of manual labour, that's all. More middle class pensioners probably have a higher survival rate


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

It's happening in one of Europe's richest regions. Their smoking rate may be a little higher but not much. In addition they have a healthier diet on average and live longer than Brits. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
08 March 2020 18:36:23

Is it a different mutation of the Corona or are Caucasian people more vulnerable to it.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Clearly neither.

The Beast from the East
08 March 2020 18:36:36


Yes - have you spotted some kind of flaw in my plan?

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Are you seriously going to self isolate?

If I get ill, I am not going to seek any help or ask for a test. I will carry on as normal

Stockpiling is fine, if you believe there is going to be long term supply issues. That could well be the case post Brexit

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
08 March 2020 18:37:58


It's happening in one of Europe's richest regions. Their smoking rate may be a little higher but not much. In addition they have a healthier diet on average and live longer than Brits. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I thought most of those affected were poorer people in the small towns? 



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
08 March 2020 18:38:41

 If I get ill, I am not going to seek any help or ask for a test. I will carry on as normal

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Why not self isolate if you get it? Unless you deliberately want to infect your pub mates.


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