It's a tricky situation and just thinking about my own school, we have many more staff than mainstream primaries and obviously much fewer children. Whenever an illness does the rounds it sweeps through school - before Christmas we had nearly half of the school off sick with a combination of flu and norovirus.
Most of our children have no understanding of hygiene issues and at the same time most of them require much more physical contact than would be seen in a mainstream school. Most of our kids can't transition from one place to another without holding hands, they can bite, scratch, kick, spit in your face, cough and sneeze all over you, climb on you, many are still in nappies etc.
At the same time on one of our two sites there is a section of school where many of the children have underlying health issue and these children mix freely with others when not in class. Maybe he sensible thing would be to close the school but then what would the parents do?
Do we wait till we have a confirmed case, do we carry on till we drop. I have no idea what's for the best.
Originally Posted by: Northern Sky